Which HeadPhone should I get for 300-400$ ?
Jan 8, 2010 at 2:04 AM Post #16 of 27

Originally Posted by FallenAngel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Garbage in = Garbage out. No matter the headphones, a bad source will sound bad.

Laptop onboard is generally terrible. No idea what "mp3 player" you have; some can be decent, most aren't that great.

I tested on a Friend PC with a SoundBlaster x fi xtream audio and I dint notice any big difference only a bit bet at to high volume.


Originally Posted by stang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A source is where the music is coming from. CD player, iPod, computer etc. Get good headphones 1st but not one's like the K701 until you get a good source and amplifier first. I use my iPod touch and p-51 mustang with LOD as a portable setup but here at home I use my computer as a source. I use the on board digital which goes to my Zero DAC and then onto Qinpu A-3. Just received my ALO-780 but still miss my old Grado SR-225
Some day I will buy them again..some day. Anyway, as FallenAngel said, Garbage in = Garbage out. Headphones are most important IMO, a good source and amp wont change the sound signature as much as upgrading headphones to a higher model will do.

You've got a pretty good taste in music in my eyes, Grado's will be for you. No they do not need really expensive equipment like the K701 NEEDS but please don't feed them through a laptop's on board audio playing mp3's. Sounds like you don't like your MS-1's, how you are describing them is pretty much what Rock and metal sound best as IMO. You want everything in your face and detailed. The lack of clarity will definately be because:

a) Low end Alessandro's
b) Terrible source
c) No amplification

Sounds like you want the opposite of your current cans. A Beyerdynamic may be the one you're looking for. Audio Technica maybe (but bad for rock) and AKG (also pretty bad for rock). What you listen to is pretty a perfect match for the Alessandro's. I have no idea why you would want the K701 though, it's made for genre's pretty much the opposite of rock as it has a loud soundstage.

Every one says grado are for my taste but I'm afraid to risk
but I listen allot of vocal with classic guitar at night to chill so I think the 701 would be great on this but are they that bad on rock ?

After the headphones I still have some money to buy a AMP and DAC so no worries about that, I just want to be set for at least 3 years


Originally Posted by crazyeyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I went down a similar road you are going down. I had Grado SR225's as my first full sized headphone and ran them straight from my iMac. I then bough the Sennheiser HD650's thought they were better but not a whole lot better.

Then I bought and apogee duet firewire interface that served as a DAC and amp all in one. While this wasn't the best amp for the HD650's it was much better than my iMac and me being stubborn decided to not get a better amp. Well I then traded my HD650's for AKG K702's cause I have always wanted to hear them and was looking for somethign with more of a soundstage.

Well just a month ago I got my C-2C as an early christmas gift. This really brought the K702's to life. I then borrowed a pair of HD600's from a friend and I liked them alot. I actually like alot of things about them more than the K702's but I missed the soundstage of the K702's. I also though the K702's while super detailed and amazingly resolving they just weren't as fun to listen to. So I sold them and bought the DT880 600 ohm. I just received those a couple days ago and I can say that I am really enjoying them. They are warmer but still very detailed, and have that fun factor that the K702's were missing for me.

Anyway the moral of my long drawn out story is that I wish I had upgraded my source and amp alot sooner than I did cause now I realize how much I was missing from the HD650's.

I am not saying better headphones won't sound better just saying that an upgrade in your source will make a huge difference in how well that headphone does what it is supposed to do. Meaning that the fact that you don't like how slow and sloppy your MS1's sound they may improve alot with a better source and amp. You may want to go that route first as you may be surprised how much better they sound and any other headphone you purchase form there will aslo benefit from the better source.

Just my $.02

The DT880 600 ohm are the pro version ? and arent DT990 better ?

Like I said to FallenAngel I tested on a Friend PC with a SoundBlaster x fi xtream audio and I dint notice any big difference isn't this sufficient to be sure ?

Btw I spotted a good deal for Audio-Technica AD2000 are they a wise choice to my tastes ?
Jan 8, 2010 at 2:30 AM Post #17 of 27
Going the STAX route can be very limiting since 99% of commerical electronics with headphone support are made for dynamic headphones.. & not all STAX 'drivers' are compatible with all STAX headphones, & you will also need a voltage adapter.. & theres always a chance you might not like the electro sound.. Just some cons I think you should know about.
Jan 8, 2010 at 2:35 AM Post #18 of 27

Originally Posted by BoogieWoogie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I tested on a Friend PC with a SoundBlaster x fi xtream audio and I dint notice any big difference only a bit bet at to high volume.

