Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!
Dec 29, 2017 at 4:52 PM Post #676 of 7,510
But I would describe the Diana as not having a particular identifiable character. It does not act as a filter, shaping or contouring music to a certain form....it doesn't put its own stamp on everything. It's a revelation to me in headphone listening, hearing the particular character of each recording.

I thought the Utopia was similar in that respect. You can have headphones that just play the music naturally or analytically, and both are true to the recording in their own way. My ultimate would definitely be on the natural side.
Dec 29, 2017 at 10:00 PM Post #679 of 7,510
That's a wonderful way to sum it up! I'm still only interested in the AB-1266 Phi, but that's great to know.


I think even you yourself, on a number of occasions would have said that it was naive to automatically attribute higher cost as being "better" (or more subjectively enjoyable), so why write off a headphone just because it's not that company's flagship? There's nothing to say that you won't like the Diana better than the phi. (someone has already mentioned their preference for diana over the phi earlier in the thread). Same as some people prefer the 007 to the 009, or a $15 headphone, to, well almost everything... If I said I wouldn't try your porta pro's because I am only interested in Koss's flagship headphones, I'm sure you'd call me out on that...
Dec 29, 2017 at 10:05 PM Post #680 of 7,510
I think even you yourself, on a number of occasions would have said that it was naive to automatically attribute higher cost as being "better" (or more subjectively enjoyable), so why write off a headphone just because it's not that company's flagship? There's nothing to say that you won't like the Diana better than the phi. (someone has already mentioned their preference for diana over the phi earlier in the thread). Same as some people prefer the 007 to the 009, or a $15 headphone, to, well almost everything... If I said I wouldn't try your porta pro's because I am only interested in Koss's flagship headphones, I'm sure you'd call me out on that...

All the information out there indicates that the Phi is the superior headphone. I would still like to hear the Diana, regardless.

I never said I preferred the KTXPRO1 over "almost everything"; I said I often reached for it even when I owned four figure headphones.

I dislike the Porta Pro.

And no, you are free to be interested in and listen to whatever you like.
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Dec 30, 2017 at 10:06 PM Post #681 of 7,510
Back to the sound, I am really noticing how much the Diana tells me about amps/source etc. It seems to neither add nor subtract anything from the signal, yet does not sound bland nor boring. Cliched as it may be, I do hear new details in stuff I've heard hundreds of times.

Hi Beagle,

Just taken a look at the list of headphones you own. How would you say the detail retrieval of the Diana compares with the HD800?
Dec 30, 2017 at 10:50 PM Post #683 of 7,510
Hi Beagle,

Just taken a look at the list of headphones you own. How would you say the detail retrieval of the Diana compares with the HD800?
I don't know what detail is. I know that I think I'm hearing everything in proper perspective, no more no less. I know the HD800 exaggerates the soundstage width and treble so right off the bat I can't compare.
Dec 30, 2017 at 11:26 PM Post #684 of 7,510
I don't know what detail is. I know that I think I'm hearing everything in proper perspective, no more no less. I know the HD800 exaggerates the soundstage width and treble so right off the bat I can't compare.

Low level detail during the music, really. Musicians scratching their testicles, the sound of panties landing on the stage, Jimmy Page sniffing cocaine in between strums; all the stuff less analytical headphones would not pick up on. Thanks for the quick reply, though. I think I now know less than what I did to begin with. Happy New Year.
Dec 31, 2017 at 12:03 PM Post #685 of 7,510
Dec 31, 2017 at 12:13 PM Post #686 of 7,510
Still want to like em but not enough info yet. Wasn’t looking for an on the go hp, but maybe I do. Don’t need the 800S/ utopia/ Diana trade off.....
Dec 31, 2017 at 12:37 PM Post #688 of 7,510
Read the 800s impression thread, it seems that senns gold standard hasnt gone anywhere. Lots and lots of cross ownership keeps coming back to 800s. Granted i now realize all hp are tradeoffs and preference.
Dec 31, 2017 at 12:41 PM Post #689 of 7,510
As far as "detail" goes, I'd say the Diana seems to provide the overall best in the full frequency range of all the headphones I've used. 95% of music resides in the midrange so if you get that right, you've mostly OK. DIana does that well and also makes a natural dynamic bass. It's top end is an enhancement, a "finishing touch" of the mid and does not call attention to itself.

It's more enjoyable to listen to than to talk about, but that's why we're here...
Dec 31, 2017 at 1:01 PM Post #690 of 7,510
Read the 800s impression thread, it seems that senns gold standard hasnt gone anywhere. Lots and lots of cross ownership keeps coming back to 800s. Granted i now realize all hp are tradeoffs and preference.

I am sure though that Sennheiser will up its game in 2018, perhaps with the new closed back coming (820). I also read somewhere on the forum of Sennheiser filing for a patent on planar magnetic technology. No doubt they will wow the audiophile crowd again like they did when the HD800 first came out. Competition from Focal and the boutique companies like Abyss is always a good thing.

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