What is driving the Little Dot phenomenon?
Sep 20, 2008 at 1:32 AM Post #121 of 351

Originally Posted by absolutlemur /img/forum/go_quote.gif

To the point, my experience with Little Dot has been excellent. My MKIII is awesome, and drives 325i's with authority. David at Little Dot answered all of my questions faster than any other online vendor I've ever dealt with.

How many other amps have you heard besides the Little Dot?

* again, I'm not commenting on the amps, the value, the customer service, blah blah etc. I'm merely trying to point out what's behind the phenomenon.
Sep 20, 2008 at 2:33 AM Post #122 of 351

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How many other amps have you heard besides the Little Dot?

* again, I'm not commenting on the amps, the value, the customer service, blah blah etc. I'm merely trying to point out what's behind the phenomenon.

Boo do you see anything wrong with your post ?

What's next ?

A claim that every single owner of a LD amp was duped by the "phenomenon" LMAO......

Sep 20, 2008 at 3:00 AM Post #123 of 351

Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Boo do you see anything wrong with your post ?

What's next ?

A claim that every single owner of a LD amp was duped by the "phenomenon" LMAO......


Nope. Nothing wrong with my post. This thread is about what's driving the phenomenon. I'm saying that the phenomenon has to do with folks posting rave reviews, but, for the most part, posting these reviews without having heard other amps, including Penchum and his 3000+ posts.

The Darkvoice amps, for example, are similarly priced to the Little Dots. I owned the 336 as my first tube amp, enjoyed it, and still recommend it. It doesn't share the same phenomenon as the Little Dots because there isn't one excessive fanboy/shill driving multiple threads with 3000+ posts of superlative praise, and a host of followers, who haven't heard other, jumping in to echo it.
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:32 AM Post #124 of 351
There is nothing wrong with boomana's or olblueyez's posts. I am kind of surprised olblueyez's posts were deleted as he was was right on the point. It is quite irritating when you open first Headphone Amps forum page and see nothing but bumped up bunch of "look how great we are" LD reviews. I've never seen that happening with any other amp brand for four years since I joined that board. And you are saying this is not a shill? What is it then, undercover MOT in action? Make it official, pay for it and post in your dedicated section, don't pollute the general discussion board with your 3000+ *enthusiastic* and *unbiased* reviews/recommendations.
My opinion - it is as shill as shill can be, whatever you name it.
Sep 20, 2008 at 4:27 AM Post #125 of 351
To paraphrase you know who: There's only one thing worse than being talked and that's not being talked about. I'm sure other amp makers wish their good names were being brandished about here instead of LD's and if you look around you'll see Penchum's no where to be seen. Could this tempest in a tea pot really be the battle of the jealous shills?
Sep 20, 2008 at 4:41 AM Post #126 of 351

Originally Posted by wae5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To paraphrase you know who: There's only one thing worse than being talked and that's not being talked about. I'm sure other amp makers wish their good names were being brandished about here instead of LD's and if you look around you'll see Penchum's no where to be seen. Could this tempest in a tea pot really be the battle of the jealous shills?

That's as ridiculous as anything posted in this forum. Who do I shill for? Who does grawk shill for? Who does jp11801 shill for? Crappyjones123? olblueyez? Find our posts and threads if you think we're shills for any manufacturer and post 'em on up here. Don't try to make those you disagree with look like something we're not to prove a point you can't make. Back up your insinuations with proof or stop posting such drivel.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:09 AM Post #127 of 351
In reference to the thread I linked to earlier I was frustrated because someone was considering a MK V and a HR Gilmore lite. The OP was looking for a good match for his 650s. Of course Penchum and the rest of the fanboys would not let up untill this guy buys a MK V. I recommended a GS Solo and also to get the Gilmore Lite and save for the matching power supply. I dont have any of those amps but I have spent enough time here to realize the British and American amps are extremely worthy amps and should be researched buy the OP. That probably will not happen because of the Little-Dot phenomenon and I really think its a shame. Had the OP not encountered this frenzy then he would have been digging through the old posts and realized the GS Solo and the Gilmore Lite both have great synergy (per very experienced people with first hand knowledge) with his 650s. When I first started looking for an amp someone was shilling a Bada amp to me and I came very close buying it. After first hand experience with the Bada and the amp I have now I realize this would have been a huge mistake and would have prolonged my getting the amp I have now that I love and wish to keep for years to come. For the people who claim I am trying to enforce some kind of censorship or retard Little-Dot sales you are wrong. My message is I hope you can look past all the fanboy stuff and spend time learning and communicating with people here so you can separate excitement from experience and dig in the old posts or start your own threads and polls so you can avoid making the mistake I almost made. Dont beleive everything you read and consider who writes what you read and stop and think before getting on every bandwagon that comes along. I hope everyone realizes I am saying all this for your benefit and not to harm anyone or company or product. I guess I should add the link.

