Who plays instruments on Head-Fi?
Jul 23, 2006 at 5:15 AM Post #16 of 86
I've been playing trumpet since I was 9 (so that will be 9 years this August) and I absolutely love it. Unfortunately, I haven't played much this past year, since I was away at college and I wasn't enrolled in any band programs. This year, it should be different though, as I will try and just find some people to jam with (Jazz and Improv are my favorite styles) instead of taking structured classes, as I'm not planning to pursue it professionally at all. Even still, it is so much fun and easily one of the better decisions of my life to take it up.

Jul 23, 2006 at 6:20 AM Post #17 of 86
I have been playing saxophone since fourth grade. I started on alto and then picked up bari along the way. The instrument I started on was an Antiga Winds alto but I plan to purchase a 1947 Selmer Super Balanced Action alto. The thing is a transition model between the Balanced Action and the Super Balanced Action and has one of the smoothest tones and clear altissimo ranges I have ever heard, but at about 3.5k it's a bit out of my range at the moment.
Jul 23, 2006 at 7:10 AM Post #18 of 86
Violinist, 19 years and counting! I quit lessons 8 years ago though. Although it might be a good idea to take them up again, who knows?

I know how to play piano too, but took lessons for only 5 years, so I'm really not good at it at all.
Jul 23, 2006 at 7:25 AM Post #19 of 86
I wouldn't necessarily say I play, but I'm a guitar "trier"(?). Haha, I haven't made any effort to make connections with other players to get better, but I do fiddle around a lot by myself. I have an American Strat that my uncle (an excellent guitar player) gave to me about 2 years ago.

I actually want to play the mandolin, but buying a nice mandolin would be my first step and I haven't allocated funds yet.
Jul 23, 2006 at 8:11 AM Post #20 of 86
Trumpet player here

I play a 1983 Bach 37 Bb, a Bach 229 25H Leadpipe C and Kanstul 4 valve G/A/Bb pic. Looking to get an Eb soon.
Jul 23, 2006 at 8:12 AM Post #21 of 86

I've only been playing for about 4 years, so I'm not that great yet.

What's pictured is an Epiphone SG Standard Custom Shop guitar and a Randall WH40 amplifier. Boy, it's great to have your name on an amplifier
Jul 23, 2006 at 8:53 AM Post #22 of 86
*raises hand* Clarinet and various other wind instruments, but that was the main one. I was even a section leader once upon a time. I sucked too hard at guitar to mention it.

But ultimately I went with the most portable, customized, and cheapest instrument you can find, the voice.
Jul 23, 2006 at 9:36 AM Post #24 of 86

Originally Posted by iancraig10
Oboe, sax and synth player. Vocals when I'm forced.


You can keep the sax, but I'm jealous of the oboe. I've always wanted to learn the oboe.
Jul 23, 2006 at 9:50 PM Post #27 of 86

Originally Posted by nabwong
Trumpet player here

I play a 1983 Bach 37 Bb, a Bach 229 25H Leadpipe C and Kanstul 4 valve G/A/Bb pic. Looking to get an Eb soon.

I'm a band director and my instrument is trumpet. I play a Bach 37 Bb, 229 C with a 25H lead pipe, and an MF301 Holton. The Bach are late 70s and the MF Horn is early 70s. I'd love to get a Mount Vernon Bach Strad, but they don't give them away.
I was just wondering how you liked the Kanstul. They've come on since I was out and about trying horns, but everything I read about them they're great.
Jul 23, 2006 at 10:10 PM Post #28 of 86
I play the bass. Wanted to play in a band back when I was a youngster and they were always looking for a bass player. Got one, took some lessons from a friend and wound up playing in many bands, HS orchestras, pit orchestras etc. Then I had to leave the upright behind and go to college (didn't own my own). Always fiddled around with a Fender P-bass (pun intended and that I did own). A few years ago, I decided to return to the acoustic bass and got one. Just a great way to spend time I no longer seem to have enough of.
Jul 23, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #29 of 86
Clarinet - woodwind player here. Used to play guitar a lot -- but haven't played much in a long while.
Jul 24, 2006 at 1:14 AM Post #30 of 86
I play guitar and bass semi-professionally. I also double on banjo and mandolin when necessary, although I don't consider myself proficient on either of those instruments.

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