What movie did you just see?
May 2, 2005 at 2:48 PM Post #452 of 648

Originally Posted by JMT
The Final Cut - Robin Williams, Mira Sorvino, James Caviezel

The story is set in a world where implanted microchips can record all moments of an individual's life. The chips are removed upon death so the images can be edited into something of a highlight reel for loved ones who want to remember the deceased..

Wow, that's an off-beat plot for a contemporary film. I'm surprised they managed to finance a feature based on the premise. It's such a 50's sci-fi short story idea it doesn't seem strong enough to a whole movie. Whatever...

I just watched Lemony Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events (oh, that cute British sense of humor and wordplay.
) Anyway, I really liked the film, which surprised me as I despise Jim Carrrey. But he was really very good in this film playing multiple characters. His "american scientist" character was brillant, much like something you would have seen from Peter Sellers. I think Carrey really came into his own in this picture.
May 2, 2005 at 4:22 PM Post #453 of 648
Got a chance to see Interpreter and really enjoyed it. I felt that you had to be into the movie or interested in the storyline or otherwise it would be a waste of time seeing it. As it was mentioned by adhoc there weren't much explosions or gunfighting in the movie nor was it necessary to make this movie a good one, just a good storyline.

Also got to see Under The Tuscan Sun, definitely a chick flick but a good one that doesn't get mushy. I felt it was a good romance comedy movie where the humor and romance in the movie was well balanced and well written.
May 2, 2005 at 5:36 PM Post #454 of 648
Dust Factory. Family / teen gendre. A boy has a near death experience after falling into a lake and visiting a big top where people either go back to life or up to heaven. Great scenery, very colourful, fantasy settings. It's a little slow (mostly talking) but delves into ideals of love, family, and death.

My Life - Michael Keaton, Nicole Kidman. The last months in the life of a successful man who has cancer, comes to the understandng that life is precious and that one should never carry anger and regret. I found the "oriental science" healer scenes to be the best parts of the film as it delved into metaphysics.
May 2, 2005 at 8:42 PM Post #456 of 648
I saw the Interpreter over the weekend, it was good movie. Very solid story and some really great acting. Of course it always helps that Nicole Kidman is easy on the eyes
May 2, 2005 at 9:39 PM Post #457 of 648

Originally Posted by Edwood
I saw "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" Friday.

Better than I thought it would be.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.


I caught it last night and i enjoyed it too. I imagine it would be a helluva lot funnier if i was stoned...
May 2, 2005 at 9:54 PM Post #458 of 648
On Saturday I watched Hitchhiker's...

AAAAAGGGGHHHH! HURT SO BADLY! Oh man, it was terrible, slow, non-sensical (if you hadn't read the books), all the jokes were gone, the characters were wrong, and, oh man, it just made me feel bad that it had Adams' name on it.

Which is too bad, since it STARTED with so much promise. That song may have been worth the price of admission all by itself...
May 2, 2005 at 9:56 PM Post #459 of 648

Originally Posted by IstariAsuka
On Saturday I watched Hitchhiker's...

AAAAAGGGGHHHH! HURT SO BADLY! Oh man, it was terrible, slow, non-sensical (if you hadn't read the books), all the jokes were gone, the characters were wrong, and, oh man, it just made me feel bad that it had Adams' name on it.

Which is too bad, since it STARTED with so much promise. That song may have been worth the price of admission all by itself...

Agreed. Although I did like the "famous robot" that they encountered when they were filling out paperwork to get Trillian back!
May 3, 2005 at 2:15 AM Post #460 of 648
I've just finished watching "House of Flying Daggers". Vibrant color and many amazing shots. This movie can be a reference DVD in my rig anytime. The story line could be slightly better though.
May 3, 2005 at 3:54 AM Post #461 of 648
I also saw Hitchiker's Guide today. It wasn't bad exactly... Even watered down Adams is pretty funny I guess... but it could have been a lot better. Certainly fans of the book will be disappointed. That said, there really is a lot of funny/interesting stuff in the film that a general audience will probably appreciate. And the opening sequence is the funniest thing I've seen in a theater for at least a year or two.

The plotline is, however, totally illogical and is missing most of what set Adams above other authors. But hey, its a compression of several books into a single film when few movies can faithfully adapt twenty page short-stories... so I suppose that is understandable.

It is a fun diversion but is by no means the classic it could have been. (Guess the money wasn't there for an epic 3-movie series)
May 3, 2005 at 4:46 AM Post #462 of 648
Saw Hitchhiker's guide yesterday. What can i say? Can i have two hours of my life back please? Cant believe i payed to watch that movie. I didnt read the books and so had no expectation of the movie. The characters or the casting of them was all wrong. They were not interesting, the plot was incoherent, and nothing was funny. I took my little brother and sister to go watch something that was PG and funny, we left without a smile and my little sister even fell asleep! The best part was my butter popcorn.
May 5, 2005 at 3:32 AM Post #463 of 648
"Flight of the Phoenix" (2004). Another terrible Hollywood remake. I didn't make it past 30 minutes. This movie is a prime example of why I haven't been to a theater in over two years. Nice plane crash scene, if you like videogame CGI graphics (the plane crash in "Cast Away" just wipes it off the map in terms of realism). 1/5.
May 6, 2005 at 1:47 PM Post #464 of 648
Played catch up with some oldies.

"Pi". This has long been a cult favorite. All the prerequistes: $60K budet, grainly black and white, off-beat subject, mediocre acting. I was really hoping the story would rise above the production, but it doesn't. I've seen indies that have gotten good press and that I've loved, but this movie was a real let-down, considering the "buzz" around it. In fact, I pretty much consider it a waste of time. I think the director was trying to build a sense of paranoia through repetition and a manic performance from the lead, when he just ending up making the film redundant and cloying. If you're interested in the plot, look it up. Just doesn't live up to the hype at all.

I think "Pi" came out around the same time as "Cube" - a Twilight-Zone inspired Sci-Fi flick. This low-budget indie got equally good press. "Cube" is about an array of characters trapped in a deadly giant puzzle. Though the concept is good, and the film is far from great, it at least tries to provide more "standard" entertaiment that "Pi". However, in the end, this one is really sunk by poor acting. The ending is fairly effective, although I might have just been relieved it was over.
May 6, 2005 at 4:25 PM Post #465 of 648
I just assumed that I was too dumb to understand Pi. A lot of my college friends praised it for being so thought proking and deep. I agree that it had a good idea (numbers being everywhere and controlling everything), but the story didn't follow through (if there was actually a plot) and it felt like the director was just trying to make it complicated to confuse people. To me the film was boring cause it seemed to only have one idea and just to repeat that over and over and over and over again.

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