Your first Headphone
May 28, 2008 at 11:27 PM Post #16 of 36
Countless bundled-in earbuds and supra-aural headphones that came with PCDPs and DAPs.

First introduction to quality headphones were a pair of used beyerdynamic DT880s (not the '05 version), which I bought from a vinyl nut who had way too much time and money on his hands for $200. I miss those headphones a lot. I wish I had never sold them, but I was out of work and rent was coming due and I couldn't sell anything else as quickly. =|
May 28, 2008 at 11:37 PM Post #18 of 36
First one's were some Shure e3c when I was 15. Mostly because I just had my birthday, and I just loved to listen to music.
May 28, 2008 at 11:41 PM Post #19 of 36
Sennheiser HD201, I gave them to my dad after I got my HD555s. Looking for a pair of Grado headphones for my next pair.

May 28, 2008 at 11:56 PM Post #20 of 36
The first pair of headphones I actually went out and bought were a pair of Koss UE-40s. Then a funny thing happened, and I went into CS:S and ran into a guy who said had bought his headphones for $250, and I mocked him for buying headphones for that much...
May 29, 2008 at 12:51 AM Post #21 of 36
I absolutely couldn't stand sticking anything in my ears (still can't somewhat) so when I managed to persuade my parents to spend on headphones for me, it was during a trip to our local and very reputable hi-fi dealer. My father always had good hi-fi (Rotel, Thorens, Luxman, Magnat, Paradigm and other gear) so we agreed on a pair of Quart 55X, which I have been using from my computer(s) and his hi-fi for over 15 years.
May 29, 2008 at 1:39 AM Post #25 of 36
I have just been getting into head-fi, and even though I have been into this kinda thing for a lot longer, I bought a pair of HD515's. I would loved to have gotten the HD555's, but the 515's aren't that bad at all. I was surprised that they sound pretty decent.
May 29, 2008 at 1:48 AM Post #26 of 36
Do ibuds count?

If not, then I think it was a crappy 1$ headset that came with a portable FM/AM player.

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