Wow! Sennheiser HD 540 Reference are so good.
Jan 7, 2019 at 5:51 PM Post #2,492 of 4,380
Ok pad no.6 holds in the cup on the glued foam by good will. A bit fragile, but sound is good.

It is not as great as I guessed first it is. But still near the top. I'll move it to the +++ category.
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Jan 8, 2019 at 2:34 AM Post #2,493 of 4,380
Ordered the Sheepskin pads, hopefully they'll have the same full tonality as the thin pleather but with more bass
You want MORE bass? Wowza, how much do you need, bro? Using the Chinese pleather pads I most definitely don't need any more bass! :) If there was any more bass from Lorde's Pure Heroine, I'd probably feel ill. Maybe it's a source 'thing'? I can already feel notes in my chest when they're there, an easy, effortless plummet, while still being open and very rhythmic ... unlike the HD250 Linear's which are too much, especially with (p)leather pads, although my 300 ohm versions potentially may not have the alacrity of the 600 ohm models, which are the only ones I would go for now ... assuming I wanted to go there. I don't even use my Linear 1's any more, the HD540s are just too good. A true Reference, they are showing me the slightest changes in tube swaps with my newly built Elekit TU 8500 tube preamp, I bought from Japan. The kit was a joy to put together, pure Japanese class as far as the quality of parts and board alignments go etc. I had already purchased the upgrade resistor kit and some classier Mundorf caps. The phono stage has also turned out a treat and is as near-as-dammit completely silent. It's significantly more transparent and open than a TRI valve preamp I used in NZ for a while that was priced at $3300 at the time, truly a remarkable bit of kit and incredible value! QP1R to Mimby to TU 8500 to highly upgraded Silicon Chip headphone amp, pure silver cables throughout, it's the very best I've ever heard that amp, it seems to really suit a valve/tube preamp to be at it's finest.
Jan 8, 2019 at 12:33 PM Post #2,495 of 4,380
You want MORE bass? Wowza, how much do you need, bro? Using the Chinese pleather pads I most definitely don't need any more bass! :) If there was any more bass from Lorde's Pure Heroine, I'd probably feel ill. Maybe it's a source 'thing'? I can already feel notes in my chest when they're there, an easy, effortless plummet, while still being open and very rhythmic ... unlike the HD250 Linear's which are too much, especially with (p)leather pads, although my 300 ohm versions potentially may not have the alacrity of the 600 ohm models, which are the only ones I would go for now ... assuming I wanted to go there. I don't even use my Linear 1's any more, the HD540s are just too good. A true Reference, they are showing me the slightest changes in tube swaps with my newly built Elekit TU 8500 tube preamp, I bought from Japan. The kit was a joy to put together, pure Japanese class as far as the quality of parts and board alignments go etc. I had already purchased the upgrade resistor kit and some classier Mundorf caps. The phono stage has also turned out a treat and is as near-as-dammit completely silent. It's significantly more transparent and open than a TRI valve preamp I used in NZ for a while that was priced at $3300 at the time, truly a remarkable bit of kit and incredible value! QP1R to Mimby to TU 8500 to highly upgraded Silicon Chip headphone amp, pure silver cables throughout, it's the very best I've ever heard that amp, it seems to really suit a valve/tube preamp to be at it's finest.
Yeah it is because I'm using a very light cheap cable, that's why the bass isn't all there. It's no problem with the Mogami/Canare, but I just can't use them for comfort use.
Jan 8, 2019 at 12:37 PM Post #2,496 of 4,380
Daka I wonder if it helped you solved rhe problem and what do you think of the sound after this simple mod.
I haven't tried it yet, I don't listen to headphones that often, purely because of the tinnitus in my right ear.

When I had a listening session, I take a few day breaks to let my right ear heal a bit. I'm gonna try them as soon as I feel like putting the headphones on.
Jan 8, 2019 at 6:26 PM Post #2,497 of 4,380

Yeah it is because I'm using a very light cheap cable, that's why the bass isn't all there. It's no problem with the Mogami/Canare, but I just can't use them for comfort use.
Gotcha :)
Jan 11, 2019 at 12:31 PM Post #2,498 of 4,380
I don't know how different the Brainwavz round Sheepskin pads (non-xl) sound compared to the oval pleather pads that @myusernameislove has, but man these are timbre kings now…

Every little sound has definition, and I can hear the lips smacking and breathing from artist I didn't get to hear as easily from the other pads, and nothing sounds too bright or edgy at all, and this is even with the very cheap thin cable…

By far the best pads in terms of tonal balance and realism I've tried.
Jan 11, 2019 at 12:58 PM Post #2,499 of 4,380
I don't know how different the Brainwavz round Sheepskin pads (non-xl) sound compared to the oval pleather pads that @myusernameislove has, but man these are timbre kings now…

Every little sound has definition, and I can hear the lips smacking and breathing from artist I didn't get to hear as easily from the other pads, and nothing sounds too bright or edgy at all, and this is even with the very cheap thin cable…

By far the best pads in terms of tonal balance and realism I've tried.

these ones? :
Jan 11, 2019 at 4:45 PM Post #2,502 of 4,380
I don't know how different the Brainwavz round Sheepskin pads (non-xl) sound compared to the oval pleather pads that @myusernameislove has, but man these are timbre kings now…

Every little sound has definition, and I can hear the lips smacking and breathing from artist I didn't get to hear as easily from the other pads, and nothing sounds too bright or edgy at all, and this is even with the very cheap thin cable…

By far the best pads in terms of tonal balance and realism I've tried.

