Yuin PK1: Three strikes, Yuin is out. I'll never buy from them again.
May 13, 2010 at 12:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 36


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 14, 2009
I just got my Pk1s and I am very depressed.  They do not at all sound as amazing as anyone says they are and I really dont think they could change enough after burn in to merit AMAZING AWESOMENESS as the yuin fanboys claim it to have, being in another league from the pk2 and 3?  I dont think so. 
The pk2 and 3 were both huge letdowns to me, my Sennheiser MX580 that rivals the pk3 are just way nicer.  My Mx880s are not that much different from the 580s outside of a slightly more crisp sound in the highs and a lot more bass thump.  Currently my 880s are not anywhere near burnt in, only a few hours and they sound BETTER than the Pk1s and then some, and they are meant to rival the pk2 in price
the MX980s ive got are burnt in and holy crap amazing, the Pk1s will have to pull a miracle unlike ive never seen after burn in, absolute total change and a huge % increase in sound quality and bass, more than 100% Id say just to get into the league of the MX980s
how sad
Yuin:  Three strikes and you are out.  I'll never buy from you again.  My instincts were correct, Sennheiser never lets you down >.>
May 13, 2010 at 12:27 PM Post #3 of 36
It sounds like you are seeking something different.  Really it will come down to the particular sound characteristics you're shooting for.  You will never like every earphone.  I have only used a few Yuin products, the PK2, G2A, and G1A that my brother owns and the OK1 that I own.  I personally have been impressed with their products in the sense that they are well balanced and operate well.  How each product stacks up against other products, that's debatable.  I feel part of the Yuin fandom is based on the idea that Yuin largely tries to focus on making a pretty well balanced earphone, one that operates well across a wide range of music genres.  Some might be warm or bright, highly detailed or smooth, but I do find their products work well for a lot of music.
I've used a wide range of products including most of the top level universal IEMs.  Even from this standpoint, I can't call Yuin bad.  I've generally liked what the company made.  Simply certain products will favor certain personal tastes.  It all depends upon what you're looking for in terms of sound.
Did you use an amp with the PK1?
May 13, 2010 at 12:40 PM Post #4 of 36
Yes, I've tested with a few actually.  the ibasso D3, a T4 and a Cobra that my friends owns. 
They are near identical to the sennheiser MX580s in sound signature and performance. The only different is that the Pk1s are slightly, and I mean really slightly more clear.  Otherwise, they are very much the same.  The mx580s are $30.00 ne, the yuins around $150.  So yea...what the heck?  There is no way the pk1s will ever sound as good as the MX880 which is only 75$ new, and especially not the MX980 which is the same price as the Pk1.  
I am not surprised at all.  I expected them to be vastly inferior to the Sennheiser lineup.
May 13, 2010 at 3:06 PM Post #5 of 36
Maybe you should give the OK line a try.  If you're seeking greater accuracy, that's the direction you should have been heading.  I've owned my OK1 for a year and a half and still consider it one of the best earphones I've used despite trying out a LOT of other high end earphones in the mean time.
Really it will come down to what your own personal "ideal" is.  You are seeking a certain sound.  If a product isn't close to that, you simply won't be happy.  It also helps your case that you simply are not starting from crap.  Sennheiser is good about making quality sounding products even at the budget level.  The PK series seemed to be geared towards the fun side of things while the OK series is the more accurate/analytical side.
Also earbuds really don't get any real discussion on this forum.  Most folks go straight to IEMs or full sized cans.  Yuin gets talked about a lot because they are a unique product and were well hyped when they first came out.  For comparison, I've never seen a post outside of this one that even mentioned a Sennheiser earbud.  I wouldn't know they made any outside of visiting their website or assuming they'd at least have to have one model in their lineup just to have something in that format available.  Yuin has just been more "public" on the forum.
May 13, 2010 at 4:11 PM Post #6 of 36
Well you are all correct in me trying to find that sound, which happens to be in the Pk1 and yuin series, which is why I was swayed into the pk1s.  They are forward sounding and warm and punchy
I dont mean to say the PK1 are not good headphones, they are the 2nd best buds I've used outside of the sennheiser MX series. 
Its just that the MX580 is identical in sound presentation, forwardness, bass, punchyness, literally everything is near the same except is just not as clear as the Pk1.  But the Pk1 doesnt merit 5x the price.  The sennheiser MX880 is far superior to the PK1 at less than half the price.  The bass is just crazy good, separation is awesome, its crystal clear just like the Pk1s are, but separation is way nicer, its a significant difference in sound stage.  The 880s smash the pk1, and they are priced to match the Pk2s at like $75
But the MX980, which is Sennheisers call to the Pk1 is lightyears beyond and similarly priced.  I mean...err...why are people buying the pk1 is the MN580 is only 30$ and everything is nearly the same?  And the Mx880 is still cheaper and outperforms the Pk1s and then some....
I dont want to gloat, but I cant not say I told you so :\  My instincts were correct, thankfully I am a collector and may keep them, I may not.  I see no reason to keep them if the MX580 is almost identical.
May 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM Post #7 of 36
It's mainly because buds are largely overlooked.  You don't get much praise without hype to lure people to try them.  A good number of people on this forum has tried the PK1 or at least some Yuin product due to the hype.  Very, very few people have tried the MX980 because no one hypes their buds.  You just hear a lot about the IE7 and IE8, and that's it. 
May 13, 2010 at 6:22 PM Post #8 of 36
i agree with the OP.  Yuin's are a lot of hype.    Just sent back my OK2's  didnt live up to hype at all.    poor low end frequency output,  rolled off highs... too bad. :frowning2:
maybe if they cost $35 they would be ok, but still they simply dont have good frequency response.. how is that appealing to anyone?
$35 sennheiser px100 smoke them (and most other ultra portables) any day.
May 13, 2010 at 6:28 PM Post #9 of 36
I too didn't have much luck with Yuin PK1. It's not worth the asking price at all.
May 13, 2010 at 6:41 PM Post #10 of 36
I usually have bought and used many brands, as I had the opportunity and money to do so, and I always find that there is another brand that supersedes other, and that to the infinite, so, every brand here has been crapped and praised, this is an endless search to get nowhere.... you will hate the ones you love today, or love the ones you hate today, I am sure we all will do it, YES, to the benefit of every seller who sends any sample here to someone. Have you heard someone receiving a sample and say "this is crap"?  No, think about it. All is a matter of MONEY  $$$$$$
May 13, 2010 at 8:20 PM Post #12 of 36
Mxw2, your quote sig is the best ive ever seen, me and my dad make fun of that sean connery bit on snl all the time.  So funny.
well, I am shocked and appalled that people are not flocking to buy the Mx880s, they are seriously something special.  I am not sure why head fi doesnt brandish them as godly like the PK1s are regarded here.
Its just sad.  Really sad that so many experts claimed them something special.  I am not saying they are crap, crap compared to the sennheisers yes, but in general they are very good buds.  I am comparing them right now with the MX880 and i am just shocked at the difference. 
I actually do not want to keep my Mx980s in the same room as the Pk1s, it would soil their awesomeness.
I love the kick factor in the pk1, its low end isnt anything special and its near identical again to the MX580, inferior to the MX880.  I like their lightweight form fitting design, they are lighter than the sennheisers.  I guess i cannot blame people here for persuading me into buying the pk1s after I said the pk2 and 3 just epic fail in every way.  As the user above said, not many people have used anything better than the Pk1.
but ya, the moral of the story again is never distrust sennheiser, they rule :\
May 13, 2010 at 9:14 PM Post #13 of 36

