Which Headphone has been the hardest to acquire
Jul 7, 2006 at 6:21 AM Post #16 of 42
The ECR-800, SR-X mk3 Pro, and SR-Omega are the three rarest headphones I've been looking for. In terms of numbers of seen of each total, it works out to 0, 2, and 4 respectively.
Jul 7, 2006 at 9:44 AM Post #17 of 42
I never wanted a headphone like the HP-2 and i looked long and hard for one.Thankfully someone let me purchase theirs and i believe that qualifies as one of the top ten things ever to happen to me
Jul 7, 2006 at 11:26 AM Post #18 of 42
Jecklin Float Electrostatic PS2. The only ones ive ever seen for sale the seller has refused paypal, refused to ship to UK or they have been broken or damaged or not included a transformer box.

Same for the PS0 and PS1 versions, but I'd like the PS2 most.
Jul 7, 2006 at 12:52 PM Post #19 of 42
Hardest headphone for me to get was the Stax 2020s. I looked forever for those, found a great deal, and then they didn't work quite properly. Still a good deal though I think. The Sennheiser HD540s I got were also pretty hard to find. I didn't know they existed until last weekend, and I had to go to Germany to find them!

But the hardest one to find has to be my pair of Grados I loaned last year. I'm still trying to get in touch with that guy. Meh, life's kinda short, and I'm not so much the gradofan anymore, so I think I'll live.
Jul 7, 2006 at 1:22 PM Post #20 of 42
Well, considering the only two cans I own are the K340 and the 325i, the K340 was the hardest. I happened to luck out with a nice low bid on ebay.
Jul 7, 2006 at 5:00 PM Post #23 of 42
Definitely the K340s. I got them when their value started to go up on the used market because of all the positive buzz around here, and I didn't want to pay that much. So I had to wait for a long time before I found a pair that wasn't a) snatched up and b) still in good condition. But boy was it worth the wait
Jul 7, 2006 at 5:36 PM Post #24 of 42
Grado PS-1 - that's a tough cookie to get your hands on. The price scared me and Todd's limited distribution didn't help things. You see used ones every so often, I probably should have bit on that ps-1 that was selling for $850 ish last year. I doubt I would ever get my hands on one feasibly.

HP-2's have been good to me. I have had three sets the past year, so I guess I have been lucky in that regard.

I am always on the lookout for the NOS RS-1 brown headband/gold lettering. In fact, I have only seen one ever in real life, from the same person I got my HP's.
Jul 7, 2006 at 5:44 PM Post #25 of 42
I've just been lucky, keeping an eye out but just treating it passively is the least stress-inducing way to go about it for me. Yet if I see a fabled can or a good bargain I STRIKE INSTANTLY and let the dust settle later. It also doesn't hurt that I always seem to be on when these things first pop up - something to do with The Team's Early Warning Alert System that I installed

Oh, and never burn bridges. Sometimes folks who sell you cans/buy/trade your cans will remember a good transaction and actively seek you out saying "hey i have this would you be interested..." and then, of course, comes the STRIKE INSTANTLY part
Jul 7, 2006 at 9:17 PM Post #27 of 42

Originally Posted by Elephas
Followed immediately by the wife's SLAP INSTANTLY...

friggin' hilarious

Mine would have to be the HP1's, I acquired a pair finally after losing out on countless private deals, and eBay auctions, and finally obtained them from an ESTATE SALE back in 2003.

I was actually there in the Pacific NW looking for Totem Poles, and native crafted items. The guy came to the podium holding only the right enclosure, forcing the left to swing around and hit his hand, making them look like a cheap pair of cans from the 50's, I knew instantly and was shocked.. (I will never forget my face, as I was sitting near a pane of glass that was part of the double door enclosure, so I could instanlty see my reflection in real time,
I tried to play it cool, but this lady bid up the auction quite a bit, but I killed it

Oh yeah, some idiot stole them out of my car two years ago at the Mayo Clinic hospital, so have been on the look out ever since..

Have not found them, and have looked..
Jul 7, 2006 at 9:57 PM Post #28 of 42
i need to hit an estate sale. no joke. NYCers, if this is your hobby, PM me, I'll tag along to check this stuff out.
Jul 7, 2006 at 10:10 PM Post #29 of 42
For my needs I have not seen too many used RS-2s come up for sale. Pretty easy to get new though.
Jul 8, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #30 of 42
I thought about getting these for a long time to join my L3000's (my wife has red hair and green's her favorite color). When I finally decided to get them, I contacted Koji at EIFL to order them and he informed me that the last pair in Japan had been sold one week before that.

I've yet to see a used pair for sale anywhere either.


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