What's the most you'd pay for headphones?
May 21, 2003 at 7:04 PM Post #16 of 49

Originally posted by redshifter
i can afford more, but my inner diminishing-marginal-returns meter peaks out about about us$300.

HEHE, I will make sure to remember this once you hear zzz's Omega II setup, or the R10s along with the Cary 300SEI. HEHE, this will be one of those statements that haunts you. Kinda like when I said I was done buing and upgrading when I got the RKV and Arcam CD23. Now I know better.
May 21, 2003 at 7:06 PM Post #17 of 49
i'd pay up to 450 for HP-1000s, but that's about the most i'd spend on any dynamic cans.

maybe one day I might be able to afford omega IIs... but until then, i think the most i'd spend is 215 for some DT880s
May 21, 2003 at 7:10 PM Post #18 of 49

Originally posted by stan23
10K max for everything.. cans, amp, source.

Headphones alone, I would do no more than 4K max. Gotta have money for my other toys

Uh, are there any headphones that cost more than $4K? R10's cost $4K retail in the US (cheaper elsewhere), not aware of any more expensive.. I guess that would make sense if you were talking about multiple headphones though.. Leaving $6K for an amp.. (or amps).. yikes. Not many amps at that pricepoint either.

May 21, 2003 at 7:21 PM Post #19 of 49

Originally posted by MERTON
*grumbles* stupid richies... what kinda job give you this kinda money?

I work in Software at a semi-big company in northern california.
May 21, 2003 at 7:24 PM Post #20 of 49

Originally posted by dd3mon
Uh, are there any headphones that cost more than $4K? R10's cost $4K retail in the US (cheaper elsewhere), not aware of any more expensive.. I guess that would make sense if you were talking about multiple headphones though.. Leaving $6K for an amp.. (or amps).. yikes. Not many amps at that pricepoint either.


I was thinking the R10 as well.. but i'm not ready to drop the dough just yet. I still have a few things I want to find out and listening to them first wouldn't hurt the least bit.
May 21, 2003 at 7:32 PM Post #21 of 49

Originally posted by stan23
10K max for everything.. cans, amp, source. Headphones alone, I would do no more than 4K max. Gotta have money for my other toys

Hmmmm, lets' see. For that kind of money you could make the most incredible system.

Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up Mk II 24/192 CDP. (used or greay market if you were daring enough)
Stax Omega IIs. (new)
KGSS amp. (new, custom built)
VD Nite IC 1m. (used)
VD Nite PC x2 at 5ft each. (used)

And this would still leave you some money left over. Quite a bit of money left over actually. Money which you could use to buy some more music to explore just how good this set-up would be.
May 21, 2003 at 7:57 PM Post #22 of 49

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
HEHE, I will make sure to remember this once you hear zzz's Omega II setup, or the R10s along with the Cary 300SEI. HEHE, this will be one of those statements that haunts you. Kinda like when I said I was done buing and upgrading when I got the RKV and Arcam CD23. Now I know better.

you may be right, but i'll lose that self-satisfied inner glow once i cross that margin, no matter how good the cans and amp sound.
May 21, 2003 at 8:03 PM Post #23 of 49
I haven't ruled out Stax yet, so I'd spend whatever it took. Though I am quite happy with my W1000 ($400), so I probably won't seriously consider upgrading for a long time.
May 21, 2003 at 8:07 PM Post #24 of 49

Originally posted by redshifter
you may be right, but i'll lose that self-satisfied inner glow once i cross that margin, no matter how good the cans and amp sound.

That you may, but at least you would thoroughly enjoy the tunes you were listening to at that point on.


I will post some info on the Stax once I get them. I have always been a dynamic headphone guy, so it will be intersting to hear them for the first time in my system.
May 21, 2003 at 8:18 PM Post #25 of 49

I will post some info on the Stax once I get them. I have always been a dynamic headphone guy, so it will be intersting to hear them for the first time in my system.

Thanks SIE, but please, only post if you don't like it. I already had to convince myself not to try to buy HP-1000s after your last review.

But seriously, I look forward to hearing your impressions.
May 21, 2003 at 8:26 PM Post #26 of 49
I think the most I'd ever spend would be about $1500. I don't think the Sennheiser Orpheus is worth the price tag, but would consider a cheaper R10. I think going straight for the top prevents me from spending too much on the lesser headphones.

Although if the headphone wasn't the "end-of-my-upgrades" headphones (like the R10) the most I'd spend would be about $300-$400 (CD3k, HD600, Ety ER-4P territory)
May 21, 2003 at 8:36 PM Post #28 of 49

Originally posted by radrd
Thanks SIE, but please, only post if you don't like it. I already had to convince myself not to try to buy HP-1000s after your last review.

But seriously, I look forward to hearing your impressions.

HEHE, it's dangerous to either read my reviews or PM me.
At least FCJ and screwdriver seem to love their new HP-1000s now that they got them after reading my review.

I might not post too much on the Stax since they are out of the range of most sane people. Maybe I'll just throw in some comments every now and again when the topic comes up. The bummer is the month-and-a-half wait until they arrive mid-July. Although I will appreciate them all the more when all I have to listen to is the Creek OBH-11 in that interval. **weeps silently**
May 21, 2003 at 9:28 PM Post #29 of 49
I'm not looking for a new pair of headphones right now, and being a student I haven't exactly got unlimited resources

Well, if I'd run into a pair of phones that I REALLY liked I could possibly pay USD 350 for them today, but I've decided not to buy any more headphones until I can afford (at least) the Statx Signature system... Maybe I could get my father to pay for it...
May 21, 2003 at 10:17 PM Post #30 of 49
I don't really think money has to be the be all and end all indicator of good cans. I would rather pay less money for better gear than more for the best. That said...HP-1000's are pretty well the best dynamic phones and they can be had for 200 up to 1000. I paid mid range. I think I would pay as much as I felt they were worth for what they were giving me. I can't see myself spending more than 1.5k (Stax) but perhaps...in time that will change. They better me make of kevlar and titanium though.

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