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  1. Taurui

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    I have both HD-25-1 II and the DT1990 and yes, I would agree, the sound is "kind of" similar. The DT1990 does go a bit deeper with more pronounced textured bass while at the same time offering more detail, instrument separation and soundstage. Hm, I just made it sound like a completely different...
  2. Taurui

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Hi, on another forum I saw this statement regarding Beyerdynamic amplifiers: "The beyerdynamic amps will make the beyer-headphones sound better, because they have an 80 or 100 ohm output impedance. This will soften the "beyer peak" and make the headphones sound warmer." Can anyone confirm this...
  3. Taurui

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    My DAC should be fine :) but thanks for the amp recommendations! Edit: Actually.. will any of these really be an improvement over my porta corda mk2?
  4. Taurui

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Hey everyone :) I recently joined the club of DT1990 owners - currently amp'd by a porta corda v2 and fed by a Violectric V800 DAC. So far, I really really like them - but I can't decide which pads I should use. When I use one, I miss the characteristics of the other. Really a two-sided coin ...
  5. Taurui

    Recommend new headphones to an old head-fier ;)

    Thank you for the response - thanks to you, I looked into the very good comparison between the Amiron and the DT1990 on this board. I think, based on my preferences, I would probably prefer the 1990 :) But maybe I can find a place nearby where I can listen to both...
  6. Taurui

    Recommend new headphones to an old head-fier ;)

    ...Time to upgrade, after such a long time! :-) Current Equipment: Violectric V800 DAC, Meier Porta Corda Mk2 headphone amp, Beyerdynamic DT531 *groovalizers* :) For outdoors, I use HD25-1 II with the custom cans cable and modding kit I used to have the AKG K701 but found them too uncomfortable...
  7. Taurui

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Ok, nevermind, ordered the custom cans cable along with the damping mod kit... ;)
  8. Taurui

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Hey guys - got the Oyaide replacement cable 2 years ago, loved it... but half a year ago, the angled connector started making intermittant contacts. Replaced it with a neutrik one, now the cable itself produces dropouts. Heavily disappointed with how "long" it lasted........ Any recommendations...
  9. Taurui

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Thanks for the recommendation, ordered a red Oyaide cable :) looking forward to it!
  10. Taurui

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    My HD-25-1 II cable is slowly losing connection (as usual, connector problems). Is there anything cheaper than the BTG Midnight I could replace the original cable with, which would still give me a better sounding set of cans? :)
  11. Taurui

    ARRIVED: new Rega DAC

    Quote:   So we're all going to directly listen to 1's and 0's in 2 or 3 years and decode the information ourselves ? Awesome !
  12. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Ok, so yesterday I had a final comparison of the V800 against the Rega DAC. System I used was a friends' system: Accuphase Stereoblock, Preamp and CDP and B&W 802D speakers (amazing system!).   We did lots of comparisons with different settings of each DAC and compared it also to the...
  13. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Nope, still not liking the "BEST" Resampling option. Especially with complex rock music, e.g. Porcupine Tree "Deadwing" with lots of intersecting passages, "BEST" seems to wash out detail, take away the fast nature especially with drum beats that lose their "snap", reduces instrument...
  14. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    I did some experiments with the Resample option today and I might have turned it down too early - although I really think that it alters the sound in a way I might never get accustomed to. Maybe I'm so familiar to the "Redbook-Sound" that I think everything beyond that is wrong, at least with...
  15. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Yeah, I also read the Concero Review andI think it's pretty interesting, but I couldn't find any german dealer for it. And the JK stuff seems to be USB only - and I really need Coax and Toslink, too :)
  16. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Ok, some notes from my comparison of the Rega DAC vs. V800. First note: I hate the resampling done by the V800, it unnecessarily smoothes the music and makes it sound unnatural. Turned it to "off" all the time after listening for a few hours... Ok, now:   Setup: USB -> DAC -> Porta...
  17. Taurui

    ARRIVED: new Rega DAC

    Ok, you've got to be kidding me: While the V800 doesn't have any problems locking into the SPDIF output of my computer, the Rega DAC seems to be quite a pain ... I connected it to my computer - nothing, input not locked. While experimenting around, I found that the "Input locked" would come up...
  18. Taurui

    ARRIVED: new Rega DAC

    Hey guys, just checking in. I'm currently comparing 2 DACs here, one of which I'm going to send back: The Rega DAC (obviously) and the Violectric V800. In an earlier post, the Rega DAC came out as clear winner - and, of course, in the Violectric V800 thread, it's the other way round.  ...
  19. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Just got mine - how much do you think it needs burn-in?
  20. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Ok, I just ordered both - I'm going to use one of them with my "Mid-Fi" speaker system. Let's see which one goes back to the dealer :) Got the Rega for 580 Euro, the Violectric for 980 ... gonna be a toughie, I'm sure!
  21. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Anyone ever compared it to the Rega DAC?
  22. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Still noone has really anwered the question what "Lifting the ground" means :/
  23. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Can anyone please explain what "Lifting grounds" means? Electronic english isn't my native language :-) On a side note, does that even matter if the V800 isn't used with the V200?
  24. Taurui

    Review: Violectric V800 DAC

    Quote:   Thanks a lot for your conclusion, this is very helpful as I'm looking at both DACs right now, and your opinion makes the scale tip in favor of the V800 (it's easier to get in germany, too!). But keep us updated, maybe you'll change your opinion :) Just one question: How picky...
  25. Taurui

    Yulong Sabre D18 thread: reviews, impressions, discussion (full review added 2/5)

    Ok, seems that I won't get the Yulong. Oh well. Easier to decide then - it's either the Musical Fidelity M1 or the Schiit Gungnir then :) depending on what I want to spend on it!