WOOD IS GOOD: Sony R10 vs. Audio Technica ATH W2002
Feb 7, 2002 at 12:17 AM Post #76 of 122

Originally posted by mwb
Heck, I know dozens of people who own speakers alone costing many times the Orpheus - nobody is ever really happy, they all trade eventually just like in here, but there were buyers.

That's a really good point. In this forum there is only one Sony R10 owner, I believe--fitting for the most expensive headphone. There are, I believe, three Stax Omega II owners here--which also makes sense. There's a handful of Sony CD3000 owners and similarly priced Grados and AKGs and then a sharp price drop and dozens of HD600 and Grado 325 Owners.

The curve would be a natural bell except that there's not ONE single Orpheus owner here. If you're here, come forward, please.

The W2002 is actually at a really nice point in the curve. It's a little more expensive than the CD3000 (especially given their availability used) but not nearly the price of the Omega IIs. It would be closing a market gap were they not limited.

Maybe their quick sell through will cause Audio-Technica to rethink of releasing a high end headphone. That's how it worked with getting the HD600 out, I believe.

Feb 7, 2002 at 12:26 AM Post #77 of 122
Actually Kelly, there are not one but three R10 owners at the moment (me, markl, and jatinder who has an incredible front end to back up his R10s), and much more Omega owners than you could possibly imagine. I think there's actually more like 10+ Omega owners. Off the top of my head, RickG, darthnut (I swear if I met this guy in real life I'd bow to him...), Kevin Gilmore (who goes as far as making his own Stax amps!!!), TerriblySorry, yarinkel...lot's of others. Which goes back to a point I made long ago, when people consider spending over $1000 on a headphone system, people tend to instictively think Stax, and Stax they go to. I was actually one of the earlier people to think the other way and think Sony R10s (I had actually tried a lower end pair of Staxs before and didn't like them back then).

And like WHOA, I'm over 1000 posts!!! Boy am I pathetic or what?
Feb 7, 2002 at 12:41 AM Post #78 of 122
Are you referring to me saying I was 'forgiving' in my comparison?

If so I think I already answered that. But I think I was as honest, if you want to call it that, about the R10 as Vertigo was. I'm not sure you were referring to me KR, but we're talking about degrees and shading, not 'honesty or lie'. Heres what I said in my R10/W2002 comparison:

"What seemed to me at first to be an ability to make all my recordings sound good turned instead into a mild vexation with the always buttery sounding midrange and treble of the R10."

Is it not being honest to say 'mild vexation' instead of simply 'vexed' or even 'significantly vexated' ??
You're reading way more into this than it deserves. But what were you referring to if it wasnt me? I'd like to know.
Feb 7, 2002 at 1:17 AM Post #81 of 122
I meant both of you. I don't see the point of being overly nice to one headphone over another because of some upcoming sell. You should be blunt and brutally honest with your review. The last thing I want to do, is see you two do post follow up's after the two R10's are sold, about what you really felt about them. This type of things cheapen reviews and this site.

I know you was only trying to look out for a fellow head-fier, by trying to be nice and not somehow screw up their sale, but it's just isn't fair for the rest of us or this site.

I was guilty of this very thing way back when when JMT started to sell his amps here, I compared one of them to the RA-1, and the RA-1 whipped the floor with the JMT amp. But, trying to be a nice guy, I didn't want to post the review, because I didn't want to hurt JMT sells, well thankfully JMT set me straight and flame me in a PM telling me to post the review and never to hold back. He was right, and I posted the review. Never again will I do something that dumb as to hold back negative reviews.

Since that time, I have never fluff my reviews, I never overstate or understate how good or bad something is, I just give my blunt and brutally honest opinion. I really do feel that every single person who post reviews on this site should do the same thing, no matter what!
Feb 7, 2002 at 1:41 AM Post #83 of 122
Hi, being sitting quiet for almost a year in this forum, this is my first post.

Just got my ATH-W2002 in yesterday from AT Singapore and is breaking in. I know somebody is tracking the serial number here. So take it - 631. My first impression about this new babe is great. It got much of the character that I am looking for. Transparent, detail, smooth, bodied and liquid (SONY ej01 portable, Micro mega 2 DAC, with Monster Z200I interconnect to the max out headroom). Although I own the grado rs1 and CD3000, the w2002 is leading these cans by a big margin for my taste of music. The majority of my music is classical (violin concerto) and a small collection of JAZZ and instrument.....

Thanks for the posting to direct me to the guy for this great headphone..631
Feb 7, 2002 at 1:58 AM Post #85 of 122
Flumpus, it's the kinda insane guy we both know right?
Feb 7, 2002 at 2:09 AM Post #86 of 122
Well, I'm certainly encouraged to hear nothing but accolades for the ATH W2002s....Now I hope Uvak comes through as promised 'cause it's a long way to Singapore (or sweeden for that matter)! LOL

I think I'm going to try get my hands on the Cardas cable for the Sennheisers as well - in for a penny, in for a pound and all.

I notice too that both the aformentioned electrastats (omega II and Orpheus) are available as Headphones only, 'though both are manufactured with dedicated amps.

I'd still like to hear any mention of the BlockHead. The designer was kind enough to PM me and offer to ship me one for audition and I may take him up on it depending upon my experiences with the ATH W2002s. It seems that only the Grado RS-1 and the Sennheiser HD 600s will accomodate the balanced cables this amp requires so there is THAT limitation.

MReal: Thanks for the offer on the Grado 325s - I'm still so new at this I am going to try and understand the equipment I've purchased first. But I too listen to a lot of Rock and I'll no doubt want a portable system at some point (a whole 'nuther round) and I understand that Grados are THE portable headphones because they require less ummmmm...size? in a portable amp.

>>>>>>Learning to walk

Feb 7, 2002 at 3:12 AM Post #88 of 122

Would you please give us a breakdown of the total price of the purchase? Canadian Taxes, brokerage fees etc?

Feb 7, 2002 at 3:23 AM Post #90 of 122
Flumpus and Vert.... I believe Tuberoller owned the Orpheus and sold it (he bought that MC), or was he actually the guy you were talking about?

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