Sep 20, 2008 at 5:16 AM Post #128 of 351

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's as ridiculous as anything posted in this forum. Who do I shill for? Who does grawk shill for? Who does jp11801 shill for? Crappyjones123? olblueyez? Find our posts and threads if you think we're shills for any manufacturer and post 'em on up here. Don't try to make those you disagree with look like something we're not to prove a point you can't make. Back up your insinuations with proof or stop posting such drivel.

I think you protest too much.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:19 AM Post #129 of 351
You really need to step off. If you're going to accuse vicki of shilling, you need to be prepared to back it up. Who's she shilling for? What's she shilling for? What possible gain does she stand to make? Realize that she's one of the people who put together canjam 08, and is one of the most respected members of this forum. Who are you to call her out?

The long term posters who are participating in this thread are doing so because we're trying to take our community back from the shills and ripoff artists and know-it-all fanboys. We're trying to get this back to being about comparisons and helping people, rather than about pushing agendas.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:25 AM Post #131 of 351

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Back up your insinuations with proof or stop posting such drivel.

Seems to me you might want to follow your own rule first.

Where's the proof that Penchum is a shill ? Well ?

Maybe you should "Back up your insinuations with proof or stop posting such drivel"

Sep 20, 2008 at 5:31 AM Post #132 of 351

Originally Posted by vcoheda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
all these posts are unnecessary.

most members know where people's biases lie and will consider that when reading posts.

That's not true for newer members.


Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seems to me you might want to follow your own rule first.

Where's the proof that Penchum is a shill ? Well ?

Maybe you should "Back up your insinuations with proof or stop posting such drivel"


I already stated my reasons for such with back up on page nine:


I also stated that although he might not be a professional shill, his form of excessive fanboyism is so over the top, the results are the same.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:43 AM Post #135 of 351

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In reference to the thread I linked to earlier I was frustrated because someone was considering a MK V and a HR Gilmore lite. The OP was looking for a good match for his 650s. Of course Penchum and the rest of the fanboys would not let up untill this guy buys a MK V. I recommended a GS Solo and also to get the Gilmore Lite and save for the matching power supply. I dont have any of those amps but I have spent enough time here to realize the British and American amps are extremely worthy amps and should be researched buy the OP. That probably will not happen because of the Little-Dot phenomenon and I really think its a shame. Had the OP not encountered this frenzy then he would have been digging through the old posts and realized the GS Solo and the Gilmore Lite both have great synergy (per very experienced people with first hand knowledge) with his 650s. When I first started looking for an amp someone was shilling a Bada amp to me and I came very close buying it. After first hand experience with the Bada and the amp I have now I realize this would have been a huge mistake and would have prolonged my getting the amp I have now that I love and wish to keep for years to come. For the people who claim I am trying to enforce some kind of censorship or retard Little-Dot sales you are wrong. My message is I hope you can look past all the fanboy stuff and spend time learning and communicating with people here so you can separate excitement from experience and dig in the old posts or start your own threads and polls so you can avoid making the mistake I almost made. Dont beleive everything you read and consider who writes what you read and stop and think before getting on every bandwagon that comes along. I hope everyone realizes I am saying all this for your benefit and not to harm anyone or company or product. I guess I should add the link.


Sounds like you saved yourself from the catastrophic error of buying a LD amp. For those like me who have and like our LD amps this provokes a wee chuckle. In any case I doubt most folks here could identify their dearly loved amps in double blind tests and that includes me because I even like Gary’s PA2V2 amp. So I apologize for taking this stuff too seriously. It’s just I forget sometimes we’re discussing headphone amps which are kissing cousins to electric shavers and blenders in the trivia department.

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