ZMF Aegis Official Thread
Jun 11, 2024 at 11:22 AM Post #1,306 of 2,177
I'm lucky, my boss works from home most days :) And most of my work is just routine stuff I can do half asleep, so i've gotten really good at getting my work done while still enjoying music pretty intently. I do have those days though where music tends to dominate my time... shhhhhhhh don't tell
.... just use closed-back headphones, or you will be outed & ousted .... 😟
Jun 11, 2024 at 11:40 AM Post #1,308 of 2,177
In terms of VFM/PPR, how high does the Aegis jump? I mean, Envy capable or are we talking lower? Sorry for the provocative question to some
Jun 11, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #1,309 of 2,177
Finally got the Aegis to work. Makes my 9 hours in the office quite enjoyable.
The Tube Gods have noted your dedication, and henceforth you will have their bountiful blessings.
Jun 11, 2024 at 1:44 PM Post #1,310 of 2,177
Finally got the Aegis to work. Makes my 9 hours in the office quite enjoyable.
Wow! What kind of workplace is that, that you can keep a whopper/beautiful amp like this in plain sight w/o it getting swiped?
Jun 11, 2024 at 1:49 PM Post #1,313 of 2,177
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Jun 11, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #1,315 of 2,177
Wow! What kind of workplace is that, that you can keep a whopper/beautiful amp like this in plain sight w/o it getting swiped?
I'm lucky my dept (accounting) has a small side office apart from the main corp office, but in the same center. There's only 3 of us in here, and no one really comes down here, so i'm pretty comfortable leaving it. Also the one facility guy who works here is an older guy who's really nice, he cleans up after hours and I trust him. Plus i doubt he could lift this chunker! haha

My office:

Jun 11, 2024 at 3:12 PM Post #1,317 of 2,177
Does anyone know if the 53KU rectifier is safe to use in the Aegis? In my research, I read the reservoir capacitor should not exceed 16μF for this rectifier. Isn't the "reservoir capacitor" in the Aegis 22μF?
Jun 11, 2024 at 3:53 PM Post #1,318 of 2,177
Does anyone know if the 53KU rectifier is safe to use in the Aegis? In my research, I read the reservoir capacitor should not exceed 16μF for this rectifier. Isn't the "reservoir capacitor" in the Aegis 22μF?
I am under the impression that the 53KU is the same as a GZ37, of which is compatible.
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Jun 11, 2024 at 4:02 PM Post #1,319 of 2,177
I am under the impression that the 53KU is the same as a GZ37, of which is compatible.
I read it might be more like a GZ33 which isn't listed as compatible. There's a lot of conflicting info out there.
Jun 11, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #1,320 of 2,177
I am under the impression that the 53KU is the same as a GZ37, of which is compatible.

Well, in reading into this question, I became aware that GZ37 specs a 4uF input cap per its datasheet, similar to 274B, in which case it probably should be avoided. It will work, no problem, but it will be run on the harder side in Aegis and may reduce its life.

Meanwhile 53KU specs a 16uF input cap, which is probably fine. If going by the book, it is over spec.

If anyone can find alternate specs on GZ37, let me know, as I am working. If not, probably should take it off the compatibility list. That's an oversight on my part. If anyone bought a GZ37 based on the compatibility sheet, I'd be willing to purchase it from you as recompense.

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