What are the NEGATIVES of Owning the Beyerdynamic DT880's?
Feb 19, 2006 at 12:22 AM Post #91 of 168

Originally Posted by AdamCalifornia
Upon the arrival of my Babies on Valentine Day,
Hallelujha! I found that the headband seemed
to be fragile as compared to my Senn HD595s!
Will my babies last or not, this is the Question!

They seem to be very comfotable, less pressure on my medium size head,
but the fragility of the headband .... well, I keep my fingers crossed.
I've also read about it in a professional audio magazine. They said that
the built of the headband did not correspond to the high standard
of these very high quality headphones.

If it's the same headband as is on the DT770 and the DT990, then there should be no worries as the headband on those two is quite durable..
Feb 19, 2006 at 1:41 AM Post #92 of 168
Did they make changes with the 2005 edition
of the DT880s?

See uou at the Olypics,

Feb 19, 2006 at 1:59 AM Post #93 of 168

Originally Posted by fewtch
Utterly ridiculous... one claim of "muddy midrange" means exactly nothing.

It was probably the reviewer's amp or source that was muddy. IMO the mids on the DT880 are so revealing that they will show a muddy amp/source immediately, where another headphone like HD600/650 may not. Garbage in, garbage out.

The reviewer compares Stax, HD650, Grado 325, DT880, and HD595.

He says that the HD595s are a better value, if you don't want to spend 50 sterling pounds more for the DT880s.
He does not like the HD650s because of too much laid-back sound.

The guy is new to headphones. For the last 5 months he was assigned by the magazine to explore the sound possibilities in the headphone world!
He seems to be very knowlegeable with speakers and his fresh look at headphones is interesting and provocative at the same time.

He was using Sugden HeadMaster and Naim Headline headphone amps.

See you at the Olympics,

Feb 19, 2006 at 2:34 AM Post #94 of 168
The negatives?...I have had my 880s for about a month now and the ONLY negatives I can think of are:
1) the treble-centric presentation. There has been tons written about this on this site, and argued over incessantly, but to my mind the 880s are a little bright. I have seen countless live shows and the 880s present the music a little too much on the top end. If it is the 'phones or the recordings, I don't really care. Some music is just grit-your-teeth bright.
2) Am I the only one who would love a coiled cord. The staight is a pain because it is way too long for the distance from my head to my waist (with an ipod) or to the computer. They give you an extention anyway, what is the point of having three feet of extra wire?
You asked for my negatives, and there they are. Overall, I love the 880s; which in my humble opinion kick ***** over my last pair...the HF-1s. Which to me are a very specific listening experience. There, I said it, I don't think god created the HF-1s.
Feb 19, 2006 at 8:44 AM Post #95 of 168

Originally Posted by coco
The negatives?...I have had my 880s for about a month now and the ONLY negatives I can think of are:
1) the treble-centric presentation. There has been tons written about this on this site, and argued over incessantly, but to my mind the 880s are a little bright. I have seen countless live shows and the 880s present the music a little too much on the top end. If it is the 'phones or the recordings, I don't really care. Some music is just grit-your-teeth bright.

You *should* care, unless you want to go to the HD650 and muffle out all the potential problems with the recording (many seem to take this path).

To me the treble-centrism isn't a problem, it just is what it is. If one doesn't like it, only then does it becomes a problem.


2) Am I the only one who would love a coiled cord. The staight is a pain because it is way too long for the distance from my head to my waist (with an ipod) or to the computer. They give you an extention anyway, what is the point of having three feet of extra wire?

They were originally offered with a coiled cord, apparently more people wanted a straight one. I wouldn't mind a coiled cord either, provided it was long enough.


You asked for my negatives, and there they are. Overall, I love the 880s; which in my humble opinion kick ***** over my last pair...the HF-1s. Which to me are a very specific listening experience. There, I said it, I don't think god created the HF-1s.

Glad you're enjoying them
Feb 19, 2006 at 10:11 AM Post #96 of 168
Hello everyone,

What i woul reproach to my DT880s ?
  1. A lack of bass impact. Bass extension is good and DT880s just slightly lack of bass, however bass lack of impact, are not as tight as they should.
  2. An emphasis of some - and only some ! - frequencies in treble.

This being so I've a much more alarming issue with my DT880s :

Feb 19, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #97 of 168
"You *should* care, unless you want to go to the HD650 and muffle out all the potential problems with the recording (many seem to take this path)."

