Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Nov 10, 2012 at 7:16 PM Post #978 of 4,172
We'll confirm on the Dec 9th next week and I'll send a message out. I'm thinking afternoon rather than evening. What do you guys think?
It's pretty treacherous driving out. Be safe everyone!
Nov 11, 2012 at 4:36 PM Post #981 of 4,172
Wow, I definitely wish that I could hear the showdown, but I'm in Minneapolis to see Springsteen (super excited by the way!!!), so I'm not going to make it this time round.  I therefore absolutely second the suggestion that there be a rematch on the 9th!
Nov 11, 2012 at 10:34 PM Post #982 of 4,172
There were only a few of us, but those were some pretty intense listening sessions. The LCD-2 vs HE-6 is like a night and day (literally) comparison. The LCD-2 with a darker and more resonant bass/midbass, the HE-6 with a sharper and at times almost piercing edge in the midrange/treble. No clear winner, though bang for buck and for general listening I'd lean towards the LCD-2. 
I find the detailing better on the HE-6 for both treble and bass, but it has hefty power requirements which can not be glossed over, and is not even remotely forgiving at all to poor encodings. But man with the right stuff it just shines. I was playing "American Woman", and deeplogic said it best: "Lenny has never sounded so good!" I do find the HE-6 marginally more comfortable too. It doesn't so much clamp the head as it sorta just hangs there. That said, neither the Hifiman or Audeze will win any comfort awards in my book.
The LCD-2 clamps a tad too much for my liking, or rather it puts some pressure under the ear which bothers me a bit. I think a softer pad or a memory foam would make a big difference there. Soundwise it has a blurrier but friendlier bass, and likewise in the treble. There's an overall warmth to the sound that makes them easier to groove too, and I think a more immediately likeable and relaxing headphone. The HE-6 tends to grab you by the throat and engage you, which is fun but also a bit intense. Driving the LCD2 is also significantly easier than the HE-6.
Nov 11, 2012 at 10:40 PM Post #983 of 4,172
It was a good time my friend. Out of all the gear there I can honesty say the Lyr/Bifrost combination is a real winner. It's very musical and engaging with the LCD 2 and my M-100's. It was some real nice Schiit to listen to. Sorry I couldn't help it and had to sneak in the joke.
Nov 11, 2012 at 11:57 PM Post #984 of 4,172
I wish I spent a little more time with the Lyr/Bifrost. I'll probably ask Jim if I can borrow them later to write my review against the Nuforce stuff. It was nice being able to feed both dacs simultaneously from the same source though, which takes out one variable. 
What I want to do is feed both dacs from the digital converter, then route them both into the HAP-100. That way I can flip back and forth quickly while listening on the same headphone. To my ear, differences in dacs are extremely small, so this will make the comparison much more palpable. 
I found it difficult to get a sense of the comparative performance of the amps since the Nuforce stuff is meant for high impedance cans. I don't remember if I ran my Sextetts through the Lyr, though I remember liking the HD25-13 on it. 
Nov 12, 2012 at 5:14 AM Post #985 of 4,172
Everyone please say hi to Kevorkazito, he will be dropping by the thread soon. He's a good friend of mine whose gotten into head-fi over the last few weeks. What can I say I'm a bad influence on him
Nov 12, 2012 at 10:30 AM Post #987 of 4,172
I wish I spent a little more time with the Lyr/Bifrost. I'll probably ask Jim if I can borrow them later to write my review against the Nuforce stuff. It was nice being able to feed both dacs simultaneously from the same source though, which takes out one variable. 
What I want to do is feed both dacs from the digital converter, then route them both into the HAP-100. That way I can flip back and forth quickly while listening on the same headphone. To my ear, differences in dacs are extremely small, so this will make the comparison much more palpable. 
I found it difficult to get a sense of the comparative performance of the amps since the Nuforce stuff is meant for high impedance cans. I don't remember if I ran my Sextetts through the Lyr, though I remember liking the HD25-13 on it. 

No problem, Nathan.
Figure out when you want them and give me a call.
Nov 12, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #988 of 4,172
Wow this thread is perfect!
I have the Beyer 770 Pros and have been really wanting to hear some LCD-2s!
Nov 12, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #990 of 4,172
I completely forgot to take pictures


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