Will a SuperMacro be able to drive a K701?
Jun 6, 2006 at 10:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 25


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 26, 2005
Title says it all.
Jun 6, 2006 at 10:22 PM Post #4 of 25

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
iPod drives the K701s fine

the ipod can drive the k1000s as well, yes. But I think he wants to get his money's worth on the k701s
Jun 6, 2006 at 10:23 PM Post #5 of 25
Anything can drive anything; it's the question of how WELL it can drive it in a sense of good SQ.
Jun 6, 2006 at 10:26 PM Post #6 of 25
I had a Go-Vibe V4 and while it could drive the 701s from a volume perspective it could not provide the soundstage and the "tightness" that the Aria could.

I have heard there is a lot of good synergy between the SuperMacro and 701s. Here is a link >>Portable Amps for K701
Jun 6, 2006 at 11:02 PM Post #10 of 25
I'm thinking of getting a pair of K701s soon, and an amp.

Tell me, what kind of amp can I get that will JUST amplify the signal, and not change the character of the sound itself (or as little as possible from what was inputted.)? I don't want a "warm" amp (rolled-off treble) or a "bright" amp (too much treble, not enough bass.)

What is a good, neutral amp for these phones? Soundstage is irrelevant, none of my music has a soundstage to speak of any way. (Not that I'd notice even if it did.)
Jun 7, 2006 at 12:02 AM Post #11 of 25
All of the following drive my K701 to very painful levels.

-Dr. Xin's Supermacro III Version 6
-HeadAmp AE-1
-HeadRoom Micro Amp w/ desktop module

From the perspective of portability I would go with either of the first two, the same if the can is a Grado.
Jun 7, 2006 at 8:55 AM Post #12 of 25

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
Let me rephrase then
iPod can let you get your $ worth with the K701s

I agree. I've tried the K701, before burn-in, out of a rockboxed 4G IPOD and results were very good. Not only acceptable, but really nice to listen to. You should try this before dismissing the possibility of this happening. My friend, who provided the IPOD, was also very impressed by the sound.
Jun 7, 2006 at 2:18 PM Post #13 of 25

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
...what kind of amp can I get that will JUST amplify the signal, and not change the character of the sound itself (or as little as possible from what was inputted.)? I don't want a "warm" amp (rolled-off treble) or a "bright" amp (too much treble, not enough bass.)

What is a good, neutral amp for these phones?

Of the amps I've tried the Corda Aria has clearly the most neutral characteristic (tested with direct-connection method, not just guessing!); it also seems to have a special synergy with the K 701. Maybe not too astonishing, since the K 701 counts to the most neutral headphones itself. (IMO)


Soundstage is irrelevant, none of my music has a soundstage to speak of any way. (Not that I'd notice even if it did.)

I disagree. A credible soundstage (even) through headphones is the result of an accurate reproduction of the corresponding spatial information in the recording (runtime and phase information, ambiance subtleties reliant on accurate transient response...), both by the electronics components and the sound transducer. (IMO)
Jun 7, 2006 at 3:35 PM Post #14 of 25

I disagree. A credible soundstage (even) through headphones is the result of an accurate reproduction of the corresponding spatial information in the recording (runtime and phase information, ambiance subtleties reliant on accurate transient response...), both by the electronics components and the sound transducer. (IMO)

What I should have said is that soundstage is irrelevant to me, because I would never notice it in the first place unless I tried. I focus first and foremost on the melody and cadence of a song, not the placement of the instruments. Besides, most of the techno and video game music I listen to was created on a computer and has no soundstage other than "left" and "right" to begin with.

That Aria amp looks nice. I wonder how easy it will be to find one.
Jun 7, 2006 at 3:35 PM Post #15 of 25
I don't have the 701 yet. Was just curious about it. I do have an Alessandro MS2i and I'm anticipating the arrival of my SuperMacro with stock opamps (OPA21XX something). How's the synergy between these two? What SQ changes / improvements can I expect?


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