What volume do you listen to your SR-71 at?
Apr 8, 2005 at 6:52 PM Post #16 of 42
iPod 2G (no line out, so I use the headphone out) --> SR-71 --> E5c

Both the Ipod and the SR-71 are at about half volume. It's easier for me to reach the iPod than the SR-71 to change volume. Also, if the SR-71 batteries crap out on me, I can plug the E5cs directly into the iPod without having to change the volume.

I used the same settings on a Porta Corda, SuperMacro V1 and a Portaphile. It seems that all four amplifiers run at unity gain (approximately) with the volume control at mid-scale.
Apr 8, 2005 at 9:38 PM Post #17 of 42

Originally Posted by Xoton
I wonder if there's a gain setting issue here...I got mine from Todd too.

IRiver IMP-400
Cardas 1 foot cable (nitrogen?? not nitrogen??)

Usually between 10 and 2. That reminds me of driver's ed.

Probably not. You have the stock gain, as do I. Chances are you're used to listening very loud. You might want to work on that.
Apr 9, 2005 at 11:20 AM Post #21 of 42

Originally Posted by Kirosia
Probably not. You have the stock gain, as do I. Chances are you're used to listening very loud. You might want to work on that.

What is the stock gain of the SR-71? And does anyone know if you can get one at another gain setting?
Apr 9, 2005 at 2:03 PM Post #22 of 42
I think stock is 6. There's no other way to order it, but you can ask Ray about adjusting (if I remember it increases gain to 11 - same as XP7/HR2). As I started to realize just how amazing the SR71 was and it's possibilities as a [relatively] inexpensive great home amp, it switched from Etys duty to the home front (and Ray made the necessary changes).

SR71 (high gain)
HD650s Zu (don't remember if with stock volume was any different)
~10-11 o'clock. Depends on recording and source, though.
Apr 9, 2005 at 2:31 PM Post #23 of 42
Thanks blessingx.
I am more interested in a lower gain. The amp I'm using right now has a gain of six and I'm a low volume listener and 6 is too high to use with low impedance cans in my set-up.
Apr 10, 2005 at 10:25 AM Post #24 of 42

Originally Posted by redshifter
iaudio m3 << sr71 << er4p->s = 1 o'clock (for classical piano music)

How about for none classical, say pop or rock music? I usually turn it higher for classical but still never break the 9 o'clock barrier
Apr 30, 2005 at 12:26 PM Post #27 of 42

Originally Posted by bhd812
I got my sr-71 (yay) and with my 600's I got it cranked full throttle...

I like it loud!!!!

You might like it loud, but in a while you might not be able to hear it at all. I would strongly caution you against listening to music at levels that high! Tinnitus and/or hearing damage really sucks. The ear does not have the capability to repair damaged auditory cells. Be sensible and preserve your hearing! Just because you can hear alright now doesn't mean you still will be able too. If you hear ringing or high pitched noises after you have been listening it means that damage has definately been done; even if you don't damage can still be done. Once you have damaged your hearing it is impossible to go back to the way it was.

I don't mean to tell you what to do but as a future medical professional I would say that it is in the interests of your health to be careful.
May 2, 2005 at 7:00 AM Post #29 of 42

Originally Posted by stevesurf
11~12 with HD595/Cardas Mini/iPod line out

Wow! I have the same setup (impedance on my HD595 is 50 ohms) but I usually listen between 8 and 9... maybe 10 for brief periods.

I like the sound at the higher levels (10, 11), but I'm too chicken about possibly causing hearing damage.

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