but ya, the moral of the story again is never distrust sennheiser, they rule :\

LOL, so there are Yuin fanboys, and Senn fanboys on this forum as well!!
Hey, glad you like the Senn MX earbuds.  I like the MX-760 OK -- they aren't incredible, but good.  The PK3 was too mid-centric and laid back for me.  But I won't say they are bad -- they just aren't my preferred sound sig.
May 13, 2010 at 10:14 PM Post #15 of 36
Yes, I can give you the jist of it all right here and now
The Pk1 are lightweight and comfortable.  They are a warm set, very forward sounding.  They do everything nicely, and when people say its balanced, that statement is very true.  From lows to mids to highs, everything is very well done.  It is a very clear set of buds.  They are punchy only under heavy amping or with a sansa fuze ( powerful mp3 player ) on high volume, too high for listening IMO.  They lack the sparkle and kick without a good amp but play very well without an amp in my sansa fuze.
The MX980 are nothing like the PK1.  They are open and airy sounding, noticeably more distant sounding and not as forward in the mids and lows, they are not at all warm sounding.  So if you are looking for a fun set, get the Pk1, if you want audiophile grade quality, get the MX980.  However, the highs are in your face and clear as you've ever heard anything.  Their signature is very similar to grado.  People say its a sennheiser Hd595 replica, I disagree.  Its more like a Grado 225-325i in terms of presence and sound location, but I can see why peopel say its like the 595, in terms of sound quality, its somewhat similar.  Those highs on the grado are forward and piercing, the mids are decent and the bass is lacking heavily.  In this sense, the mx980s are similar.  They are great in the highs and mids, but lack that bass, and the highs are stunning...just stunning.  The Mx980s are not at all meant for bass experience.  If you were to compare them to the HD595, the similar thing would be its emphasis on highs and mids, and lack there of on Bass. 
The mx980s do not perform as well as the Pk1s unamped.  However, they still pack a great punch without an amp, at least with a fuze ( may be unfair to use the fuze as an example cuz its so powerful ).  When its amped, its a much higher quality experience than the Pk1s. 
The bass on the MX880 is thumping and much deeper than the Pk1-3, OK series, and all the MX series.  Its the only one with GOOD bass ( imo the most fun of any of them )
Did you mean you had the 580 or 880?  Ive never heard of a mx780
if you feel the 580 and 880 to be GOOD, you wont enjoy the Pk1 because the 580 is literally identical in sound and location to the PK1s minus some clarity, and the 880 is just an overall superior quality and much more fun bud
So to sum it up, the Pk1s are warm forward sounding well rounded buds, mids lows and highs are all nice, i feel it to lack bass but then again its not inner ear, the Mx980s are entry level audiophile grade buds with a great soundstage and separtion, emphasis on the mids and highs and heavily lacking bass but still pack a good kick.

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