Which box shall I open ? : Ipod 4G or Iriver iHP140
Sep 25, 2004 at 12:43 AM Post #136 of 164
LOL.....for a second I thought your ipod picture included a pair of maroon colored underwear as a backdrop....I've decided it must be a shirt.

But maybe there's an idea there if I ever decide to write a full length review with pictures. My Iriver would look really black, cool, and trendy on top of a pair of Fruit of the Looms.
Sep 25, 2004 at 1:01 AM Post #137 of 164

Originally Posted by wolfen68
LOL.....for a second I thought your ipod picture included a pair of maroon colored underwear as a backdrop....I've decided it must be a shirt.

Don't worry I thought that too
good to see that I wasn't the only one who was perverted

Anyway good luck with the iPod, Yasmin- no hardrive problems I hope.
Sep 25, 2004 at 11:49 AM Post #138 of 164

Originally Posted by AuroraProject
Beautiful! Do you have upgradeitis yet for the EOS 20D?

Good choice on the ipod, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

It's definetly a better camera but i don't need the advancements yet.
Im going to get as much as i can out of the 10D and trade it for something
even better than the 20D in the future.
Sep 25, 2004 at 12:01 PM Post #139 of 164

Originally Posted by Gundam
didn't go for the Ety's in the end then?


Thanks for your advice and links re : er-6i's
I already had the e2c's for a little while before.

I was just thinking of what to go for next to increase
the quality of sound, comfort and "coolness facor"

without resorting to white earphone cables!

I was even thinking of Grado's they seem good value
for money and i could easily push them away from my
ears to speak to someone.
Where as with in ear phones it isn't as easy.

Cya, Yasmin
Sep 25, 2004 at 12:09 PM Post #140 of 164

Originally Posted by wolfen68
LOL.....for a second I thought your ipod picture included a pair of maroon colored underwear as a backdrop....I've decided it must be a shirt.

If anyone can donate me a new pair of Er-4P then maybe just
i'll include my undies. But in the meantime I'll let your fantasies
torture you.
Sep 25, 2004 at 12:19 PM Post #141 of 164

Originally Posted by Yasmin_Khan

Thanks for your advice and links re : er-6i's
I already had the e2c's for a little while before.

I was just thinking of what to go for next to increase
the quality of sound, comfort and "coolness facor"

without resorting to white earphone cables!

I was even thinking of Grado's they seem good value
for money and i could easily push them away from my
ears to speak to someone.
Where as with in ear phones it isn't as easy.

Cya, Yasmin

My girlfriend (who's an accessories designer for Bally in Switzerland) has one of these (I use a grey iSkin):


As well as several handbags.... Being in Switzerland, she's happy to use white Sony EX71's (without fear of being mugged). Getting a case for your shiny new iPod will keep it shiny. Otherwise you'll end up with scratches (and fingerprints) all over it in no time.

BTW: Try the Grado's before you buy, as they're known for being uncomfortable (for some)...
Sep 25, 2004 at 8:00 PM Post #142 of 164


Originally Posted by Gundam
Getting a case for your shiny new iPod will keep it shiny. Otherwise you'll end up with scratches (and fingerprints) all over it in no time.

Thanks for the tip, i've ordered a Lajo skin from :

Its a see through silicone case. I hope it looks good over the ipod.
I didn't want to seal it all up so i can't see it or loose that feeling of holding


Originally Posted by Gundam
BTW: Try the Grado's before you buy, as they're known for being uncomfortable (for some)...

do you know anywhere in london where i can see/feel these grado's.
I don't want to look like a nerd, you know like "Bo Slecta" when he does
his Craig David impression.

There's is Tottenhm Court road in west london but they're more your
mainstream brands like Sony etc
Sep 25, 2004 at 9:12 PM Post #143 of 164
The Lajo skin looks pretty cool I say. This is the one I have:


"Craig David all over your... {boing}" Terrible. Absolutely horrendous.

I know Tottenham Court Road well. I used to live in Crouch End, North London only moved to Glasgow recently for my Masters.

