What advantages does an X-fi actually have for gaming?
Jun 13, 2008 at 9:41 PM Post #16 of 31

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Doesnt matter much.

Our computers are strong enough to handle that.

Assuming u have a dual core atleast?

I run 5 programs in the background while Gaming..

i am into professional gaming so Framerate so i keep a lookout for all this stuff u mentioned.

I don't think it's really your place to dismiss my first hand experience - particularly in light of the fact that you have documented your own limited understanding of computer audio by posting the following question in this very forum: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f46/xm...hancer-334257/

USB audio taxes your cpu. Period. The OP asked whether there was a benefit to an X-fi for gaming purposes. I explained that there is a benefit, and that I have watched my frames fall and rise by switching from the X-fi, to USB, and back again.

Maybe your "pro" gaming rig (by which I infer that you have no real job and live in your parents' basement
) is so amazing that you can edit HD video and run an mmo at max frames/resolution/and AA, with all effects enabled, concurrently. Most of "our" computers can't accomplish such miracles.

So yes - it does matter. Thanks.
Jun 13, 2008 at 10:22 PM Post #17 of 31
Even the cheapest of computers in todays world can handle any USB device running in the background while you play your Game at 80+ FPS.

Maybe u spent too much on Audio gear & now u r left with an old antique comp which should be donated to Museum?

I dont know much about XMOD..most say its just an automatic EQ.. while others say it is a Soundcard.

Whatever it maybe....it doesnt Tax the CPU as it doesnt even need drivers.

It has its own processor inside and thats what offloads cpu.

Dude... u can beat me with your Audiophile knowledge but when it comes to softwares & computing u gotta read some stuff.
Jun 14, 2008 at 12:58 AM Post #18 of 31

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Even the cheapest of computers in todays world can handle any USB device running in the background while you play your Game at 80+ FPS.

Maybe u spent too much on Audio gear & now u r left with an old antique comp which should be donated to Museum?

I dont know much about XMOD..most say its just an automatic EQ.. while others say it is a Soundcard.

Whatever it maybe....it doesnt Tax the CPU as it doesnt even need drivers.

It has its own processor inside and thats what offloads cpu.

Dude... u can beat me with your Audiophile knowledge but when it comes to softwares & computing u gotta read some stuff.

Actually he is right, using any USB sound card will be slower than using one on the PCI/PCI-e buses, as there's issues with syncing the timing with the CPU clocks. In most cases it is very minor, although if you're using something beyond a USB DAC where the data is just being sent to it then it will be higher.

While yes, they can offload some of the processing from the CPU, in an actual game it is not likely to ever have a large impact (the article linked to is a Creative press release and it even says up to 17%, and is even dated almost 3 years ago when multi-core CPUs were not prevalent, let alone games actually even being able to take advantage of more than one processing core) . If you were worried about just framerates, then you'd be better off putting that money towards a faster video card. As more games moves away from how sound processing was done in the past, this will become even less, and in fact will be better suited for CPUs. Things are shifting away from dedicated hardware processing in the vein of physics, sound, audio, and even graphics. I think this is a good thing for several reasons but that's not really the point. With the prevalence of multi-core processors in today's computers, framerates from audio processing is all but a non-issue.
Jun 14, 2008 at 1:37 AM Post #19 of 31

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Even the cheapest of computers in todays world can handle any USB device running in the background while you play your Game at 80+ FPS.

Maybe u spent too much on Audio gear & now u r left with an old antique comp which should be donated to Museum?

I dont know much about XMOD..most say its just an automatic EQ.. while others say it is a Soundcard.

Whatever it maybe....it doesnt Tax the CPU as it doesnt even need drivers.

It has its own processor inside and thats what offloads cpu.

Dude... u can beat me with your Audiophile knowledge but when it comes to softwares & computing u gotta read some stuff.

First - "softwares & computing" knowledge entails being able to figure out whether the xmod, in fact, bypasses your notebook sound card (serving as an independent sound card) or whether it is merely "automatic eq," whatever that means. I know the answer to this question, and I would surmise the 99% of the readers on this board know the answer to this question, and yet you seemingly have yet to figure it out.

I'll give you a hint, if you're not plugging the xmod into your soundcard - and if the xmod isn't using the output from the soundcard...the word bypass comes to mind.

Honestly though, do you really think that it's wise to be running your mouth with respect to the technical know-how of other head-fi members when you're unable to identify what is or is not an external usb sound card?

