What I think about Triple.fi two years of audiophile growth later...
Jan 3, 2010 at 9:08 AM Post #31 of 184
I don't know if I'm looking forward to them so eagerly now! I was lucky enough to find a US head-fier who had ordered two pairs when they were on offer for 99 but afaik they have been busy of late and were waiting for logitech to fufil their order after receiving the pair they got from amazon.
Jan 3, 2010 at 9:18 AM Post #32 of 184

Originally Posted by bjaardker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I highly doubt anything has changed in the pre/post logitech TF10s. With the droves of us getting them reshelled it should be really easy to tell.

I also think if you dropped any $300-400 can to $99 you would see just as many people saying $headphone was not their cup of tea. With a deal that monumental there were plenty of people who never would have purchased the TF10 after doing some research. However being threatened with missing out on the deal if they hesitated they jumped on it. Good bad or indifferent the allure of the deal combined with a sound sig that is very love it or hate it has lead to some interesting threads lately.

I concur.
Jan 3, 2010 at 11:26 AM Post #33 of 184
nah look you might like them murfy. i'm quite sensitive to sibilance and I dont like smiley face EQ, you may love them. they do have reasonable resolution, not the last word but still good
Jan 3, 2010 at 11:59 AM Post #34 of 184
As I said on a similar thread a few weeks ago, Audiophiles exhibit curious behaviors. They hate cheap hardware (even if they loved it when it was expensive), but they love cheap mods and tweaks (like flipping the orientation of the headphones or modifying foam pads or tips).

The sound quality of the Triple Fi 10 did not drop a month ago--the price did. A month ago you couldn't find a single person on these boards willing to disparage the TF10s in the slightest. They were considered the best universal-fit IEM on the market, bar none. Now you're lucky if you stumble across a kind word or two. Why? Because they're reasonably priced, and in the twisted psyche of an audiophile, a reasonable price implies that the sound quality is somehow compromised. I remember when the Sennheiser HD580s were considered vastly inferior to the far-pricier HD600s. This was before people found out that they contained the same drivers, bought up every last one, and began praising their "crisp, neutral sound." It's completely ridiculous.

I'm going to make a fortune secretly rebranding RE0s and selling them for five times the price. I think I'll call them the SN-0Bs
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:10 PM Post #35 of 184

Originally Posted by sonnybobiche /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As I said on a similar thread a few weeks ago, Audiophiles exhibit curious behaviors. They hate cheap hardware (even if they loved it when it was expensive), but they love cheap mods and tweaks (like flipping the orientation of the headphones or modifying foam pads or tips).

The sound quality of the Triple Fi 10 did not drop a month ago--the price did. A month ago you couldn't find a single person on these boards willing to disparage the TF10s in the slightest. They were considered the best universal-fit IEM on the market, bar none. Now you're lucky if you stumble across a kind word or two. Why? Because they're reasonably priced, and in the twisted psyche of an audiophile, a reasonable price implies that the sound quality is somehow compromised. I remember when the Sennheiser HD580s were considered vastly inferior to the far-pricier HD600s. This was before people found out that they contained the same drivers, bought up every last one, and began praising their "crisp, neutral sound." It's completely ridiculous.

I'm going to make a fortune secretly rebranding RE0s and selling them for five times the price.

lol, sorry but I think you must have been reading a different forum. perhaps you might want to search my posts, i've been equally disparaging the whole way
and they were absolutely not considered the best universal bar none a month ago. I think you would find the popularity dropped off quite some time ago now. I never liked them, but like I said I can see why someone might. I was not alone
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:30 PM Post #36 of 184

Originally Posted by sonnybobiche /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As I said on a similar thread a few weeks ago, Audiophiles exhibit curious behaviors. They hate cheap hardware (even if they loved it when it was expensive), but they love cheap mods and tweaks (like flipping the orientation of the headphones or modifying foam pads or tips).

The sound quality of the Triple Fi 10 did not drop a month ago--the price did. A month ago you couldn't find a single person on these boards willing to disparage the TF10s in the slightest. They were considered the best universal-fit IEM on the market, bar none. Now you're lucky if you stumble across a kind word or two. Why? Because they're reasonably priced, and in the twisted psyche of an audiophile, a reasonable price implies that the sound quality is somehow compromised. I remember when the Sennheiser HD580s were considered vastly inferior to the far-pricier HD600s. This was before people found out that they contained the same drivers, bought up every last one, and began praising their "crisp, neutral sound." It's completely ridiculous.

I'm going to make a fortune secretly rebranding RE0s and selling them for five times the price. I think I'll call them the SN-0Bs

Jan 3, 2010 at 12:38 PM Post #37 of 184
yeah this seems like someone wanting to come across worldly
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:12 PM Post #38 of 184
Matter of fact, the TF10 was one of the first high-end IEMs I craved after joining head-fi nearly 3 years ago. It was some of the more ambivalent reviews here and other places (and the price) that threw me off.

Still, with the attenuator, I quite like the sound sig, but the TF10 will not become my only iem. It is still too uncomfortable and warm for that. I will probably be selling at least one earphone: my Klipsch custom-2, another warm IEM that sounds thin and weak in comparison to TF10. Then again, I've never sold any of my gear. And I like to use the Klipsch's in bed. So...
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:13 PM Post #39 of 184
OP: my TF10, BTW, have a very thick, plasticky cable. The thickest cable I've seen on an IEM. Is this more like the one you remember? I got mine in the deal, ordered through Logitech and received after the 12/18 shipment. Logitech wasn't cutting corners here. Or maybe I received old stock?
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:22 PM Post #40 of 184
Interesting, by your description it reminds me of the original cable. Probably different batches? Mine is a TF10 VI, so maybe some Pro still retain the stiff/thick cable... perhaps other people could chime in.
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:22 PM Post #41 of 184

Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Shall I quote you to yourself, Antony? Your top 10 list from just a few months ago. TF10s just behind recabled (those tweaks again...) ER4P, Westone 3, and Klipsch X10. High end crowd, no?