Every one says grado are for my taste but I'm afraid to risk
but I listen allot of vocal with classic guitar at night to chill so I think the 701 would be great on this but are they that bad on rock ?

After the headphones I still have some money to buy a AMP and DAC so no worries about that, I just want to be set for at least 3 years

The DT880 600 ohm are the pro version ? and arent DT990 better ?

Like I said to FallenAngel I tested on a Friend PC with a SoundBlaster x fi xtream audio and I dint notice any big difference isn't this sufficient to be sure ?

Btw I spotted a good deal for Audio-Technica AD2000 are they a wise choice to my tastes ?

The 701 is fine for rock... Many think they are bass light cause most headphones put major emphasis on bass, but the bass is less accurate..
Jan 8, 2010 at 2:53 AM Post #20 of 27
Good external DAC/CD Player >> Soundblaster X-fi with ASIO >> Laptop Onboard sound

The difference between sound quality of above sources can be noticed easily with $200 headphones, less emphasized with something cheaper.

So, if your best source is laptop onboard sound, I would say upgrade that source first. Don't go overboard though, a good used CD player or external DAC under $200 will serve you well for now. The remaining $200 can be allocated to good used headphones, preferably not something amp dependent.
Jan 8, 2010 at 5:34 AM Post #23 of 27
Not sure what the quality of that pioneer cdp is. But I am sure it will be a good starting point. Though like I said not too sure. I have to say after owning the K702's they are not great for rock they lack the bass impact that you want with rock music. They are amazing headphones and I enjoyed them even with rock however they were a bit too airy and thin sounding to really enjoy rock music with. The DT880 600 ohm has the bass impact and still that airy sound that I like and enjoy but just adds that fun factor the K702's were missing.

Now when it comes to noticing differences between sources that is all going to depend on the quality headphone you have as well and also your ear. Your ear should adjust in time and pick up on the differences that a new source or headphone will make. I would say if you can split your budget and upgrade your source and amp to something a bit nicer and go with a good used heaphone at around the $200 point you will notice more of a difference than if you spent $400 on a new headphone using it out of your laptop.

Once again that is just my opinion take it as you will.
Jan 8, 2010 at 5:39 AM Post #24 of 27
Are you opposed to an IEM?

With your choice of music and being unamped, I would really recommend the UE Super.fi.5 EB's.
Jan 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM Post #25 of 27

Originally Posted by lwells /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are you opposed to an IEM?

With your choice of music and being unamped, I would really recommend the UE Super.fi.5 EB's.

I don't think IEMS can deliever the sound quality I want.


Originally Posted by crazyeyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not sure what the quality of that pioneer cdp is. But I am sure it will be a good starting point. Though like I said not too sure. I have to say after owning the K702's they are not great for rock they lack the bass impact that you want with rock music. They are amazing headphones and I enjoyed them even with rock however they were a bit too airy and thin sounding to really enjoy rock music with. The DT880 600 ohm has the bass impact and still that airy sound that I like and enjoy but just adds that fun factor the K702's were missing.

Now when it comes to noticing differences between sources that is all going to depend on the quality headphone you have as well and also your ear. Your ear should adjust in time and pick up on the differences that a new source or headphone will make. I would say if you can split your budget and upgrade your source and amp to something a bit nicer and go with a good used heaphone at around the $200 point you will notice more of a difference than if you spent $400 on a new headphone using it out of your laptop.

Once again that is just my opinion take it as you will.

So what would be best a Amp/DAC combo or Seperated DAC and AMP ?
Jan 8, 2010 at 9:10 PM Post #26 of 27
Well not sure if your budget can be stretched but the Audio-GD FUN was just announced and that is a DAC/Amp combo and is said to be great. I have to say I am very impressed with my C-2C. The FUN is available in 3 setups
Version A (with usb) $330
Version B1 (with usb) $285
Version B2 (without usb) $260

You can go read up on the different versions at audio-gd's site here is the link

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You could also search the fs forums for a used compass which was just discontinued when they FUN was released. The compass is said to be a great unit. But like I said you may have to stretch your budget slightly or spend more on your amp/dac then your headphones right now. But I think that would be your best route in terms of sq improvement.

Now there may be other dac/amp combos out there but the Audio-GD is just one I have read alot of good things about.

Hopefully some others will chime in with other suggestions or their input as well.

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