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  1. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    Good lord - why can’t they just leave the Diana’s with classy colours instead of LGTPQRTQSWTT’m up? Horrendous.
  2. potkettleblack

    HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread

    If you mean sibilance as No glare or shoutiness?
  3. potkettleblack

    HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread

    I have zero issues with the HD800S on every setup I’ve heard it on, so if they’re ~800S I’ll be completely fine for reference.
  4. potkettleblack

    HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread

    Would love as many honest impressions on the shoutiness, sibilance of the Stealths please guys. I’m very close to pushing the button and this is stopping me. I’ve read through a lot of reviews and it ranges from the extreme of simply nobody mentioning them/saying there isn’t any, to the complete...
  5. potkettleblack

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Hi does anybody know how to safely clean the outer grills of the cups on the HD800? The sensitive part.
  6. potkettleblack

    Audeze LCD-X

    Any recent impressions of the LCD X? I owned it back in 2015 and it was so, so good. I might be looking to get it again later this year. It was heavy, cumbersome and I couldn't wear it longer than 1 hot but it was worth it. I liked everything part from the withdrawn mids- and even those didn't...
  7. potkettleblack

    Audeze LCD-X

    I can say that IFI idsd (original) sounds great with the LCD X
  8. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    The original ether had square ear pads on the inside if I remember correctly. Were the spaces just too small for you? It will be a few months until I can hear these and I'm genuinely curious whether they will suit my head and ears based on some of these comments. I also have no idea what to...
  9. potkettleblack

    Focal Elear - Impressions Thread

    Feels good to find an inanimate object to channel your misery into doesn't it. I've been there.
  10. potkettleblack

    Sennheiser HD820

    Am I the only one who has a problem with the HD800 headband? I'm glad they changed the earpads, they look great, but my god the headband is so unforgiving, I get a hotspot every time I've ever used a HD800. For those interested in the new earpads theres a seller on eBay that sells a cheaper...
  11. potkettleblack

    Sennheiser HD820

    Thanks for the impressions. I understand that the technology involved in this is very high-end and it is very difficult to match an open-back. But for a closed-back HD800 - which is basically what they are selling it as - to have a soundstage as expansive as the Utopia, is really bad news imo.
  12. potkettleblack

    Sennheiser HD820

    ''They sound bass light to me'' - Tyll Hertsens
  13. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    Can somebody confirm the price of these in the U.S? I thought they were $3k which would be around £2.2k in the U.K but I've seen them the Audio Affair site for £3.5k?!? I understand there are important costs but that's what I paid for the AB-1266! I may have to shift target to the Focal Clear.
  14. potkettleblack

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 820

    I'd be very interested to see these go up against the Diana and the Clear in the near future.
  15. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    @FastAndClean Did you get the brown Diana? I'm looking forward to more opinions.
  16. potkettleblack

    Focal Clear headphones

    Part of me does love Tyll scorning manufactures a little and pointing out the value for money of their products, or lack there of. But his vendetta over the last year seems to have gone a little too far imo. The main reason I think this is because the genre capabilities of headphones plays no...
  17. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    Low level detail during the music, really. Musicians scratching their testicles, the sound of panties landing on the stage, Jimmy Page sniffing cocaine in between strums; all the stuff less analytical headphones would not pick up on. Thanks for the quick reply, though. I think I now know less...
  18. potkettleblack

    Focal Clear headphones

    I wanted to say that the recent Focal line are a little too heavy for me, but now I'm in fear of being neck shamed.
  19. potkettleblack

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    Hi Beagle, Just taken a look at the list of headphones you own. How would you say the detail retrieval of the Diana compares with the HD800?
  20. potkettleblack

    Focal Elear and Utopia Review / Preview With Measurements - Head-Fi TV

    Mate if you're happy then you're happy. I personally found the bass to be lacking that kind of music. In isolation I'm sure I'd get on with it just fine but once compared to whats available I'd find myself always wanting more thump and quantity I think. Edit: this is one thing that bothers me...
  21. potkettleblack

    Focal Elear and Utopia Review / Preview With Measurements - Head-Fi TV

    If you're looking for a headphone to use for edm and rock I don't think you should be looking at the Utopia. Technically superior but with those genres it'll be about as appealing as the stock 800. For rock and EDM the most enjoyable I've personally used was the LCD 3c, LCD X, Abyss and perhaps...
  22. potkettleblack

    The Stax Thread III

  23. potkettleblack

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Reading the above is like finding out the ex I'm still in love with is now pleasuring another man.   (m17xr2b is the guy I sold my Abyss to)