But today, "They aren't better than my Altec HD mode + Long comply tips (40$) nor the Head Direct RE252 (200$)."

I have no opinion as to whether or not they're great IEMs, but it seems to me that there are two possibilities: Either many people on this board were deceiving themselves a year ago, or many people on this board are deceiving themselves now. And I have the sneaking suspicion that the sudden drop in price has had some influence...

EDIT: I realize I'm coming off as extremely confrontational to Antonyfirst, but it's not my intention. This thread just broke the camel's back for me.
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:34 PM Post #42 of 184
Sonny, were you really searching my posts behind?
Perhaps you have read how much a "cheap" tweak like the Apuresound Ety cable costs? Better, please tell me, have you heard it? Have you heard the Altec with such tips? You were more interested in coming across "wordly" rather than being interested in why I would like the Altec as much as the TFP.

You would like to act like a skilled person who knows how the world works, but in the end you just look like one who doesn't know what he is talking about. If you spent more time around here, your narrow judgement about audiophiles (or who knows how many other people in your world categorization) perhaps would start becoming less rigid and more comprehensive of variations in people.

Just for your information, me "cheap" audiophiles has a 3000$ home setup where a single pair of interconnects is more expensive than the TFP you are trying to defend along with your point of view. I wouldn't replace them with "cheap" or "tweaked" interconnects just for the sake of them being cheap or snake oil. I advice you to learn to get to know others rather than just coming across like a kid who wants to show that he knows better.

By the way, among many other things, why don't you ask to yourself: "did Antony try the tips he metioned with the Altec when making his ranking?"
I think it would be wiser than just trying to distort information to your favor.
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:44 PM Post #43 of 184
Tony: I have a suspicion that maybe the Trip Fi 10vi--isn't that the model designed for th iPhone?? Maybe they put a different cable on that one. Could also have changed something internally as well. Just a guess. I too had the Trips awhile back as well as SLeeks, Klipsch X10, Ety4p with Apuresound cabling and a few others I've since forgotten.

Now juist have the Etys and love them combined with an amp. Rest are long sold and forgotten
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:45 PM Post #44 of 184
Interesting post Tony, I've mentioned this a couple of times in other areas of the forum but I'll reiterate it here anyway.

It's been awhile now since I heard my Triple.Fi's with the stock cable but from my recollections your sonic impressions mirror my initial impressions of the Triple.Fi's. I didn't own this pair initially, they belonged to another local Head-Fier who graciously loaned them to me on a few occasions. My first few listens with the stock cable and Comply tips I felt I had a love hate relationship with them, I found the bass quite good, decent extension and I quite liked the midbass punch on certain albums like Muse's "Black Holes and Revelations". The treble I generally found decent and liked the added extension it seemed to have over most other IEM's I'd heard but it was just border line on the sibilance front. Mids as you noted were the real downfall for me as well, too recessed giving vocals a distant quality and instruments sometimes got lost. Overall my initial impression was good but others like the 530's, W3's and even to a degree the IE8's I'd have to put ahead of them for my preferences.

I'll admit though, the bass kept me coming back, I tried that pair one or two more times in their stock form because the bass was quite addictive on those albums where it really worked. Unfortunately they really failed horribly on other stuff, especially more acoustic oriented albums where the recessed mids seemed to just suck the life out of the music.

Then the previous owner for some reason even though he was having fit issues decided to try an early iteration of the Null Audio cable. When I gave them a try with the new cable I was eventually won over. With this cable the bass seems to be reduced just a tad, it doesn't seem to have quite the magic it did previously on those certain albums but overall it integrates more seamlessly with the rest of the spectrum. Treble, or at least the area where sibilance is predominant is reduced or cleaned up enough that it's not been an issue, sibilance while still there sounds natural now. The mids are brought up a tad and like the bass seem to now better integrate into the spectrum. Overall, the recabled Triple.Fi's are now one of the best balanced phones I've heard my only real gripe with them at this point is they still tend to sound a tad dry in comparison to something like the IE8's or my HF-2's. I ended up trading for this pair and have found myself having very little interest in trying anything else (other than JH Audio 13's, they're my only real temptation at this point :p).

It's a bit odd, I listen to the Triple.Fi's the most by a long shot because I use them predominately at work and don't get a lot of time to listen to the HF-2's at home. Yet over the Christmas holidays when I've had the chance to listen at home I've found myself reaching for the Triple.Fi's instead of the HF-2's. I'm not quite sure what that says.

I should note, I don't want to advocate for an expensive new cable though, this particular cable seems to have worked for me but I know it's not the same as the cables now on offer at Null and I have no idea if those would have the same effect.
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:54 PM Post #45 of 184

Originally Posted by tnmike1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tony: I have a suspicion that maybe the Trip Fi 10vi--isn't that the model designed for th iPhone?? Maybe they put a different cable on that one. Could also have changed something internally as well. Just a guess. I too had the Trips awhile back as well as SLeeks, Klipsch X10, Ety4p with Apuresound cabling and a few others I've since forgotten.

Now juist have the Etys and love them combined with an amp. Rest are long sold and forgotten

Hello Mike, that's what I was thinking: probably the vi has a different, thinner and more flexible cable, although I wouldn't know why they make such difference... it's not that TF10 Pro needs to be less portable than the vi.

The biggest issue I have with it is that it seems it could break very easily right before it becomes memory wire.

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