Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Nov 28, 2023 at 2:30 AM Post #4,036 of 4,172
I've had a bit of rush of new toys recently, though half of them will go on the chopping block in the new year to recoup funds (so if anyone's interested, please let me know)

headphones: Hifiman HE-6, Audio Zenith PMx2, JAR 660, ETA Mini S, Audeze LCD-X, ZMF Verite Open
amps: SPL Phonitor 2, Nitsch Piety (variant of Schiit Magni), Nitsch DSHA-3FN (variant of ECP DSHA-3F)

I also might be acquiring an iFi iESL, even though I don't have any electrostatic headphones.
Nov 28, 2023 at 9:16 AM Post #4,037 of 4,172
I've had a bit of rush of new toys recently, though half of them will go on the chopping block in the new year to recoup funds (so if anyone's interested, please let me know)

headphones: Hifiman HE-6, Audio Zenith PMx2, JAR 660, ETA Mini S, Audeze LCD-X, ZMF Verite Open
amps: SPL Phonitor 2, Nitsch Piety (variant of Schiit Magni), Nitsch DSHA-3FN (variant of ECP DSHA-3F)

I also might be acquiring an iFi iESL, even though I don't have any electrostatic headphones.

We have to get that DHSA together with some Focals.

The timing should work nicely, any of those days. I can bring my Soekris, M3, Clear stack without too much effort or risk of divorce.
Nov 28, 2023 at 1:21 PM Post #4,038 of 4,172
Does anyone in town still have Focals? I remember @aqsw used to have the Elears, but I think he had a driver failure.

My top pick for pairing with the 3FN is the ETA Mini-S.
Nov 28, 2023 at 2:54 PM Post #4,039 of 4,172
Does anyone in town still have Focals? I remember @aqsw used to have the Elears, but I think he had a driver failure.

Well, in a round about way, I was offering up my Focal Clear for the meet!
Nov 30, 2023 at 1:19 PM Post #4,042 of 4,172
I may or may not bring my L700--I'm scared of taking them out of the apartment given a driver already died due to moisture. But I'll have the Slate VSX system and some other things for people to try.
Nov 30, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #4,045 of 4,172
might be able to swing a meet, hard to say at the moment.

Mark down your availability on the doodle link when you know your schedule. These are the only responses so far.

Dec 3, 2023 at 9:58 PM Post #4,046 of 4,172
I chatted with @Velomane today, he says Saturday Dec 30 is the best day for him.
If no one else provides input, let's tentatively set that moving forward. Does that work for you.

In other news, I lucked onto a new-in-box iFi iESL which I will also bring to the meet. Velo loaned me his SR-007 and 009 as well. Truly a wealth of options that I have splurged waaaaay too much on, and honestly I'm already planning to already sell off like 85% of these new toys in the new year.

Current stack of ridiculousness that I will be bringing to the meet...
headphones: HE-6, ZMF Verite Open, Audio Zenith PMx2, JAR 660, ETA Mini-S, Audeze LCD-X, *STAX SR-007, *STAX SR-009
amps: SPL Phonitor 2, Nitsche Piety, Nitsche DSHA-3FN, *Massdrop Liquid Gold X, iFi Pro iCan, iFi Pro iESL**
sources: SPL Mercury, maybe RME Babyface Pro FS if we need something optical

*borrowed from other members

Currently the iESL is powered from the link cable from the iCan, but it can also be powered from a speaker amp or XLR-4(f) adapter cable. If anyone wants to try those, we'll have to bring the appropriate cables. I do have a dual XLR3(m) to XLR4(f) adapter cable if someone has a balanced amp with the dual outputs, but I don't have a straight XLR4(m) to XLR4(f) cable. A speaker amp can be connected with straight wire, I assume @rifi will have spare wiring on hand if we want to do that.
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Dec 4, 2023 at 2:03 PM Post #4,048 of 4,172
@Armaegis No one else will need to bring anything! 😂

Right?!? I'm going to get to see, in one glorious listening orgy, just how truly terrible my hearing is and that I can't tell the difference between any of it.

The 30th should work nicely, and I'm solidly planning on bringing my Soekris/M3/Clear. I really want to hear the Clear on the DHSA, and hear some planars on my own gear.
Dec 4, 2023 at 4:30 PM Post #4,050 of 4,172
Nah, I don't even scratch the surface compared to @Velomane's stax rig or @ecwl's chord stack!

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