Which is your favorite Steely Dan Record?
Feb 16, 2008 at 7:53 AM Post #3 of 34
Darn! I meant to vote Gaucho and clicked Aja by mistake. Glamour Profession, Babylon Sisters and Hey Nineteen are my favorites from this album. Personally, I am a huge fan of Fagen's cryptic lyrics. It is usually hard to figure out what Steely Dan songs are about from just one listen, a prime example being glamour profession.

I only wish more people in my age group could appreciate Steely Dan as much as i do. Browsing forums where they are appreciated more puts a smile on my face.
Feb 16, 2008 at 7:59 AM Post #4 of 34
Aja, followed closely by Gaucho. I have multiple copies of all of their stuff as well as the solo albums of Fegan and Becker, but Fegan is really where it's at for me. Morph the Cat on vinyl is an awesome recording.
Feb 16, 2008 at 12:09 PM Post #7 of 34
The first three albums are perfect, but I dig the third, Pretzel Logic, the most. I've noticed that I listen to the other Steely Dan discs for specific songs—"Bodhissatva," "Kid Charlemagne," "Deacon Blues, "Peg"—but Pretzel I listen right through…same with Fagen's The Nightfly. I'm sure it's my inner jazz guy talking…
Feb 16, 2008 at 4:01 PM Post #9 of 34
This is really an interesting case of album vs. songs

I voted for Aja as it is my favorite album and I think darn near perfect.

OTOH, if i list my top 10 (maybe 9) steely dan songs, nothing from aja makes the list.

1. Reeling in the years
2. Do it again
3. Rikki dont lose that number
4. Showbiz kids
5. Hey Nineteen
6. Black Friday
7. FM
8.My Old School
9. Kid Charlemagne
10. peg (well that one is from aja)

Hmm, going to make a playlist on my ipod now...
Feb 16, 2008 at 5:49 PM Post #12 of 34
Royal scam here....I have been listening to Two Against Nature quite a bit lately and it has some great tracks on it. The best part of that album is the recording...it is amazing. I have a small bedroom setup that consists of a small tube amp driving a set of mission 760i and a 8" sub and that recording shines!
Feb 16, 2008 at 6:28 PM Post #14 of 34
Grrrr....huge fan here, impossible to pick.

I want to cheat and say 'Showbiz Kids', but that is a hits collection. As someone else pointed out, there are so many hits scattered across so many discs, it is almost impossible to pick. I suppose I'll go with Katy Lied, if only for Fagan's lyrics on Doctor Wu, which happens to be my fav Steely Dan cut.

Top ten songs:

- Doctor Wu
- Don't Take Me Alive
- Kid Charlemagne
- Black Friday
- Pretzel Logic
- The Royal Scam
- Only a Foll Would Say That
- My Old School
- Bodhisattva
- Hey Nineteen

I'm not a huge fan of their (arguably) most commercially successful disc, Aja. While technically a great disc, I suppose I just heard it waaaaay to much growing up and it's become tired for me. And also somewhat weird, I voted for Katy Lied, yet three of my top ten are from The Royal Scam disc. I suppose I just like Doctor Wu that much more than those three.

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