What made your day awesome?
Jan 6, 2012 at 5:14 PM Post #94 of 673
It didn't make my day awesome.  But I am easy to please.  I'm the wrong guy for this hobby.
What made my day awesome was when my 3-year old son, who was whining and crying about everything this morning, took a large dump and stopped complaining.
Jan 6, 2012 at 5:17 PM Post #95 of 673
got some action from bcasey25raptor's mom. man,those french chicks are pretty freaky.
Jan 6, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #97 of 673

who was drunk?

My Dad. I was failing pretty astronomically (I had a 31% week ago) but my teacher is really awesome (or terrible, depending on how much you value your education), and goes above and beyond to get her students to like her. God bless the public education system. I now have a 71% after correcting some quizzes and doing some extra credit and finishing the half-completed homework I turned in. We have a test tomorrow and if I do well I could push it into the 80s.
I also sold my $100 LP that I never should have purchased, so I have a ton of money now (ton being subjective).
Pretty good week altogether.
Jan 6, 2012 at 11:16 PM Post #99 of 673
So an ugly old crone [or old dottard] visits a wise old mystic seeking beauty.

The mystic thinks and then says: 'visit the shepard of the western hills and ask him to loan you the most attractive member of his flock. When you have tended it for a week look in the mirror again.'

But, nothing happens and the crone is sore vexed.

'Hm,' says the mystic. 'Go back to the shepard and ask him where his oldest female sleep lies down to sleep. Take wool it has shed from its coat and rub its natural lanolin on your face'.

That just gives the crone a rash, and she's really cross.

'Very well,' says the Mystic, 'I see the shepard's cures are too weak for you. Go to the ford where the barge man plies his trade taking cattle across the river and tell him I sent you.'

Grumbling at his useless advice the crone nevertheless does as he says.

She's crossing the river in the barge when suddenly a big animal on board it, turns and jabs her with its horns.

Now she's really angry, but as she steps off the barge she sees her reflection which is beautiful. Wishing to understand how this was done she returned to the mystic.

'Well,' he said, 'when beauty sheep failed, and oil of Ewe-lay couldn't help. There was simply nothing for it but a boat ox injection.'
(Stolen from Simon-Bucher Jones, writer)
Jan 8, 2012 at 6:49 AM Post #100 of 673
Ordered my Brainwavz M4 on 1st January, been frantically checking SingPost with my trace-code since then, to no avail. But now, FINALLY, it shows up!
Status Date Status Description
08-01-2012 Despatched to overseas (Country code: NL)

Only thing is... It's only been despatched today? Arf, I would've assumed that happened 5 days ago when they said it was 'mailed'. God, this is gonna take long.
Jan 8, 2012 at 12:30 PM Post #102 of 673
I'll talk about yesterday because I forgot.
First new episode of MLP in almost a month, and it was great. Then I spent the rest of the day watching a livestream of a MLP convention in New York, which had a really fantastic interview session with three voice actresses and another with the composer of the songs. Best day ever.
Jan 9, 2012 at 12:24 AM Post #103 of 673
Yesterday and today I played Pokemon Sapphire on an emulator with an HD filter and an xbox 360 controller. The frameskip feature is awesome, it speeds the game up to 8-9 times the normal speed, so no waiting.  I managed to play 58 hours of pokemon in just over ten.

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