What is the *best* smashing pumpkins album?
Apr 2, 2002 at 6:38 AM Post #16 of 49

I wasn't aware of that at all... just did a google search and downloading as i type. thanks for the tip.

Apr 2, 2002 at 7:20 AM Post #17 of 49
How long did you all actually listen to Mellon Collie? I know i listened to it for about a year before it had fully grown on me. In my opinion, both cds are excellent, there is NOT one bad track. I get this sinking feeling that some of you only like the commercial tracks ("bodies" gets my vote as best song between both cds).

Some albums take time to develop with the listener. Click my website link (www button) and take a look for yourself at my collection, including Machina 2: Friends and enemies of modern music (now thats a great title!). Machina starts off strong but kinda fades by the middle of the album, too repetitive and loses focus.

Adore is another great album, if you don't like Billy Corgan's vocals your better off not bothering at all. Try Better than Ezra's "friction, baby" album, its another favorite of mine, plus the singer's vocals are great.
Apr 2, 2002 at 8:01 AM Post #19 of 49

while i don't think every song on mellon collie and the infinite sadness kills, i do need to be in a certain place to appreciate it. i loved it when it first came out, now... i don't know, it's harder for me to relate. it's certainly not an album i'd ever sell though, and it's gotten me through some tough times. i agree that it's a special album.

my memories of adore have long since faded. i remember it came out the same time as hole's celebrity skin and i totally dug both of them - for about a month. now they're collecting dust somewhere in my closet. i think i really tuned out before then, after picking up the b-sides and rarieties set, right around that time i started digging early folk music and entered another musical cycle. i'm going to transfer the machina II album and the eps to cdr and follow up with impressions.

cool site by the way,
Apr 2, 2002 at 4:02 PM Post #20 of 49
Lots of different oppinions here! I don't really understand those who think Gish is the best.. I think it's a bit boring - sure the sound quality is awesome, but I just don't like it THAT much.

Then again I can't understand those who favour black olives over green ones, but that´s a different story. I guess it all comes down to taste and the lack thereof.

So, the next one I'm going to get will be Melloncollie.
- Only because that is the one gloco likes best.

..-off to playing Empire Earth now!(damn I love that game)
Apr 2, 2002 at 5:36 PM Post #22 of 49
How long did you all actually listen to Mellon Collie? I know i listened to it for about a year before it had fully grown on me. In my opinion, both cds are excellent, there is NOT one bad track

Oh, I think I can find several weak "filler" tracks if you really want me to name them, out of 28 tracks total.
Apr 2, 2002 at 5:49 PM Post #23 of 49
my favourite would have to be siamese dreams. all the other album is great gish is very raw just what you expect from a bands first album. They are great live on stage/album, real prefectionist in their sound.
Apr 2, 2002 at 5:56 PM Post #24 of 49

Originally posted by DarkAngel
How long did you all actually listen to Mellon Collie? I know i listened to it for about a year before it had fully grown on me. In my opinion, both cds are excellent, there is NOT one bad track

Oh, I think I can find several weak "filler" tracks if you really want me to name them, out of 28 tracks total.

Please do so....
Apr 2, 2002 at 8:01 PM Post #25 of 49
i totally agree with gloco; there is not a bad track on mellon collie. but as far as best song of the two discs, i think i'd have to go with "thru the eyes of ruby" or "(**** you) an ode to no one".

i also have to give a plug to macdef for mentioning the 2cd greatest hits album (2-cd version is limited, but still available from most online retailers i believe). the second cd is packed with awesome tracks. my personal favorites are "soot and stars" (so simple and dreamy, i love it) and "the aeroplane flies high". the little spoken word spots kill me. i have a sneaking suspicion that it's jimmy chamberlain (original drummer) for a majority of them because when asked about it in an interview, billy replied they were from "a friend".

"disconnected by your smiiiiiiile.."
Apr 2, 2002 at 10:52 PM Post #26 of 49
Please do so....

I was afraid someone was going to call me on this, Ok here are the weak tracks from Melon Collie CD 1, track number

1 - Melon Collie intro - lame, should probably omit unless improved
7 - To Forgive - uninspired
11 - Galapogos - yawn
13 - Porcelina - good 4 min song but at 8+ way too long
14 - Take me Down - yawn, good for sleep aid.

I could go on to CD 2 but you get the idea, overall 2nd best Pumkin album behind Siamese and well worth having, but by no means are all tracks good IMO.
Apr 2, 2002 at 11:53 PM Post #27 of 49
Hey DarkAnge,

I'm not surprised by the choices you made. Those are all slower tracks, so yeah i could see how someone may view them as filler compared to the heavier tracks on the album. I honestly prefer the 2nd cd as tracks like...

Where boys fear to tread
Tales of a scorched earth

...are the best, mind you, i dont care much for the songs that had videos accompany them. To each his own i guess.

Apr 3, 2002 at 2:17 AM Post #28 of 49
I really enjoy the track Cupid de Locke.

That is kinda unrelated, but I thought I'd share.

by the way, I think mellon collie is excellent. I don't know if I would say it is anywhere near being their best cd, but it is excellent nevertheless. I think it says more about their other albums being good than about mellon collie being bad.

I liked it right off, at least most of the tracks, a few take a little while to grow on you, IMO.

Apr 3, 2002 at 5:21 AM Post #29 of 49
What is all this adoration of Adore -- I hated that album.
Apr 3, 2002 at 7:41 AM Post #30 of 49

At first when I heard Adore, I really disliked it. It seemed to me to be a pretty radical departure from their previous albums, which admitedly were each somewhat different from each other. It wasn't until later when I became somewhat less fanatical about the smashing pumpkins that I gave the album a second chance. If I listened to it on its own and not what I had originally expected it to be, I found myself liking it more and more.

I really like this album now. It is definately at the top of my list.


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