FOUL - you haven't heard the 650's.
Feb 19, 2006 at 5:54 PM Post #99 of 168
No insult intended - everybody just needs to play fair. Fewtch is a great guy and has similar musical tastes to mine. However, there's no need to get so passionate about something as subjective as headphone preferences to the point of being insulted by someone not hearing what he hears, and then to put down a worthy product that he hasn't even heard.

(I am not a 650 fanboy)
Feb 21, 2006 at 11:10 PM Post #101 of 168
For those who have sources or amps, etc.
with 1/4 inch outputs they need to use the
1/4 inch connector which is on top of the
1/8 nch connector. One more connector
in the signal path slightly decrements sound quality.

See you at the Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Italy

Feb 22, 2006 at 12:09 AM Post #102 of 168
The following quote from Fewtch:

"You *should* care, unless you want to go to the HD650 and muffle out all the potential problems with the recording (many seem to take this path).

To me the treble-centrism isn't a problem, it just is what it is. If one doesn't like it, only then does it becomes a problem."

How can you make this claim without having heard the 650s?

I think it's a bit strange to form an opinion of a sound without ever having heard it. It tends to make your posts a bit suspect...sort of like an overly emotional fanboy
just loosing it when he sits at the computer and sees anyone questioning the 880s....

The 650s have greater resolution than the 880s. Everyone but you seems to understand this. Bright treble does not equal resolution. The 650 will reveal poor recordings a lot better than the 880s. The 880s just don't get on with bright ones. Big difference.

Feb 22, 2006 at 12:41 AM Post #103 of 168

Originally Posted by JayGee
The following quote from Fewtch:

"You *should* care, unless you want to go to the HD650 and muffle out all the potential problems with the recording (many seem to take this path).

To me the treble-centrism isn't a problem, it just is what it is. If one doesn't like it, only then does it becomes a problem."

How can you make this claim without having heard the 650s?

Because after reading hundreds of people's impressions, it's obvious that the treble is even more laid back with the HD650s. With few exceptions, everybody who's heard both says so. With an opinion this widespread, I don't need to hear them.

As far as you go BTW, I don't think you've ever heard DT880s. Your impressions are so far off and so wrong, I wouldn't believe it unless you were sitting right in front of me with a pair on. Then if you persisted with the mistaken impressions, I'd have to conclude brain damage.

As it is, anyone who goes out of their way to flame a headphone over and over again for no apparent reason is suspect in that department, but I think you're just an HD650 fanboy on a mission, who believes that by flaming the DT880 it somehow makes yours seem better. You make all HD650 owners look bad.

P.S. you're on my ignore list now, so don't waste time addressing me again. I have better things to do than read HD650 fanboy screeds, particularly those from a n00b with 31 posts. I'm a Head-Fi contributor and spend a lot of time on these forums helping people out and learning things -- you're here simply to be a hater, spout false information and mislead people. *Plonk*
Feb 22, 2006 at 2:22 AM Post #104 of 168

Originally Posted by fewtch
Because after reading hundreds of people's impressions, it's obvious that the treble is even more laid back with the HD650s. With few exceptions, everybody who's heard both says so. With an opinion this widespread, I don't need to hear them.

As far as you go BTW, I don't think you've ever heard DT880s. Your impressions are so far off and so wrong, I wouldn't believe it unless you were sitting right in front of me with a pair on. Then if you persisted with the mistaken impressions, I'd have to conclude brain damage.

As it is, anyone who goes out of their way to flame a headphone over and over again for no apparent reason is suspect in that department, but I think you're just an HD650 fanboy on a mission, who believes that by flaming the DT880 it somehow makes yours seem better. You make all HD650 owners look bad.

P.S. you're on my ignore list now, so don't waste time addressing me again. I have better things to do than read HD650 fanboy screeds, particularly those from a n00b with 31 posts. I'm a Head-Fi contributor and spend a lot of time on these forums helping people out and learning things -- you're here simply to be a hater, spout false information and mislead people. *Plonk*

Um, excuse me, but you basically just called the guy a tool for not having heard a headphone, right after stating that you don't need to hear a headphone to know what it sounds like.
Feb 22, 2006 at 2:22 AM Post #105 of 168

Originally Posted by fewtch
Because after reading hundreds of people's impressions, it's obvious that the treble is even more laid back with the HD650s. With few exceptions, everybody who's heard both says so. With an opinion this widespread, I don't need to hear them.


Originally Posted by fewtch
As far as you go BTW, I don't think you've ever heard DT880s. Your impressions are so far off and so wrong, I wouldn't believe it unless you were sitting right in front of me with a pair on. Then if you persisted with the mistaken impressions, I'd have to conclude brain damage.

You've never heard the 650; he's never heard the DT880...
But of course you're the one that is right

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