Why 24 bit audio and anything over 48k is not only worthless, but bad for music.
Jul 10, 2015 at 7:49 PM Post #617 of 3,525
Quite. I never said it did. The 64-bit is merely to buck the ram cap of 4gb per instance. Anyway lets get back on topic.
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:19 PM Post #618 of 3,525
I think the main reason they stick with groups of 4-bit is because it's easier to join double word-byte values than singular length bit.


Although this has always been possible for a long time, it probably hasn't quite as accurate and more squared off than analogue sounds in comparison. Vinyl for the moment is the king of dynamics however with DSD and analogue amplification it may be a different story.


Vinyl is not the king of dynamics. It has a much lower dynamic range than 16bit digital. Whether the mastering takes advantage of the superior digital is another story. Can you provide just one objective measure which shows vinyl to be equal, let alone exceed, 16bit?
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:25 PM Post #619 of 3,525
The Oohashi results have never been verified/replicated and Oohashi's follow-up lacks enough details to assess it accurately, however with direct bone conduction you can get detection of frequencies not normally audible...


Professor Oohashi has accepted the peer reviews which invalidated his study. The Meyer and Moran study on the other hand has after eight years stood the test of time. As in the visual sphere, we cannot hear (see) frequencies outside the established hearing (seeing) range of humans.
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:28 PM Post #620 of 3,525
Also did you know, the lower harmonics of a turntable can be as low as 10Hz.


Maybe so, but that 10hz is hardly going to be a clear, well defined note. It is not possible for any turntable to reproduce frequencies below 100hz that are accurate. The vinyl medium and its ability to store this information in the grooves is just one limiting factor.
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:54 PM Post #621 of 3,525
My remastered 176.4/24 recording of the 1959 album Time Out by Dave Brubeck is the best sounding music I own.  Much better than my existing 44/16 recording of the same. Time Out was the first hi-res album I bought.  I was impressed.

Because of this album, I bought a few more.  All genres.  Some ADD like the Brubeck recording (including other Brubeck recordings) and some DDD.  None sound remarkably different than the equivalent 44/16 recording.  

I have good DACs that handle at least 176.4/24.  And average DACs that work fine at 44/16.  And then there is my iPhone 6 DAC.

Everything except this one Brubeck album sound pretty much the same.  What gives?

= = = 
I have down sampled 176.4/24/24 to 44/16 and up sampled to 384/32.   Still, nothing changes much.

My decidedly non-audiophile conclusion:

The Brubeck recording was remastered extremely well.  Doesn't mater how I play it.  The sound is good.  

Other hi-res material I have is the opposite.  It doesn't sound much different at any sample / bit rate.  I figure: The re-mastering (if any) was mediocre and so was the final result. 

Maybe people are focusing on the wrong facets of hi-res audio?
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:57 PM Post #622 of 3,525
we can remove the "maybe" and the question mark.
Jul 11, 2015 at 9:13 AM Post #623 of 3,525
  Also did you know, the lower harmonics of a turntable can be as low as 10Hz.


Maybe so, but that 10hz is hardly going to be a clear, well defined note. It is not possible for any turntable to reproduce frequencies below 100hz that are accurate. The vinyl medium and its ability to store this information in the grooves is just one limiting factor.
Lower Harmonics? A Harmonic is a whole numbered multiple of a lower fundamental frequency.If so what is the fundamental frequency that you are referring to?
Jul 11, 2015 at 10:51 AM Post #624 of 3,525

Maybe so, but that 10hz is hardly going to be a clear, well defined note. It is not possible for any turntable to reproduce frequencies below 100hz that are accurate. The vinyl medium and its ability to store this information in the grooves is just one limiting factor.
Lower Harmonics? A Harmonic is a whole numbered multiple of a lower fundamental frequency.If so what is the fundamental frequency that you are referring to?


Sorry, it was not me saying the10hzof lower harmonic - I quoted Interpolate but for some reason the quote box did not appear around it.
Jul 11, 2015 at 11:11 AM Post #625 of 3,525
  So yeah...assuming it was even possible to get  32 ENOB from a DAC with some kind of sci-fi magi-tech...
Dynamic range = 32 bits * 6dB + 35dB background in a quite room = 227dB SPL...
Which is higher than the maximum limit before it turns from "sound" into a flatout shockwave!
Which thread were we talking about the sonic weapons in again?

If AnalogSurvivor can survive that, my hat's off to him.t

There seems to be some confusion between dB SPL and dB FS not to mention the background noise that doesn't exist with headphones, so, you'll have 192 dB DR... witch  is nothing for a guy that can hear 50kHz while listening a XVII century harpsichord in a chapel with no background noise.... and by the way, what is that thing... background noise...? isn't it part of the music?
and ...can tinnitus be considered as background noise? or is it a constant that can be disregarded?
I want to listen to the CD MATS test files AnalogSurvivor... can I expect them by Christmas?
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:03 PM Post #626 of 3,525
There seems to be some confusion between dB SPL and dB FS not to mention the background noise that doesn't exist with headphones, so, you'll have 192 dB DR... witch  is nothing for a guy that can hear 50kHz while listening a XVII century harpsichord in a chapel with no background noise.... and by the way, what is that thing... background noise...? isn't it part of the music?
and ...can tinnitus be considered as background noise? or is it a constant that can be disregarded?
I want to listen to the CD MATS test files AnalogSurvivor... can I expect them by Christmas?

You'll play that harpsichord for WhaleBats on a CD Mat before AanlogSurvivor delivers.
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:32 PM Post #627 of 3,525
  So yeah...assuming it was even possible to get  32 ENOB from a DAC with some kind of sci-fi magi-tech...
Dynamic range = 32 bits * 6dB + 35dB background in a quite room = 227dB SPL...
Which is higher than the maximum limit before it turns from "sound" into a flatout shockwave!
Which thread were we talking about the sonic weapons in again?

If AnalogSurvivor can survive that, my hat's off to him.t

There seems to be some confusion between dB SPL and dB FS not to mention the background noise that doesn't exist with headphones, so, you'll have 192 dB DR... witch  is nothing for a guy that can hear 50kHz while listening a XVII century harpsichord in a chapel with no background noise.... and by the way, what is that thing... background noise...? isn't it part of the music?
and ...can tinnitus be considered as background noise? or is it a constant that can be disregarded?
I want to listen to the CD MATS test files AnalogSurvivor... can I expect them by Christmas?

There seems to be some confusion between dB SPL and dB FS not to mention the background noise that doesn't exist with headphones, so, you'll have 192 dB DR... witch  is nothing for a guy that can hear 50kHz while listening a XVII century harpsichord in a chapel with no background noise.... and by the way, what is that thing... background noise...? isn't it part of the music?
and ...can tinnitus be considered as background noise? or is it a constant that can be disregarded?
I want to listen to the CD MATS test files AnalogSurvivor... can I expect them by Christmas?

You'll play that harpsichord for WhaleBats on a CD Mat before AanlogSurvivor delivers.

...well, I was thinking about Christmas 2116...maybe by then...
and I really like that new species... the WhaleBats, they seem to be in expansion populating this (and not only) forum... if not the earth...
at least they seem to be very happy, contrary to the mere humans that are always being confronted with their claims and feeling inferior,  if not completely deaf... it would be nice if we could hear as they do... or, maybe not...
there is a emerging new industry dedicated to products for the WhaleBats!
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:51 PM Post #628 of 3,525
10Hz is the about where any motor resonance from a belt drive would be. 7
Jul 11, 2015 at 1:25 PM Post #630 of 3,525
No it's not alas sometimes it can crossover into badly grounded pick-ups.

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