Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Jan 20, 2017 at 2:06 AM Post #2,791 of 4,204
Well, I guess I should say HI at some point. So HI Winnipeg people!
I've been reading and referring to Head-Fi for some years now, but I haven't used my words yet. Here goes.
I've always had a thing for audio. I guess it's due to growing up taking piano lessons and then taking band in junior high (Mr. Kula, you changed my life). I did the garage band thing for a few years and even played a live show at the Belgian Club on Provoncher 15 years ago or something like that. Music is in every part of me.
I'm just about always listening to music, no matter what I'm doing. A few years ago it occurred to my that it could probably sound a hell of a lot better. I've been living in a condo for just about 8 years now and speakers are NOT the way to go (because I like my neighbours), and so I found Head-Fi.
I tried out Sennheiser HD 558s first, but something wasn't right. Next were Beyer DT 990 Premiums and while it felt like I was wearing clouds on my head (seriously, these are so ridiculously comfortable) these didn't do it either. I spoke my piece and NCIX took them back, which apparently was a pretty impressive feat. So thankful for that.
Before I sent those back I auditioned them at Creative Audio next to Denon's D600s and that was that. The D600s came home and the 990s went back. I was a happy man, but I still didn't have anything truly portable for business trips and such. Thus, another round of Head-Fi searching began.
This one was a long and lucky one. In the end I bought a pair of Sony XBA-H3s at about half price and I absolutely love em. Still use them almost every day.
I was happy with the D600s and H3s for a good while and then I had that itch. You all know it. So, I can bring the following to the meet:
JDS Labs The Element
Peachtree Shift
Denon AH-D600
Sony XBA-H3 (bring your own tips I guess? I have some extra Comply something somethings...I'll have to find them)
KEF M500
Fostex Purplehearts
Yeah, them Purplehearts. I can't take them off. Mmmmmm purple...
Jan 20, 2017 at 3:25 PM Post #2,793 of 4,204
Glad to have you onboard Nexolek. If we can get @Viper2005 to come out, maybe he can bring his entire collection of TH-X00

Jan 20, 2017 at 5:48 PM Post #2,795 of 4,204
The only pair of TH-X00s I've ever tried I found lacking in many ways, don't know why. I have an odd feeling that I just didn't give them long enough of a listen. Also they came right after listening to the Utopias so I guess that could've had an effect on my listening experience lol. I'm definitely interested trying all of those headphones!
Jan 21, 2017 at 2:07 AM Post #2,796 of 4,204
  The only pair of TH-X00s I've ever tried I found lacking in many ways, don't know why. I have an odd feeling that I just didn't give them long enough of a listen. Also they came right after listening to the Utopias so I guess that could've had an effect on my listening experience lol. I'm definitely interested trying all of those headphones!

Hah! Yeah, I'm glad I haven't gone that high up the chain yet. I've intentionally tried to keep myself within my little bubble
I was hoping Brian Reimer had at least the Elear (being a Focal dealer and all) but they didn't. That probably would have ruined me.
Jan 21, 2017 at 2:10 AM Post #2,797 of 4,204
  The only pair of TH-X00s I've ever tried I found lacking in many ways, don't know why. I have an odd feeling that I just didn't give them long enough of a listen. Also they came right after listening to the Utopias so I guess that could've had an effect on my listening experience lol. I'm definitely interested trying all of those headphones!

Also, I totally get that. Everyone's ears are different, as is our taste in music. Apparently I'm not a fan of super analytical phones, says my ears. I listened to the Sennheiser hd 700s a little while ago and they didn't make me happy in any way. To each their own. That's what makes this hobby special!
Jan 21, 2017 at 3:12 AM Post #2,798 of 4,204
We've got one guy here with the Utopia... I don't remember if anyone has the Elear. Advance on Portage might have one in stock to try though; paging @AdamAtAdvance to see if he knows.
Jan 21, 2017 at 12:03 PM Post #2,802 of 4,204
Oh god no! Save me! Like I said I'm happy where I am. I don't have thousands to spend right now.

...Please bring them to the meet...

To me the Elears are like the Utopia's little brother, because you listen to the Elears and think "Yeah these are pretty amazing" and then you put the Utopias on and it blows the Elears out of the water. I kind of hate the fact that I ever listened to the Utopias, but I would say the experience was worth it lol
Jan 21, 2017 at 4:42 PM Post #2,803 of 4,204
Hey now, I have to live vicariously through you guys and all your toys

I am one in the minority that actually slightly preferred the Elear over the Utopia. I can feel that the Utopia is the quicker and more technically proficient headphone, but I felt there was a slight emphasis in the uppermids that tickled my earbone is not quite the right way. Sort of like how the HD800 is super fast, but also a bit tizzy without mods.
Jan 21, 2017 at 7:40 PM Post #2,804 of 4,204
I wonder if I'd be in that boat as well...hmmm. I even asked Brian Reimer (my mom and him were friends when they were kids - small world) himself about bringing in an Elear for display, but it's too expensive apparently. They CAN get both models though, so there's that.
I'm really looking forward to hearing more stuff. I'm not even sure where to go from where I am. Kind of feels good in a way because every time I put the Purplehearts on I still smile like crazy 

Jan 22, 2017 at 1:48 AM Post #2,805 of 4,204
Have you scrolled back far enough to see pics from our last meet? Lots of tasty gear to tryout...

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