When was your first headphone "WOW" and what caused it?
Jun 10, 2005 at 10:56 PM Post #31 of 111
I have two.

One happened many years ago when I was a teenager. I went to a audiophile shop here in Seattle called Definitive Audio and tried out their Sennheiser Dummyhead ear speakers. I was floored! The soundstage was totally spherical! Unbelievable.

The second occurance was when I got my 2X-Ss from Sensaphonics. I have been living in that wow for the last two months! It just keeps going...

Jun 11, 2005 at 1:00 AM Post #33 of 111
There is one defining moment. It was when I got my ipod and the stock earbuds. It was like it matches my ipod so I am so way cool. And it's an ipod and it matches, did I mention this?

Ps-1's don't even have the tightness and bass slam of the earbuds. And the earbuds matches the ipod.

R-10's instrument seperation and detail, not even close cos my earbuds matches my ipod.

He60's Amazingly fast sound and airy, so what it doesn't match my ipod.

Qualia's detailed fast sound, well they look stupid with my ipod as they don't match. Also I have the white earbuds and not the stupid red leather inner cups of the Qualia.

Stock earbuds not just a "wow" but a "WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"...
Jun 11, 2005 at 1:08 AM Post #34 of 111
I agree with GoRedWings19 on this one.

Apple Ipod's stock earbuds are like, so cool... They have that white colour that like, sooo matching with the Ipods... Because the Ipods are like, white coloured too...

And like, the white earbuds and the white Ipods are so like, match together...

And when I wear them outside, it's like everyone knows I have the Ipod earbuds... Isn't that like, sooo cool ?

And like, everyone is like, WOW....
Jun 11, 2005 at 1:13 AM Post #35 of 111
Stop you guys, you're making me jealous
If I buy an iPod will it get me a girlfriend?
Jun 11, 2005 at 1:16 AM Post #36 of 111

Originally Posted by Kameleon
Stop you guys, you're making me jealous
If I buy an iPod will it get me a girlfriend?

Yes, and you can get a degree from University too.
Jun 11, 2005 at 1:29 AM Post #37 of 111

Originally Posted by Kameleon
Stop you guys, you're making me jealous
If I buy an iPod will it get me a girlfriend?

A Girlfriend? Dude once word gets out that you have an ipod and MATCHING EARBUDS, whoa. You get tons of **** bunnies, but best of all it's way cheaper than a girlfriend. Now that makes financial sense and you get laid.

Not to mention you will get promotion to CEO. These things are the cats meow, the doggie lovespuds. Everyone will respect you. Actually If I am not mistaken you will become made head of state for the country you live in.

Yep, it's great to have earbuds. And they match my ipod...
Jun 11, 2005 at 1:40 AM Post #38 of 111
I think it's great that manufacturers are making other headphones in white now too, so I can get the chicks even if I don't like the beautifully unique sound signature of the stock buds...

And if some nasty mugger sees my white babe magnets, hopefully he'll be so attracted to me that he'll forget all about money and join in my fluffy bunny love parade. It's win-win!
Jun 11, 2005 at 2:01 AM Post #40 of 111
Listening to "all you need is love" on ms-2.

WOW, this sounds really bad. It's done a wonderful job at instrument seperation, and moved them all into different rooms. Time for crossfeed?
Jun 11, 2005 at 2:42 AM Post #41 of 111
My first "good" headphones were Sony MDR-CD350's like a decade ago. From those I bought the CD-3000's and loved them. Tried the HD-650's while I owned the CD3K's then had to stick with the 650's - sold off the 3K's because they were too bright in comparison.
Jun 11, 2005 at 2:45 AM Post #42 of 111
Months ago playing Norah Jone's "Seven Years" out of RS-1... the texture of the song... it was almost palpable.

Jun 11, 2005 at 2:59 AM Post #43 of 111
My first WOW was with my Shure E3c's about 4 months ago. The next WOW was the E4c's about 2 weeks ago. and The most recent WOW was when i got my E5c's about a week ago. I am no loving my E5c's and am looking to move quickly into custom IEM's but i might have to hold off a year cause i just recently joined a gym and am planning to lose a significant amount of weight which i heard can signigicantly change the shape of your ear canal. So i guess my next wow will come when i go custom. I hope to go with sensas depending on whatever else decides to come out between now and then in the custom arena.
Jun 11, 2005 at 4:29 AM Post #44 of 111
My fist "wow" moment was when I was recording a great bluegrass band at a gig. The sound guy was (justifiably) proud of his mics and setup, and handed me his HD280's plugged into the soundboard so I could check it out apart from the crappy PA system.

I was floored.

I googled the heck out of the HD280's, was about to buy a pair. In the process, of course, I found this place...
Jun 11, 2005 at 4:47 AM Post #45 of 111
My SR60's, which i bought almost two weeks ago

Out of the box, they impressed me, but didn't "wow" me. They were an upgrade of a set of Sony Streetstyles, and the main differences out of the box were increased seperation and more controlled bass, which i enjoyed, but didn't think of as particularly fabulous. I then set them to burn in....

My first truly critical listening session was actually at work, during my (pitifully short) lunch break, with the Grados at about the 45hr burn-in mark. I decided i needed a pick-me-up, and put on some hard rock - Disturbed, Down With The Sickness. OMG. The tempo of the song just kept building, and the SR60 went with it, and then the really powerful vocals kicked in "...in dealing with THESE CHANGES, LIVING WITH THESE CHANGES!" right at the height, and absolutely floored me.

Needless to say, i was late back from lunch that day, and first thing upon arriving home, i plugged them straight into my Audigy and went on a rollercoaster listening session, paying full attention to every nuance in the sound. It was bliss.

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