Your first eargasm?
Mar 14, 2009 at 11:18 PM Post #46 of 60
My first time was with unknown koss headphones plugged into an old yamaha natural sound CD player at my college's music library. The music was Rachmaninov's Piano concertos with Earl Wild as the sololist. I know right away i'm a headphone guy..... I can hear every detail in the music so I thought.

The second time was K501 after a couple years of using HD590.

My most recent eargasm was with my baby stax. So quick, sweet, warm and yet transparent.
Mar 14, 2009 at 11:30 PM Post #47 of 60
First would have to be MS1s on the X-Fi, but I didn't really get the full eargasm at first.. I amped them.... nothing..... Then I tried ASIO..... Bam, better soundstage, super transparent, fantastically warm rock'n headphones.... I don't even enjoy the Shure E500s that much
Mar 15, 2009 at 1:14 AM Post #49 of 60
I already responded with philosophy but a true eargasm I experienced is a few days after I had my Hales speaker's crossovers redone with better parts and I had replaced the stock tweeters with Seas Millennium tweeters , a few days into burn in when I wasn't particularly paying attention to much of anything my attentions were drawn to a sound from my system I had not expected, a sound that more than exciting but truly subliminal in that I would need a much better command of the english language to describe how I felt when all of a sudden the music became apparent not as background but as wow" I didn't know a sound system could sound like that" and the fact that it was my system in my own space was a realization that I definitely had more audio gear to experience that type of sound than I deserved relatively speaking. My entire life since childhood has been revolved around the sound system I was working on but when my rebuilt Hales started to make sound as they did a few days into the burn in process I truly experienced an eargasm when the sound is so good your entire body rushes from what can seem a very long time but could in reality be a note of maybe just a few seconds. When the music sounds good to the point you loose concept of time and it is heaven in the truest sense of the word as when you transcend the moment into sound a few seconds can be a life changing experience . To me I was stunned. at that moment I new joy for a few seconds, I new joy forever. It was intense and extremely addicting. I've since learnt as I mentioned earlier in this post that it's not so much the gear as it is the experience of the music. Good gear helps but is not absolutely necessary in the experience.
Often I've had these moments since and the systems varied from that of obscenely expensive to an am/fm clock radio. When in my music room and I experience this sensation I am usually left with a feeling of gratitude and it is those times I at least try to put things into perspective. I realize I have not mentioned anything that everyone at one time or another has experienced and I realize people reading this are probably thinking " who does this guy think he is?" I am just trying to express what most of us often experience. It just sounds corny when explained in words.
Mar 15, 2009 at 4:06 AM Post #50 of 60
Mine's with the SE530PTH with the Total Bithead(as DAC/amp) and my Laptop as the source... Song was Love and Happiness - The Coryells.

More recently every night... I've been having multiple eargasms with my Home Setup with the D7K. Hahaha...
Mar 15, 2009 at 4:48 AM Post #51 of 60

Originally Posted by Deulce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
of course
you should try it sometime.
it's better when ur drunk as hell too

religion ftw!
Mar 15, 2009 at 4:59 AM Post #52 of 60
A few previous experiences but the best one is with my new Rudistor RP010B and my balanced D7000.
Moon Audio Stay updated on Moon Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 15, 2009 at 7:10 AM Post #55 of 60

Originally Posted by centerfold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Probably when I went to the Bay-Bloor radio store and got to listen to the HD650's for the first time.

One day...

you have a chance to win a free HD650 if you reply in 10 minutes

if only...
Mar 15, 2009 at 7:54 AM Post #56 of 60
AD700...until I returned them for comfort issues.
Mar 15, 2009 at 8:38 AM Post #57 of 60
Comfort O_O!?....wait are you bald ;p?
Mar 15, 2009 at 8:45 AM Post #58 of 60
That's kind of a personal question isn't it?
Probably with my first "Hi-fi" setup, well at least Hifi for me so far ( Zero->MKV->AKG K701). Donald Fagen's "Morph The Cat" album.
Mar 15, 2009 at 8:55 AM Post #59 of 60
can't quite remember..i guess it was the first time i listened to my i audio7 player (a few years back i used only portable before i became series in the buisness) acompanied by a pmx200 senns

but with my currently home rig(see sig) the eargasmes got way better!
wait a minute...i think... i am getting one right now!
i always get one whan listening to the symphony x- v album in my home system. simply amazing.
Mar 15, 2009 at 11:12 AM Post #60 of 60
For me it was when I got to try the 3030system from stax. At least I think it was the 3030, could have been the 4040 as well with a very nice source. Cant remember that clearly either. Anyways, listening to Radiohead, discovering about 50% more of "Karma Police" just made me sit there dumbfound and confused. I never thought it was a possibility to discover that much more in a song.
I also put on some Björk, and it sounded amazing. Im still damaged from this experience, and Ive never had my Grado RS1s sound even remotely close to what I experienced that day.
I guess the only thing that could compare was my Sennheiser HE60s, but they came with the puniest amp ever, and I couldnt just cough up 3000ish usd for a hand-built amp at the time, so I had to let them go (to great joy for other headfiers, do mind.)

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