What's your internet connection?
Feb 7, 2002 at 2:18 PM Post #16 of 68

Originally posted by Xevion
Eagle Driver - Are you serious? Cable is $44 a month here, so it is cheaper then dialup + an extra phone line + dialup. But my house has 4 computers and a laptop hooked up to the switch so it is much cheaper then 2 or 3 dedicated phone lines.

I have 1500/300 cable. It isn't fast enough.

It depends on where you live at, Xevion. And I have only one phone line at home. Finally, the computer that I'm browsing the Web from is the only computer I have.

However, many broadband services available in my area are very expensive where I live at - more than $50 per month. That's more than I'm currently paying for phone service + dialup.
Feb 7, 2002 at 3:27 PM Post #18 of 68

Kickus said...

2 OC3's plus Internet2 access! I hate going home and using my parent's cable modem


You're on Internet 2?!? I'm SO jealous! Is this on a campus or a research facility, and what sort of speeds are you getting?

Feb 7, 2002 at 5:32 PM Post #19 of 68

Originally posted by Kickus
2 OC3's plus Internet2 access! I hate going home and using my parent's cable modem

Oh yeah, I forgot, we have Internet2 as well.

Just to give you a clue how silly my college is, in 1996, we ran OC3 connections straight to the desktop (over optical fiber) in all the dorms and facilities. It sure did seem like a good idea at the time.
Feb 7, 2002 at 6:43 PM Post #21 of 68

Originally posted by dhwilkin


You're on Internet 2?!? I'm SO jealous! Is this on a campus or a research facility, and what sort of speeds are you getting?


This is going to sound like a letdown, but I could never find any directory of non-college web pages on the Internet2. So the most I can do is visit the sites of other colleges on the network, but the plus side is that the load times are easily as fast as viewing pages over the LAN. My college doesn't really do much research, they just have so much money from charging nightmarish tuitions that they have nothing else to spend their money on! I think that until the Internet2 becomes available to the general public, it will remain pretty bland (for people like me, not researchers).
Feb 7, 2002 at 7:12 PM Post #22 of 68
Time Warner RoadRunner. They say upto 1.5mbps/1mbps, but they're so full of it. I've been capped at 150kb/sec download 50kb/sec upload and the averages are way below that. I'm planning on switching to a dedicated 1.5mbps wireless connection as soon as it becomes available (soon).
Feb 7, 2002 at 7:38 PM Post #23 of 68
Figures that even the internet has to have a sequel. Damn you Hollywood!

I would like to thank everyone that has participated so far. I'm actually surprised their are more DSL users than Cable. Cable seems so much more stable here in the metro area. My DSL is constantly acting up, all kinds of outages throughout the day, it's very annoying. Makes it nearly impossible to play a long game of Starcraft with getting kicked off due to an outage.

I am very envious of all your dorm freaks with those super fast connections. FPS must flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Feb 7, 2002 at 11:46 PM Post #26 of 68
I have ADSL. 640/90 Fast, efficient, reliable. Problems are rare, and all three computers on my home network are attached -- one (an iBook) wirelessly. I can browse the web from any spot on my property with the laptop. Very cool.

For $40-$50 per month, cable is the best bang/buck ratio. (Theoretically) tops out around 2 Mb/sec, but most users don't see that kind of performance, since they're splitting bandwidth with others on their trunk.

For that same $40 per month, I get consistent 550 Kb/sec throughput out of my "up to" 640 Kb connection. My upload speeds are actually faster than the "up to" 90 Kb they advertise -- around 120 Kb is typical. I don't share this bandwidth with anyone, so performance is consistent.

I'm jealous of a friend of mine who lives in Atlanta, though. He's got ADSL 1.5 Mb/256 Kb for $40 a month. I could get the same thing here except it would cost me $70/month rather than $40. If I really wanted to waste my money I could get 7 Mb/1.5 Mb ADSL here -- my house is close enough to the phone switch to support it. But it costs something like $120 per month.

Satellite is a terrible choice if one of the other high-speed options is available. It's throughput is good but it has terrible latency. So if you're downloading a large file, like a linux .iso, it's good. But if you're loading up lots of small files, like Head-Fi pages, the latency kills performance.

If you're still stuck with dialup, I feel sorry for you. I was one of you until around a year ago.
Feb 8, 2002 at 12:45 AM Post #27 of 68
I get ADSL from Telus, a BC company. All my friends have cable and say they can download 350kps at tops. The fastest i ever downloaded was 150kps.

Its ok though. I have NEVER experienced down time. The cable in BC goes down a lot, but never DSL. Plus, Telus gives you 10 hours of free dial up just in case DSL goes down.
Feb 8, 2002 at 12:48 AM Post #28 of 68
What! The most i ever got was 100k download. Otherwise its very spotty, constant outages, my service is Acecape, aka Acedsl. Russ who are you connected to?

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