Who has an extra Flame retardant biosuit ?
Aug 13, 2001 at 2:45 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 64


On the lam from Mothra
Jun 21, 2001
The one I am wearing right now might not be enough ......

read-- >


Aug 13, 2001 at 3:07 AM Post #5 of 64
the archives are up, it's just the headwize search engine that isn't. you just have to be creative about the way you search.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:16 AM Post #6 of 64

Personally I think you are way off base. I know I have been off base before but damn man, Chu STARTED this whole thing. YOU STILL OWE HIM even if you can't access the database, even if the forums are down, even if you don't like him for some reason. The fact of the matter is Chu was there first, he made headwize work, he made people come back again and again.... And I care about the color personally.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:17 AM Post #7 of 64

Originally posted by pigmode
Yeah, you need it. That's a pretty selfish attitude you got there. Who here thinks Chu isn't doing everything he can to make it work?

pigmode, I've been ICQ'd, e-mailed and PM'd by people asking me to ask for this a long time ago. Trust me, there are a lot of headphone enthusiast community members who just want to see the archives easily accessible again. I've missed them a lot the last two months myself.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:18 AM Post #8 of 64

Originally posted by pigmode
Yeah, you need it. That's a pretty selfish attitude you got there. Who here thinks Chu isn't doing everything he can to make it work?

Nope, I am just telling it the way it is. Many fellow headwizer already have the same thoughts/discussions in private. Just that I am the one who decided to post about it in public.

The whole intention of my post was to find out his intention and when. I much rather WAIT with some promises, then wait in the DARK.

Like I said in that post, I am even willing to CONTRIBUTE funds if that is what it takes. It jsut that Chu has this thing about accepting contributions..


Skippy, care to ELABORATE on that ? because when I enter in old thread URL, it does not load up.

PM me your little secrets


BTW, is this thread getting *redundant* or what ?


Aug 13, 2001 at 3:23 AM Post #9 of 64
I've never thought about headwize in that way, CHU built up this community, if he wants to take a year before restoring the archives, that's his right.

Yes Chu is trying to keep his site non-commercial, to keep the integrity of the forums. I'm glad that someone in this audiophile community isn't just obsessed with making money.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:37 AM Post #10 of 64

Originally posted by jude

pigmode, I've been ICQ'd, e-mailed and PM'd by people asking me to ask for this a long time ago. Trust me, there are a lot of headphone enthusiast community members who just want to see the archives easily accessible again. I've missed them a lot the last two months myself.

Jude, I understand that. I have benefited imensely from the archives and although I miss them, I'm just happy to have a site to come to. I'm sure things will work themselves out.

I thank both Chu and yourself for your efforts, and if I came off a bit rude, I apologize. With the way the situation has developed, I empathize with Chu's position. I felt that the original post was a little too aggressive.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:39 AM Post #11 of 64

Originally posted by thomas
I've never thought about headwize in that way, CHU built up this community, if he wants to take a year before restoring the archives, that's his right.

Yes Chu is trying to keep his site non-commercial, to keep the integrity of the forums. I'm glad that someone in this audiophile community isn't just obsessed with making money.


I disagree with you on two fronts:
  1. It is my opinion that Chu is not obligated to do anything for the community that he doesn't want to in terms of keeping the forums up or down -- in that I agree with you. But I do feel that the many posts that members have made (including the 1100 I've made there) are, in a sense, the property of the community.
  2. Who in this community (other than Tyll and Jan because they make their livings at it) is obsessed with making money? It's not a matter of making money to make a living by running the forums. It's a matter of being able to keep them paid for. Can you honestly tell me that you don't see growth problems going forward without the help of sponsors? It is becoming evident -- it is very much a reality -- now. I mean, who here can't see that? If you ask me, I think a lot of us just don't want to see that. But it's true and it's real and it's happening now. And do you honestly believe that the integrity of the forums would be any more compromised if it's done right than they are by free posting of ads in the form of sales actions and the like? The actions of people in the interest of commercial gain within the member area forums will all be virtually eliminated given the rules that eventual sponsors will be held to.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:42 AM Post #12 of 64
Unfortunately, it seems most of us didn't get implications of Chu's warnings that he'll have to shut down. Is there anyone here who backed up archives before it all dissapeared? I know I backed up the whole HeadWize itself - sans forums of course (all projects and articles) the very first time he said that the usage is too high. I regreted many times not backing up the DIY forum. Without these archives, HeadWize is a pale shadow of it former self.

Someone must've been prophetic and backed forums as well, but he or she is not talking...
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:47 AM Post #13 of 64

That was aggresive ? hmm you oughta see my original version ! lol..

I been waiting for the archive to come back for past 2 months so I can read more on the Cosmic amp that I am interest to pick up ( and sell the new Ra-1 I recently acquired). The money is burning a pocket in my pants right now lol

I just got tired of waiting in the *dark*, so I posted it and basically get some date or promise from CHU. He replied and I am satisfy with his answer. That is all~!

I am one of those who perfers to wait with some promise or date. I cant deal with waiting in the dark forever without any sign of progress. ( keep in mind I been waiting for a long time..)

Aug 13, 2001 at 3:47 AM Post #14 of 64
The problem is:
You have to coordinate something like that.
If 20 people start to back up all the messages from HW,
this will eat up significant bandwith.

And Chu would have to pay for it.
Aug 13, 2001 at 3:53 AM Post #15 of 64

You read my mind there. I am sure someone backed up something in the forum on their HD and just keeping quiet

and yes, I also backed up headwize here. I enjoy reading all the project and articles offline a LOT ( with laptop)

I plan to do one of those KOSS foam mod this week if I can find the KOSS ear canel headphone.


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