There is a review online of the 540 where this Indian reviewer used hybrid pads. I tried hybrid on Ovation II 560 . I was so sad b/c i thought Ovation II's were all Ireland. I didn't even look till now and they say "MAde in Germany" which then resulted in joy and they magically sounded better.

Though they sound pretty good, but for some reason, slightly behind the hd250 Linear I .

I am curious to try this sheepskin now.

Luckily I have a set on a dt48A.

I will report back in a jiffy!


After some listening with round sheepskin (not same as oval, which is not as favorable), the signature allowed for more genres to be tolerable vs hybrid XL

Mids seemed to be unaltered for the most part, but "fattened" as midbass was accentuated ever so slightly, treble reduction vs stock velour pads due to more distance, and lower bass accentuated ( I would say 50-80hz region) so transition from sub to midbass region. I checked mids with dt48A, and dt480 200ohm and hd580 to make sure they're not too "off". Treble still sparkles, and not piercing I checkwith with Daft Punk "within" song.

They make them sound more like my sextett LP with 1540 pads but better throughout.

I'm not going to say whether this is the best pad, just differences from stock velour to hybrid to sheepskin. Stock is very hardcore audiophile thin/ clinical'esque with a touch of musicality. The sheepskin fattens the sound to be more all rounder at cost of possible top fidelity when it comes to classical and jazz types.

But this is just a meaningless ramble listening to 20-30 songs., take it for what its worth as i'm speaking on 560 II. It is still edged out by Linear I. I'm not sure why, I don't have the words atm. Linear I seems more reference, but has lots of bass, slightly more natural mids (no magical emphasis/coloration) slightly more sparkle. Ovation II is audiophile signature (with some magic dust coloration but ever so slightly) with oodles of musicality, very rare to me. Linear I to Ovation II is like my dt48A to dt480 (200ohm). Both Linear I and 560 II edged out 580 (MKIV Ireland), 712 (Slovakia), dt880 (250), not by a LOT, just generally speaking as an overall to get an idea.

MADE IN GERMANY! i'm so happy. I'm so shallow.
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Jan 12, 2019 at 1:28 PM Post #2,504 of 4,380
Im looking at portable amps I could stack to Mojo to drive all the vintage Sennheisers I have, and I wonder if I should prefer output impedance of the amp 1ohm (Vorzamp Duo) or < 0.1ohm Vorzamp Duo II). It has 3 positional EQ switch that could get nicer bass and fuller body out of the sound contrary to thinner sound of Mojo. Would you be bothered by super-small OI of the newer version or did any of you have opportunity to listen to one of these Vorzuge amps with your Hd540 to confirm how they match?
Jan 13, 2019 at 8:34 AM Post #2,505 of 4,380
There is a review online of the 540 where this Indian reviewer used hybrid pads. I tried hybrid on Ovation II 560 . I was so sad b/c i thought Ovation II's were all Ireland. I didn't even look till now and they say "MAde in Germany" which then resulted in joy and they magically sounded better.

Though they sound pretty good, but for some reason, slightly behind the hd250 Linear I .

I am curious to try this sheepskin now.

Luckily I have a set on a dt48A.

I will report back in a jiffy!


After some listening with round sheepskin (not same as oval, which is not as favorable), the signature allowed for more genres to be tolerable vs hybrid XL

Mids seemed to be unaltered for the most part, but "fattened" as midbass was accentuated ever so slightly, treble reduction vs stock velour pads due to more distance, and lower bass accentuated ( I would say 50-80hz region) so transition from sub to midbass region. I checked mids with dt48A, and dt480 200ohm and hd580 to make sure they're not too "off". Treble still sparkles, and not piercing I checkwith with Daft Punk "within" song.

They make them sound more like my sextett LP with 1540 pads but better throughout.

I'm not going to say whether this is the best pad, just differences from stock velour to hybrid to sheepskin. Stock is very hardcore audiophile thin/ clinical'esque with a touch of musicality. The sheepskin fattens the sound to be more all rounder at cost of possible top fidelity when it comes to classical and jazz types.

But this is just a meaningless ramble listening to 20-30 songs., take it for what its worth as i'm speaking on 560 II. It is still edged out by Linear I. I'm not sure why, I don't have the words atm. Linear I seems more reference, but has lots of bass, slightly more natural mids (no magical emphasis/coloration) slightly more sparkle. Ovation II is audiophile signature (with some magic dust coloration but ever so slightly) with oodles of musicality, very rare to me. Linear I to Ovation II is like my dt48A to dt480 (200ohm). Both Linear I and 560 II edged out 580 (MKIV Ireland), 712 (Slovakia), dt880 (250), not by a LOT, just generally speaking as an overall to get an idea.

MADE IN GERMANY! i'm so happy. I'm so shallow.

Do you perhaps also have the Brainwavz round pleather pads?

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