What music have you been listening to lately?
Sep 28, 2001 at 10:59 PM Post #46 of 58
sapphire....: Get a shorter screen name
j/k seriously, tho, that incubus CD has pretty dumb lyrics, and fairly simple music. Not at all my thing. Too bad it's so catchy
Oct 20, 2001 at 6:21 PM Post #48 of 58
Eva Cassidy- Eva by Heart, Live at Blues Alley
PJ Harvey- Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea
Tom Rapp- Constructive Melancholy
Sylvia Woods- The Harp of Brandiswheire
Grateful Dead- The Golden Road (This just came in...a 12 disc set containing remasters of ALL of their Warner Brothers albums (1965-1973) along with many supplemental versions and live tracks. It may take me a little while to listen to this one
Oct 21, 2001 at 5:13 AM Post #49 of 58
As of Late i Have been into a strange Mix of stuff Like Today's List

Andreas Vollenweider= Kriptos

Delerium= Karma

Simon and garfunkel= Best of

Jefferson Airplane= The Worst of

Steve Roach= Magnificent Void

Steve Roach= Structures in Silence

Bach= Mass In B Minor

Handel= Water Music

BB King= Reding with the King/ With eric clapton

Arvo Part= Magnificaught

Neal Young=Harvest

This was todays playlist in the order i listened to them in
Oct 21, 2001 at 5:18 AM Post #50 of 58
Hmm I've been hooked on Japanese/Anime soundtracks lately for some reason... Picked up some Evangelion CDs and Ruroni Kenshin CDs and haven't been listening to anything else for like a week... Well, better buy more
Oct 21, 2001 at 6:38 AM Post #51 of 58

Originally posted by chych
Hmm I've been hooked on Japanese/Anime soundtracks lately for some reason...

Hey, dude, have you heard the Ghost in the Shell soundtrack? There are three tracks on there, in particular, that I find absolutely outstanding (the first, fifth, and tenth tracks). There's even a point, where this low whooshy synthesizer...well, on most speaker systems, it's absolute noise, it wasn't until I heard it on a good full-range system that I realized they were sort of a four-note motif leading into the main melody...great test music...

Do you know, or do you know anyone who knows, Japanese? I can't really tell you the names of the tracks, because they didn't really translate them...I think it says Ghost in the Shell, but I'm not sure, I would like a deeper explanatory translation...I'm kind of toying with the idea of getting those words as a tattoo in Japanese, but I would like a better idea of what they mean before I do, you know?

Also, do you know anything else that Kenji Kawai did?

Or does anyone else reading this, for that matter (both questions)?
Oct 21, 2001 at 7:41 AM Post #53 of 58
Last 16 hours:

John Coltrane: Kulu Se Mama, Sun Ship

Joseph Jarman/Don Moye: Egwu-Anwu

Abdullah Ibrahim: African Dawn

Steve Lacy, Roswell Rudd: Regeneration

Herbie Nichols Trio: The Prophetic Herbie

Nichols Vols. 1 & 2

Jimi Hendrx: from South Saturn Delta
Oct 21, 2001 at 7:39 PM Post #54 of 58
Oct 22, 2001 at 12:02 AM Post #55 of 58

I'll have to pick up the Ghost in the Shell sound track then.

Be forewarned -- it's like US$33 retail, and I haven't seen it on sale... Quote:

I've been meaning to watch it but haven't gotten around to...

You haven't seen it?!?!? Only my favorite anime of all time!!!!! Transfer sucks rotten smelly eggs, but it's still a gorgeous film underneath, and, unlike Akira, I actually understand the ending.

I did a quick search for Kenji Kawai and got http://www.sazan.net/anime/kenji_kawai.html might help you...

Sweet! Thank you...there goes next month's paycheck... Quote:

Did another search and found the track names...

Unfortunately, those are the subtitles for tracks 1, 5, and 10. On the back of the CD (you'll see when you find it in the store), there's a Japanese character, and then a "I", "II", or "III" after it, then the subtitle...but I do appreciate you looking...I'll keep going to those con's, I guess...oh wait a minute, I just remembered, I know someone who lived there for a while, and I'm going to be seeing him in two weeks, I'll have to remember to ask him...
Oct 22, 2001 at 2:57 AM Post #57 of 58

Originally posted by chych
DustyChalk, I just bought it today for $14 off ebay so... heh

You bought what off eBay...the DVD? If so, that's about right, but you really gotta get the soundtrack, the DVD doesn't do the soundtrack justice...if you bought the soundtrack...YEESH...I gotta remember that...looks like there's someone selling a couple of these...maybe I oughta look for those other Kenji Kawai soundtracks on eBay!

Thanks for the tip, yet again!

PS -- Dam! They sure merched the grobschnitt out of that thing, didn't they?
Oct 22, 2001 at 3:39 AM Post #58 of 58
Yes, the soundtrack right here

Hmm so its $15.49...

Anyways, you can find a ton of anime things on ebay, soundtracks and all, for much cheaper than say, amazon...

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