What decibel do you listen at?
May 28, 2014 at 10:49 AM Post #31 of 32
So on the other hand...

If that's accurate, you're not going to need good headphones for very long, and you're permanently damaging your hearing at this level if you listen for more than a few minutes per day.




These are my rides.....
And these are my cans...

That's listening level exactly and I do not listen to more than 3-4 songs in a row or I lose my hearing or hear a loud "zzzzzzzzmmmmmmmm" for a while.
People been saying I'm gonna lose my hearing for years. 
I'm going for the physical sensation of music. It needs to be loud but I'm all about the boom.
May 28, 2014 at 4:29 PM Post #32 of 32
Measured it well this time, got a good seal and a quiet environment. I actually pressed the cushions against each other so it becomes more realistic. I'm using the Beyer DT880's btw. I'm averaging 65-70db, that's still safe, right?

That's fine. It depends a bit on personal hearing, but the general rule is that you won't do permanent damage at anything much below 90db - although I know some people with hyper-sensitive hearing for whom the pain threshold is much lower, I don't know if that equates to a lower damage threshold. Certainly I think anything below 80db carries no real risk. I myself listen at about 70db normally, and as much as 75 or possibly 80 if I want a brief bit of power and excitement. My hearing is mildly damaged, but that's from power tools


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