What the the best versatile, 'all-rounder' headphone that you own?

Sep 28, 2016 at 11:14 AM Post #16 of 40
  Versatility to me means a balanced voicing. In that category there are 3 that stand out. Fostex T50RP MK3, HD650, and AT M50x. All are voiced with a very balanced approach to bass, mid, high and their character can be changed easily with EQ to slide in to any role you wish.

The M50x has overwhelming bass...like 8 dB too much. Makes it sound muddy when there's bass in the music. Not balanced at all. But EQ does fix it.
Sep 28, 2016 at 6:53 PM Post #17 of 40
I like the HD700 for all around.  It's almost like listening to my LSR305s.  The 700s never fatigued my ears and the treble spike never bothered me but the LSR305s fatigued my ears.  They are brighter sounding than the HD700.  But I'm getting used to the LSR305s now.  I find the HD700 great for music, pretty dynamic in all frequencies, and awesome for gaming.  Then when I'm feeling a little mellow, I'll throw on the HD650 for some smoothness.  Don't have any experience with other headphones but that's my take.
Sep 28, 2016 at 7:29 PM Post #18 of 40
Beyerdynamic T90 with foam pad mod (front foam pad moved from front of driver to behind it) and Audeze micro-suede earpads.
Sep 29, 2016 at 2:46 PM Post #21 of 40
  The M40x fixes this problem, and is in my opinion the better headphone in every way. Not to mention $50 cheaper.

Yeah, I had the M40x and M30x too, and prefer both over the M50x. But I get the feeling I might prefer the M50x after EQ.
(However, I strongly favor much more affordable Koss headphones over all of them.)
Sep 29, 2016 at 3:20 PM Post #22 of 40
Would have to be my Philips SHP9500, even though I love my Fostex TH-X00 Purplehearts more than any other headphone I have from a music listening perspective. The SHP9500 present everything I like to listen to in a manner I really enjoy almost as well as the TH-X00's, quite similar sounding other than the bass/subass actually. What they do better than the X00's is they have a 3.5mm jack for cable attachment (and mic attachment with V-Moda Boom PRO for gaming), are extremely lightweight and robust feeling, and are very comfortable for spending long amounts of time on your head - especially since I now have Shure 1540 pads on them...


Looks sweet, and considering how hard to get those pads, there can't be many more.
If it was me, i'd black it out. Maybe the look isn't for everyone :P

The 9500's have been a great find!
Sep 29, 2016 at 9:06 PM Post #24 of 40
The Audio Technica R70X might be the best bang for your buck headphone on the market currently. Mine sound pretty great with just about every genre ... my THX00 is very versatile as well, maybe more so because it is closed but I don't know, there is something about the R70X, it just straight up makes music sound awesome. Very underrated can. 
Sep 29, 2016 at 10:53 PM Post #25 of 40
My overall favorites are my NAD Visio HP 50's. Just love the sound. I often need to wear open back headphones and for that I really like my new AKG K7XX's.

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Oct 9, 2016 at 10:23 PM Post #26 of 40
I own all 3 headphones and the M50x does not have a bloated bass and the level of bass vs mids is similar in sound to the HD650. All 3 of those headphones can be tailored with a little EQ to suit just about anybody's tastes. I recently received the Oppo PM-3 and it also has a good all around voicing. Please keep in mind that there is a big difference between analytical, and balanced especially in bass.
Oct 10, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #27 of 40
  I own all 3 headphones and the M50x does not have a bloated bass and the level of bass vs mids is similar in sound to the HD650.

It's one of the most bloated headphones I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot. Just look at the graph I shared. (The bass is supposed to follow the green line.)
Oct 10, 2016 at 1:30 PM Post #29 of 40
It's one of the most bloated headphones I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot. Just look at the graph I shared. (The bass is supposed to follow the green line.)

And just for reference, http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/SennheiserHD650.pdf
The 650 is practically ruler flat from 60hz to 1200hz. The M50x is visibly 8-10db from 30-100hz over its midrange response.
Everyone's ears are different, but the 650 is an objectively very flat headphone and the m50x is objectively, extremely bass heavy.
Oct 10, 2016 at 1:36 PM Post #30 of 40
I'd say HD600 is closer to neutral than 650, esp in mid-bass. But, that extra warmth is very pleasing to lots of people.

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