Which box shall I open ? : Ipod 4G or Iriver iHP140
Sep 27, 2004 at 2:18 PM Post #151 of 164

Originally Posted by Yasmin_Khan
still look "good" to wear.

If that's your picture under your nick then anything will look good.

Sep 27, 2004 at 2:54 PM Post #152 of 164

Originally Posted by supahfreak
If that's your picture under your nick then anything will look good.

Well, I straighten my hair in the mornings. It takes maybe 15mins or so.
And it'll probably take 5 seconds for headphones to crumple them up!
So that's why I bought the E2c's.
Sep 27, 2004 at 3:49 PM Post #153 of 164
The HD25-1 has a pivoting split headband which may be beneficial to certain hairstyles by allowing the phones to be supported in different ways. Anyway, ask for a demo if poss at Turnkey.

Don't let the initial clamping tension of the HD25-1 put you off that much... it goes down a little over time. And a final note: The cable is the 'wrong way around' on the HD25-1, it comes down on the right hand side.
Sep 27, 2004 at 4:03 PM Post #154 of 164

Originally Posted by bangraman
The cable is the 'wrong way around' on the HD25-1, it comes down on the right hand side.

The HD25's are truly excellent headphones. Given the choice between those and my ER6i's. I'll take the HD25's any day of the week.

Bangraman: I know the chord comes down on the right but what do you mean when you say, the wrong way around? Are you left handed?
Sep 27, 2004 at 4:49 PM Post #155 of 164

Originally Posted by Gundam
The HD25's are truly excellent headphones. Given the choice between those and my ER6i's. I'll take the HD25's any day of the week.

Bangraman: I know the chord comes down on the right but what do you mean when you say, the wrong way around? Are you left handed?

No, just that most other headphones with a single sided cord come down the left hand side. Only DJ-influenced phones use the right.
Sep 27, 2004 at 5:08 PM Post #156 of 164

But why????
Sep 28, 2004 at 12:09 AM Post #158 of 164
Yasmin that's better than the gift itself - a hassle-free 4G! Grats! No Ipod-return Roulette for you! Now you can look for the ipod case you want (I noticed you have yours sights on one already) and then some new headphones are the next thing on the horizon! I've heard good things about the Ety 6i, you should give it a look if you like the bud/canal feel and isolation.
Sep 28, 2004 at 12:36 AM Post #159 of 164
Sep 28, 2004 at 10:54 AM Post #161 of 164

Originally Posted by vranswer
Does this mean you'll send me the Iriver instead?

Unfortunately the iRiver has been sent back to amazon.co.uk and those kind
people have provided a swift refund. ah love 'em loads.. i'll make sure i buy
more stuff from them for their good customer service. Now only if they
would stock : Sennheiser 25-1, that would be perfect.
Sep 28, 2004 at 11:29 AM Post #162 of 164

Originally Posted by Jahn
Now you can look for the ipod case you want (I noticed you have yours sights on one already) and then some new headphones are the next thing on the horizon! I've heard good things about the Ety 6i, you should give it a look if you like the bud/canal feel and isolation.

Hi Jahn

I have already bought the Lajo case for my ipod, it fits like a .. um.. skin?


i'm still thinking about earcanal phones or headphones....
earcanal phones are discrete but hard to take in and out of the ear once
a good seal has been made.
And headphone are bulky but quite convenient.
All this expenditure......it's amazing what an extra £50 could do for ones
set-up.... and there's no limit.

Cya, Yasmin

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