What Optical Cable to buy?
Jun 12, 2004 at 8:32 AM Post #31 of 32
I was unaware of any cable runs in the world that were 100,000 miles long

Anyways, if you go to www.mcmelectronics.com you can buy glass optical cables, the same ones offered on ebay, for a little less than I have seen posted here. Just thought you'd like to know. The picture they show does not look like the same ones (SonicWave), but I bought the 2m glass optical from MCM and it was indeed the same SonicWave that I saw on ebay.

(PS I must be honest here though and report that my glass optical cable mysteriously broke after 9 months of use. Only unplugged it like once or twice too, and that was months before it died. Draw your own conclusions. So now I'm using a $10 RS FusionAV glass optical cable

And as far as glass vs. plastic- personally I don't think that at 2 or 3m you would be able to hear a difference, but given that if you shop around you can find glass optical cables for as cheap or cheaper than the plastic toslink's you'll find at radio shack, etc. So while you're at it you mind as well go for the glass and be done with it right?


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