Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Feb 19, 2018 at 10:21 PM Post #3,196 of 4,172
Dan Santoni headphone amplifier
diy headphones with Symphones V7 drivers (will bring single-ended and balanced cables)
Shure SHR940

Oh and I picked up these bone conduction headphones from family a little while ago. They got them as a gift and didn't know what to do with them so I took 'em. I think they might be defective as one driver(?) is definitely quieter than the other, but I will bring them for anyone who is interested in testing them out. Maybe someone can show me what I am doing wrong...

Is Symphones still a company? I thought they split off into Turbulent X or something like that a while ago. Is it still a Canadian company?

Is it possible to try the bone conduction headphones reversed? As they are in fact based on conduction, there's a weird possibility that you may have a structural/density difference in your face (like just a slightly different position of a tendon, or something like that)
Feb 19, 2018 at 10:33 PM Post #3,197 of 4,172
@Armaegis Yes, Symphones is still a company, and a Canadian at that. They are out of Hamilton, ON.
You could very well be right re conductor headphones. I feel like I am pretty rigorous when I test so I would hope I did test them in reverse, as I do know my ears are not identical in capacity. But I can't remember at this the moment. good advice though for sure!
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Feb 23, 2018 at 10:10 AM Post #3,199 of 4,172
Wow it really sneaks up fast!

Head-fi meet tomorrow (Saturday) @1pm
location in Lindenwoods
PM me if you don't know where
Feb 23, 2018 at 1:02 PM Post #3,200 of 4,172
I will be there! Any particular requests, otherwise I can bring the usual.
Feb 23, 2018 at 3:59 PM Post #3,204 of 4,172
If anyone has a Chord Hugo I'd love to hear it.
Unfortunately I can’t make it tomorrow. I don’t have a Hugo myself. American Hi-Fi has Chord Mojo and DAVE on display too so you can always check it out there. I listened to the Hugo 2 in Portland on a trip and it’s somewhere between the DAVE and Mojo. The original Hugo actually sound fairly similar to Mojo except Mojo has the extra high frequency filter so it’s -1dB at 20kHz.
Feb 24, 2018 at 12:49 AM Post #3,207 of 4,172
@Viper2005 your profile says you have a jotunheim, it would be interested to hear that. I also always enjoy the Cavalli, but totally understand if it's too much. Your summit schiit stack is already quite a lot to bring.

I was actually gonna say, if no one specifically wants to hear the Yggy/Rag stack, leave 'em at home. That's an awful lot to haul around.

My main stack is going to be my laptop -> Schiit Wyrd -> Prism Lyra -> Benchmark AHB2 -> HE-6.

I've got a Sennheiser HD650, and some of my wonky old modded headphones (Beyer Custom One Pro with Fostex T50rp drivers). Oh I totally forgot I've got two HD598's if anyone is interested in one.
Feb 24, 2018 at 5:38 AM Post #3,208 of 4,172
I was actually gonna say, if no one specifically wants to hear the Yggy/Rag stack, leave 'em at home. That's an awful lot to haul around.

My main stack is going to be my laptop -> Schiit Wyrd -> Prism Lyra -> Benchmark AHB2 -> HE-6.

I've got a Sennheiser HD650, and some of my wonky old modded headphones (Beyer Custom One Pro with Fostex T50rp drivers). Oh I totally forgot I've got two HD598's if anyone is interested in one.

Okay then, I will skip the schiit stack this time, and bring my Jotunheim, Crimson, LCD4, HE6, HD800.

EDIT: Actually I'll bring the Yggy since I need a dac.
Feb 25, 2018 at 3:16 AM Post #3,210 of 4,172
Good to see everyone today. Always a good time to compare gear and get some different cans on the ears.

Indeed it was great to see everyone again!
Thanks to Nathan for hosting, and it was nice to meet just2b!

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