Worst pain you have ever experienced.
Dec 23, 2002 at 7:36 PM Post #31 of 59
Apendicitis. I had just arrived in Miami, around March 1994, and was working late nights in the office, when the pain started. I couldn't walk or be seated. After maybe six hours I was taken to the hospital. They kept me under observation for two hours before they decided to give a pain killer, because I still had no insurance and they wanted like 27.000 dollars just to save my life. In the end, the company promised to pay the bill and they finally operated on me. Total elapsed time in pain: 8 hours.
Dec 23, 2002 at 7:45 PM Post #32 of 59
I wanted to staple 10 sheets of paper but I couldnt find no stapler bah
. So there on the desk I saw one of those industrial staplers used for stapling at least 50 - 150 sheets of paper. God knows what I was thinking then but I stapled my my index and middle finger.

Emergency room ... tetanus shots ... couldnt use my right hand for ages ... the pain well ... indescribable ...

Fortunately painkillers helped and I do have a high threshold for pain ...but dont get me wrong it did hurt like a bitch for ages ...
I couldnt even write or lift a pencil wihout pain.

Only cool thing was I got my self a laptop and typed all my stuff everywhere I went. Being ambidextrous helps

Aside that the only other major incident was when I got into a fight with a guy and he pushed me into a wall with broken jagged tiles. Instant knockout ... they removed piced of tiles from my head applied stitches and had to wear bandages on my head for a month. I looked like a Sikh as the bandages looked like a turban. For the whole month I had to sleep sitting up like Leon: The Professional because if I lay my head it hurt like crazy

I almost got shot with a loaded gun at point blank range in the face because a kid found his dads gun. It took ages to convince him to not pull the trigger because it's a real one. Stubborn kid wouldn't believe me. Surviving that left me mentally ill for awhile. I appreciate life more after that
. Say no to guns.
Dec 24, 2002 at 12:44 AM Post #33 of 59
let see....

Trying to walk when I had my big toe broken was quite painful. I rember waliking to the medical center 12 hours after it happened. Was only a few hundred feet, but i rember growling in an anger/pain with evey step I took.

Once when I was bout 16 I was moving our boat, it was on a traler and i was workign with the wench. Was on a sligh downhill and as the boat went down my leg go caught up in the wench. It twised my knee causing the joint to come out of it socket. It went back in pretty quick, but It hurt like hell.

Since the break into my toe went into my joing it will become arthritic as I grow older (or so the doc said). my knee will proably never be quite the same again, but at least I can still walk without pain
Dec 24, 2002 at 3:09 AM Post #35 of 59
Tough one for me, I've been pretty lucky about pain so far. Get back to me when we have a thread for things that no human should have survived though.

Ok, Woodstock 99. Sounds stupid, but it was like 120 degrees during the day and I'm a polar bare. I was totaly fubar. I moshed for six hours in muddy socks, walked back and fourth across the whole place countles times with terrible chaffing in a pretty bad spot, and to top it off, I had a second degree sun burn on my neck that started sweating pus on the third night. I thought I was simply going to stop living.

(And at a seperate event, I spent 4 days alone in the woods during the last 4 days of a week long rain storm, and with only what gear I would have brought on a day hike. I had the worst case of trench foot anyone there had ever seen. Trench Foot is no joke, it took two weeks to fully heal and I've still got the marks from it.)
Dec 24, 2002 at 3:32 AM Post #36 of 59

Originally posted by skippy
i've taken beatings, falls, etc... and been to the hospital on several occasions, but for me the worst pain involved testicles and a can of pepper spray.

Oh man, I feel your pain. I read thsi to my brother-in-law and he just started cracking up!!! You gotta clue us into some of the specifics, like how in the world did these two elements come together in your crotch??? Weird, but funny!!
Dec 24, 2002 at 5:21 AM Post #37 of 59
been stabbed a couple of times , cool , guy hit me with his car , cool , broke damn near every bone atleast once , some twice , but caught a peg once going around a HIGH corner and my shin just happened to GRIND the curb .

No big deal . Washed it out , went out

Next day my leg blew up like popeyes forearms !
Could not even walk !
So I go to the hospital where I am informed that the "shin" region has verypoor circulation due to the closenessof the bone area to the skin and even a "miniscule " particle of "road grit" , sand to the avg person , is enough to cause an infection .

Damn ! I cleaned this baby and actually put peroxide on it and a particle of sand almost cost me my leg !

Burned like hell !

The other worst pain was being a retard and grabbing the barrel of an M-203 grenade launcher/5.56mm rifle after throwing about 120 rounds out (4 mags) .
I'm hauling ass , I'm outta ammo , I hit the button to release the empty mag , while pulling the next out , the nose of the barrel drops , and like a jerk I grab it so it does not impact with the ground and stuff the nose with dirt

[size=medium]HOT ! VERY HOT ! OUCH !![/size]
Dec 24, 2002 at 7:19 AM Post #38 of 59
Another bike wreck. Got tossed at about 65 mph between Dalhart, TX and Boise City, OK near midnight. I "walked" away from it, but I was very disoriented. The next guy who came along took me to the police station in OK, who then took me to a doctor, who then looked me over, was surprised nothing was broken, and gave me a big shot of something. He said I'd sleep well that night - and I did.

The next morning, I sort of unbent the handlebars, stuck a bolt in the shift lever to replace the broken tip, and screamed back home down to New Mexico. Oh, yes - due to a bent shock, the bike is now a hardtail. I had no idea how fast I was going, since the speedo was smashed - and so was I.

It was the next morning that felt like hell. I healed up just fine, but the bike didn't. My jacket suddenly had a lot more, uh, character.
Dec 29, 2002 at 4:37 AM Post #40 of 59
After looking through this thread I feel a bit like a freak. I've had a few accidents on bikes, scooters, etc. For some reason there really was never that much pain... until I went to the neurotrauma unit when I wrecked at 40 mph with no helmet and they stuck that catheter in. That has to be the most painful thing in excistance.
Dec 29, 2002 at 5:59 AM Post #41 of 59
You know how doctors always say "this isn't going to hurt", and it always does? Well, I once had a doctor say "This will only last a little while, but some people report that it's the most pain they ever felt in their lives"...it was close.
Dec 29, 2002 at 8:19 PM Post #43 of 59
Hmmm... let's see

Appendicitis is BAAAAAD (as is the catheter they give you during the operation, and the pain when they remove it after !!!!!) I had the displeasure of suffering from appendicitis when I had university student insurance, meaning "we don't really want to operate because it costs too much." I had to be seen by six different surgeons from the hospital nearby before the insurance office would OK surgery; by that time, I was later told, it was minutes from bursting. Let's hear it for student health insurance!

Breaking a kneecap in two wasn't fun, either.

A corneal ulcer sucks. Bad.

But probably the worst pain was when they pulled out the packing the day after sinus surgery. You really, really, really don't want to hear what that means. Trust me.
Dec 29, 2002 at 9:13 PM Post #44 of 59
well, lets see.....no spectacular stories here.....no, can't think of anything. had a couple of minor accidents ofcourse, but they were or not so painfull, or I was drunk, or they knocked me out (it helps, but it's no good for the brains probably...)

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