Review: Violectric V800 DAC
Apr 9, 2013 at 12:00 AM Post #422 of 847
Personally I tried just to see and lifted the ground on the XLR and it sounded way too bright.  
I believe everyone when their referring to lifting the ground has to do with the case grounding and not the XLR grounding.
Apr 9, 2013 at 5:31 PM Post #423 of 847
Ok, some notes from my comparison of the Rega DAC vs. V800.
First note: I hate the resampling done by the V800, it unnecessarily smoothes the music and makes it sound unnatural. Turned it to "off" all the time after listening for a few hours...
Ok, now:
USB -> DAC -> Porta Corda Mk2 -> AKG K701
Here, the V800 absolutely stomps the Rega DAC: The V800 is much more transparent and neutral (obviously) and the "warmth" and musicality that is usually attributed to the Rega just sounds ... dull to me.
Actually, the toe-tapping mostly happens with the V800 cause it's much faster and makes drums and percussion snap more.
On a side-note: For some reason, the Rega doesn't work with the optical out on my sound card (except if I turn the output off and on again, then it locks on) while the V800 doesn't have any problem whatsoever...
Setup 2:
Some DVD-Player Coax -> DAC -> Accuphase E-212 -> Canton Ergo RC-L
Since the Accuphase is a little on the lean side, the "warmth" of the Rega actually helps the system a bit. It accentuates voices (they're louder but more muffled) and brings more body to some instruments (cause it's got more upper bass).
Still, the V800 just plays effortlessly and transparent, you can focus on every instrument, every musician and once again, it's so much faster with percussion instruments, it's not even funny.
So, bottom line with 2 days of comparison: Except for one acoustic guitar piece on my speaker system, I liked the V800 better with every recording so far. And that's not just because of the detail level, I really had more fun listening cause the Rega made it much harder to focus and listening became tedious.
I really really wanted to like the Rega as it's 400 Euro less expensive ... but I'm not sure if I can buy it and be happy now that I've had the comparison to the V800 :frowning2:
I know that this is the wrong thread to ask, but: The V800 is still much more expensive than I originally wanted to spend, is there anything on the market that's cheaper but still so darn good?
Apr 10, 2013 at 1:56 AM Post #424 of 847
Yeah, I also read the Concero Review andI think it's pretty interesting, but I couldn't find any german dealer for it. And the JK stuff seems to be USB only - and I really need Coax and Toslink, too :)
Apr 10, 2013 at 10:55 AM Post #425 of 847
Ok, some notes from my comparison of the Rega DAC vs. V800.

Aside from your dislike of the resampling option (which I find to be essential for getting the most out of the V800) I completely agree with your impressions and the comparison to the Rega DAC. I feel bad because the Rega is a great sounding DAC on its own, but I'm always trashing it in comparison to the better stuff out there. 
Unfortunately there isn't anything I can think of to save you money yet sound as good as V800. 
Apr 10, 2013 at 4:39 PM Post #426 of 847
I did some experiments with the Resample option today and I might have turned it down too early - although I really think that it alters the sound in a way I might never get accustomed to.
Maybe I'm so familiar to the "Redbook-Sound" that I think everything beyond that is wrong, at least with records that I know well :)
Oh well, time will tell!
Apr 11, 2013 at 5:57 AM Post #427 of 847
I agree. I compared both REGA and Bechmark DAC 1 and V800 turned out to be so viel besser.
Get the V800 and be happy with it. Over time the price difference is so minuscule.
Apr 14, 2013 at 9:08 AM Post #430 of 847
Nope, still not liking the "BEST" Resampling option.
Especially with complex rock music, e.g. Porcupine Tree "Deadwing" with lots of intersecting passages, "BEST" seems to wash out detail, take away the fast nature especially with drum beats that lose their "snap", reduces instrument separation ...
Maybe for classical&jazz, I will try Resample, but for Rock, "Off" is just better!
Apr 14, 2013 at 9:48 AM Post #431 of 847
Nope, still not liking the "BEST" Resampling option.
Especially with complex rock music, e.g. Porcupine Tree "Deadwing" with lots of intersecting passages, "BEST" seems to wash out detail, take away the fast nature especially with drum beats that lose their "snap", reduces instrument separation ...
Maybe for classical&jazz, I will try Resample, but for Rock, "Off" is just better!

But.... it is called BEST.... how can it not be the BEST? 
Seriously, use whatever you like most, and be happy! 
Apr 14, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #432 of 847
I can't hear any difference.  I'm pretty much coming to the conclusion that I have lo-fi hearing.  Which isn't going to stop me from pouring all my resources into head-fi equipment!  
I don't need to hear the difference as long as I believe it's there.  Somewhere.  :)
Apr 14, 2013 at 1:42 PM Post #433 of 847
i did a quick blind test just for fun, and i couldn't securely tell which rs setting was playing, redbook flac rips spdif/usb v800 v200 t1,
what i could definitely tell is how all of my cans sounds amazing from the combo

been away from home for more than 3 weeks now, ve se530 and mdr-1r with me, but no proper headamp... ve a nice stereo speakers setup but there is always someone around or sleeping
cant wait to get back to my headgear setup
Apr 15, 2013 at 4:24 AM Post #434 of 847
Nope, still not liking the "BEST" Resampling option.
Especially with complex rock music, e.g. Porcupine Tree "Deadwing" with lots of intersecting passages, "BEST" seems to wash out detail, take away the fast nature especially with drum beats that lose their "snap", reduces instrument separation ...
Maybe for classical&jazz, I will try Resample, but for Rock, "Off" is just better!

Have you tried to switch it to "1x"?? it seems to reclock the DAC and it is fine than "off".
Apr 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM Post #435 of 847
Hey guys I just received my v800. Even with usb cable they sent to me, the sound is a great improvement on my system.
just in case you've seen what used to be in this reply, I solved the problem somehow so that volume control thing doesn't bother me anymore now.
Anyway, what interface do you guys use? I was just thinking maybe I should get something like 'M2tech hiface'.. Any other recommendations?

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