ZMF Grado Headphones : Pad Mod Review
Feb 8, 2022 at 1:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 5, 2013
The : USA


Im sure that the Grado Fans are going to find out about this ZMF pad mod, and most already know about it.
I have it, so, i thought i would just give You a few insights, in case you want to try it.

I ZMF Pad Modded my RS-1X

Its about a 2 min Mod if you take your time.

The mod is very simple to install. Its 2 thin support foam pads that work as the foundation, and you install the actual ZMF Pads on/over them.
No gluing.
Everything is created to retro-fit, and its a good mod. It executes well, it fits nicely....very easy to install.

Now .
If you are a Grado fan, then you know that the Grado sound is, upper Midrange focus + Treble energy.
This is the Grado Sound.
And depending on the model, some of them offer more or less bass......but, Grado's are not designed for bass heads or bass lovers. They are designed to be Sonic MIcroscope's..
So, when the ZMF Pad mod is applied, then the physics of the Grado sound is modified, as now you have a true cup vs something that sits on your ears or in the case of the larger pads.....a larger space.
The ZMF mod is creating a Grado to have a traditional "cup" experience... from which the sound is finessed and somewhat constrained into a more familiar tone and sound.

Let me say first that the comfort is obviously much improved vs any of the small Grado pads. I would say that its equal in comfort to the Large Grado pads,

The Grado Drivers are still allowed close proximity to your ear canal, if you use the BEYERDYNAMIC Pad Mod, which is what im using

Now the question is......... does the Grado Sound remain ????, .....and how does it work inside a more typical geometric shaped headphone cup?

Well, the Grado sound, inside the ZMF Beyer Pad Mod, for the most part, is allowed to flourish.
The main changes are regarding the perception of the Bass, and also there is a relaxing of any sonic harshness, overall.
A dose of neutrality is introduced and a touch of richness is also now a part of the ZMF Grado " Modded sound".

Bottom line.. : If you like the Grado sound, then the ZMF Beyer Mod continues it, but refines it somewhat.... by creating more soundstage, more low end, and a touch of richness and neutrality, but not at the expense of losing the Grado Sound. Your ZMF Modded Grado's will still sound mostly : "airy" "detailed" "articulate".
The ZMF Mod is a well designed mod and the appreciable FR changes its going to make to your 50MM Drivers ONLY, as that is the size its designed to retro-fit,... is strictly going to vary....... based on the Grado Model you own.

Final Analysis : The main asset the ZMF Mod is going to ofter to your Grado Listening Experience, is a more overall :
= Balanced Sound.

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Feb 12, 2022 at 5:09 PM Post #5 of 22
This is so sick! I got the grado adapter coming on the way but with different pads because I was planning on trying the ovals on my 4xx and my sennheisers, they would be huge on the grados but maybe I'll try it when they arrive! I was really wondering on those beyer pads, since I don't own any beyer dynamic stuff I never grabbed pads that size.

I wanted to order wood cups first but maybe I'll do more pads. The stock sr80e foam pads make me itch hard on long sessions.
Feb 13, 2022 at 3:05 AM Post #6 of 22
The Grado adapter I received from ZMF is fantastic. Since of course it means we can use ZMF pads. I have absolutely no doubt that a co-operative effort will soon be coming forth (okay a little doubt but more hope!).

If not we can do it ourselves thanks to ZMF deciding to make it's advanced pad technology available to the third world of headphone pad manufacturers. Ah, those poor Brooklynites in their damp, smelly basements :)

The tech is not perfect. For the plasticky Prestige series, the pads are about 2-3 mm larger than the driver housing. For the Hemp limited woody, about 1-2 mm smaller. But they fit without much fussing. If these start to sell in quantity, ZMF may want to dial in the fit as the different Grado have different diameters. But don't wait, they work for now!

They feel great. I wouldn't say they are superior to Grado's steel wool series of pads, but personally I find them preferable with respect to comfort. YMMVlol.

Sorry Grado. But they dropped the ball. Every other headphone company is expanding the line and IMPROVING THE LINE while Grado sits quietly with the sad excuse that manufacturing in Brooklyn is stuck in the 1920s.

Hate to call out my homies but facts are facts. Which is not to say they have not improved at the margins, especially with the build quality and the use of better materials. But with a competitor outdoing Grado for five bucks, perhaps they'll finally take a fresh look at their line. Better pads on their totl would have ensured them at least one more sale. Now, I'm set with my 60x and Ori or my Hemp and Beyer lamb perf pad.

How do they sound? More bass, more space.

The Sr 60x with a pair of Ori lamb solid on your ears is an experience like no other. Recommended! Larger ZMF suede pads (could we number these by size instead of name them?) kill the space and thump the bass.

With the Hemp/ori lamb you get more bass and a larger sense of space. But again, the bass can get thumpy with too much upper bass and not enough deep bass ... not surprising as Grado roll off pretty high. You lose the fast, energetic Grado sound. Sometimes this combination works, but going back to the normal pads seems more natural. The Grado pads don't sound as big, but depending on the mix, the ZMF stage can lack coherence and the instruments feel too far apart.

I recommend people who have Grado or who are ZMF curious give these a try. I really want to get a pair of the Fostex / pad combo ZMF has and see how that works!
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Feb 13, 2022 at 7:34 AM Post #7 of 22
thanks so much inmytaxi! seriously you answered A lot of my questions. I'm still torn on the Ori or the Beyers for my grados. The Oris I'm pretty sure I can get to fit on my hifimans also. I have an Sr80e which I LOVE but it has the crappy thin head band and the crappy wire compared to the sr80x or even the sr60x so I ordered a new heavy duty headband and the aluminum blocks. I haven't ordered the woody cups yet (tho I kind of want aluminum) and I have some mmcx connectors left over from when I modded my kph30is that I want to put in my grados so I can cable swap when I want.

Which pads do you prefer the ori or the beyers? Also if anyone has done the woody or steel or aluminum mod, how much does the sound change?
Feb 14, 2022 at 12:55 PM Post #8 of 22
I think the Beyers makes a more neutral presentation so I would start there unless you want to maximize bass. I prefer the Grado as made, despite my rant I love their headphones and their cartridges for their SOUND ... a little fun bass is great and I could see using it as a GAMING headphone with the ORI? and a podcasting headphone with the beyer if a little awkward for that retro vibe in the studio. But I bought Grado headphones most of all for that quickness and lightness they have, and of course these take away from that. Absolutely a positive addition to my Grado stash!
Jan 16, 2023 at 11:54 AM Post #10 of 22
Feb 2, 2023 at 1:16 PM Post #12 of 22
I agree with your review after putting a pair on my GH1.

I also have a pair of GH1's. I'm curious to know how the sound changed with this mod?
Feb 2, 2023 at 4:58 PM Post #13 of 22
My Grado is my go to headphone. Not my best, but my #1.

And the pads I use are the perf lambskin Beyer ZMF made substitutes.

For serious music listening, I move over to a different amp and swap out the pads.

Kinda wish ZMF would start doing removable cable mods, and use my pair as the web site example for photographs and ads. Maybe I get a little discount that way?

I would love a set of Verite cables on my Grado.
Feb 5, 2023 at 6:29 PM Post #15 of 22
Just ordered the ZMF Grado Adapter with the Beyer perforated lambskin pads to try on my RS-1x.

Thanks go to @FullBright1 and @inmytaxi for the suggestions and reviews.
I'd be interested to hear what you think once you get them, thinking about trying this on my GH-1's.

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