You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!
Apr 11, 2015 at 2:37 PM Post #5,012 of 6,113
Nyquist sampling theory states that 44.1 would be enough in the context of a perfect algorithm, which does not exist. Linear, and linear type algorithms create ghosting, and cubic, sinc and polysinc are still pretty far from perfect....

to give a more tangible example, using polysinc in hqplayer makes a difference, and what it does is upsample to 192khz. using the same file at 44.1khz in foobar will not sound as good. 

This can improove even more.

i was not able to hear a clear difference, but i heared hugo oversampling, and it made a huge difference. it should do the same thing as making everything hi-res. so, in theory this should be achieveable on computer too.

You can hear the difference between oversampled and non oversampled music. You're hearing a difference, not because of the file resolution, but because it's oversampled. Read about properly setting up an ABX test for testing between high res and redbook and they'll all say none of the music is oversampled.
Apr 11, 2015 at 2:39 PM Post #5,013 of 6,113
You can hear the difference between oversampled and non oversampled music. You're hearing a difference, not because of the file resolution, but because it's oversampled. Read about properly setting up an ABX test for testing between high res and redbook and they'll all say none of the music is oversampled.

Yeah, and when you convert a file to higher resolution, it also does nothing to change the sound. Something else is going on with this real-time resampling/upsampling/oversampling that makes it sound much better.
Apr 11, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #5,014 of 6,113
Yeah, and when you convert a file to higher resolution, it also does nothing to change the sound. Something else is going on with this real-time resampling/upsampling/oversampling that makes it sound much better.

okay. real time upsampling and oversampling does sound better.
i have no ideea if hdtracks or hi res music in general does, i never heared a difference.
Apr 12, 2015 at 10:56 AM Post #5,016 of 6,113
Lol upsampling does nothing. It's not like you're finding hidden sound when you upsample. Garbage in, garbage out.

It does create more samples and takes stress off the interpolation algorithm. This has real effects on how music sounds like. If you do not belive me, take a listen to chord hugo, which relies on these technologies. It sounds best of what i ever heared. The real question is if an algorithm that is so efficient can be implemented without FGPAs.
Apr 12, 2015 at 1:07 PM Post #5,020 of 6,113
It does nothing in terms of converting files yourself, but real-time upsampling makes a huge night and day difference. Just use HQPlayer to hear for yourself.

I was not expecting anything but damn, I've never heard my headphones sound that good. The soundstage is like 100 times larger now. So this whole upsampling thing, are there other programs that do it and why doesn't everyone use this sort of technology?
Apr 12, 2015 at 1:23 PM Post #5,021 of 6,113
  I was not expecting anything but damn, I've never heard my headphones sound that good. The soundstage is like 100 times larger now. So this whole upsampling thing, are there other programs that do it and why doesn't everyone use this sort of technology?

Told ya.

@skerry2006aj messed with foobar2000's resampling settings (info on previous pages) to make it sound sorta like HQP, but HQP does other stuff too.
Apr 12, 2015 at 3:16 PM Post #5,024 of 6,113
Do not try that anymore!
Hq player is better than my tests. until now, hqplayer does the best job at this.
I am working at the moment at a very large project for oversampling and resampling and upsampling files in such a way that they will sound extremely good with software DSP. I will announce news once in a while...
Apr 12, 2015 at 6:12 PM Post #5,025 of 6,113
  YKYAAW you made over a thousand posts on Head-Fi in the past month and didn't even realize it!

I haven't even made 1000 posts in a year 

YKYAAW you have 7171 posts on Head-Fi (I'm looking at you, Alchemist

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