Grado can't be bought just anywhere you know...

But they can be bought at the Cornflake shop (Great Windmill St, W1)

Check out their price list (pdf, p2):


PS... That Bo Selecta just gives me the creeps. The Dutch perv fella with the neck brace can be amusing though.........
Sep 26, 2004 at 12:03 AM Post #144 of 164
Unless it's for home use only, I'd advise against the Grados. Impractical in all sorts of ways. Hi-Fi Experience (nearly opposite HSBC halfway down Tottenham Court Road) do stock them, and may have demo units.

Turnkey (Charing X Road, opposite Foyles) have phones from Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser and Sony for sale. They stock the MDR-7506, HD25-1 and DT250-80 among others, and they may let you demo. The HD25-1 seems to work well on most male and female heads and are very practical for portable use. The only downside is a somewhat sweaty experience in summer. Still, you can unearth the E2c for that.
Sep 26, 2004 at 11:02 AM Post #146 of 164

Originally Posted by bangraman
Unless it's for home use only, I'd advise against the Grados. Impractical in all sorts of ways. Hi-Fi Experience (nearly opposite HSBC halfway down Tottenham Court Road) do stock them, and may have demo units.

The HD25-1 seems to work well on most male and female heads and are very practical for portable use. The only downside is a somewhat sweaty experience in summer. Still, you can unearth the E2c for that.

Agreed. Inefficient and uncomfortable are Grado's. Don't like Hi-Fi Experience. Their service, in my experience, is terrible. The HD25-1's, whilst not as retro-looking, can be had for around £125 (they still have a real pro-audio look about them though). A bargain in my book for their great sound but, yes, they can get a bit sweaty in the summer. Pads can be changed though...
Sep 26, 2004 at 12:56 PM Post #147 of 164

Originally Posted by bangraman
Unless it's for home use only, I'd advise against the Grados. Impractical in all sorts of ways. Hi-Fi Experience (nearly opposite HSBC halfway down Tottenham Court Road) do stock them, and may have demo units.

They'd definetly be used for portable listeninig.
I only use headphones at home for sorting music on my computer in the
case when someone is watching Tv in the same room.

I'll check those headphones, but they seem quite big.
In order to get isolation from the outside world, it seems there's
no choice it's either earphones or massive headphones which cover the ear.

I'll have to see it through with the E2C's till I can get something more
comfortable later. Possibly Er-6i when they come out in black....

Sep 26, 2004 at 2:30 PM Post #148 of 164
I'm not sure my mind can quite grasp the fact that we have a female model interested in programming here at Head-Fi
Anyway, I think you made the right choice with the iPod - you wont regret it.
Sep 27, 2004 at 12:06 AM Post #149 of 164

Originally Posted by Yasmin_Khan
They'd definetly be used for portable listeninig.
I only use headphones at home for sorting music on my computer in the
case when someone is watching Tv in the same room.

I'll check those headphones, but they seem quite big.
In order to get isolation from the outside world, it seems there's
no choice it's either earphones or massive headphones which cover the ear.

I'll have to see it through with the E2C's till I can get something more
comfortable later. Possibly Er-6i when they come out in black....


The Sennheiser HD25-1 is practically the same size as the Grados, although they stick out a bit more.
HD25-1 on left, SR80 on right.

Sep 27, 2004 at 1:52 PM Post #150 of 164

Originally Posted by bangraman
Turnkey (Charing X Road, opposite Foyles) have phones from Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser and Sony for sale. They stock the MDR-7506, HD25-1 and DT250-80 among others, and they may let you demo. The HD25-1 seems to work well on most male and female heads and are very practical for portable use.

Thanks for that tip I'll check out Turnkey's this week.
Of the models on sale which do you think will be suitable for the Ipod
without an amp, sound very good & still look "good" to wear.


This one looks nice but i'll have to see it for real if it's size is suitable.

The HD25-1 doesn't seem too big. Esp if the quality is good.

Actually since i wrote that msg(above), I read this review :


and feel a lot more knowledgeable.

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