Disabusing misconception #2 - even the best of computers, running the highest end GPU's in SLI cannot coax 80 fps out of demanding games like Crysis with even moderate settings and AA in effect. You are simply dead wrong about this. The cheapest of computers may give you 80 fps at low resolution on the games of yesteryear, but your statement misrepresents the facts in order to give the illusion that you know what you're talking about.

Disabusing misconception #3 - all games do NOT support multi-core chips. Many popular games, including WoW, do not offer multi-core support (even 5+ years into release). One core is doing the work, so it better be a fast one. MMO's are also far more CPU intensive than the vast bulk of games - due to rapid network chatter and the need to track numerous other players in real time, particularly in order to support fluid, mass PVP. Knowledgeable players actually modify their registries to alter the way packets are sent and received for a minor advantage via reduced ping. Anything that reduces the load on the CPU is helpful - and this includes, in my experience, use of the X-fi.
Jun 15, 2008 at 5:18 AM Post #20 of 31
Just my 2 cents:

The sound quality gain from good soundcards/DACs so far outweighs the advantages of most X-Fi's, namely the EAX support and any processor offloading. Most games today don't use EAX, going instead with software sound engines (ex Source engine). And the trend keeps going towards more software engines thanks to motherboard sound. The only reason why I'd keep a X-Fi is if I'm a competitive gamer who happens to play one of the games that uses EAX.

Also there might be lower CPU usage from an X-Fi, but it's negligible on any recent computer in my opinion. It might take 1-3% more CPU on today's computers and the FPS hit will be very minimal.

All in all my experiences in upgrading from an X-Fi Xtremegamer to a EMU 0404PCI have been much clearer and snazzier sound, with the 3D positioning clues becoming obvious to the point of overexaggerated in some games. I guess that's just what happens when the soundcard doesn't muddle sound
I personally don't miss EAX one tiny bit.
Jun 15, 2008 at 5:33 AM Post #21 of 31

Originally Posted by skeptic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First - "softwares & computing" knowledge entails being able to figure out whether the xmod, in fact, bypasses your notebook sound card (serving as an independent sound card) or whether it is merely "automatic eq," whatever that means. I know the answer to this question, and I would surmise the 99% of the readers on this board know the answer to this question, and yet you seemingly have yet to figure it out.

I'll give you a hint, if you're not plugging the xmod into your soundcard - and if the xmod isn't using the output from the soundcard...the word bypass comes to mind.

Honestly though, do you really think that it's wise to be running your mouth with respect to the technical know-how of other head-fi members when you're unable to identify what is or is not an external usb sound card?


And unfortunately, this IMO applies to what his comments on other forums as well.
Jun 15, 2008 at 5:41 AM Post #22 of 31
^ From my experience, its totally different, going from non gaming soundcard to gaming soundcard makes a lot of difference, before this I use Prodigy HD2, its gaming perfomance is poor (I mean not the framerate but positional audio), no matter what kind of games I play, EAX or not
Jun 15, 2008 at 9:51 AM Post #23 of 31

Originally Posted by skeptic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Disabusing misconception #3 - all games do NOT support multi-core chips. Many popular games, including WoW, do not offer multi-core support (even 5+ years into release). One core is doing the work, so it better be a fast one. MMO's are also far more CPU intensive than the vast bulk of games - due to rapid network chatter and the need to track numerous other players in real time, particularly in order to support fluid, mass PVP. Knowledgeable players actually modify their registries to alter the way packets are sent and received for a minor advantage via reduced ping. Anything that reduces the load on the CPU is helpful - and this includes, in my experience, use of the X-fi.

Now you're the one spreading misinformation. WoW has supported multi-cores since 2006. Multi-Core Support Comes to World Of Warcraft

Now, its not in the same capacity as newer games that were designed to run on multi-core systems, but a lot of games support multi-core now, even quite a few older ones via patching. Intel and AMD were working on software that would allow games that didn't utilize multi-core to take advantage of the extra processing power. I don't believe they ever actually released them though, as there just wasn't enough need to (most games that it would've made a difference were patched).
Jun 15, 2008 at 3:01 PM Post #24 of 31
the CMSS-3D component of X-Fi should improve on Enemy's position theoretically.

I ll test it tonite & let u know
Jun 15, 2008 at 11:09 PM Post #25 of 31

Originally Posted by darkswordsman17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now you're the one spreading misinformation. WoW has supported multi-cores since 2006. Multi-Core Support Comes to World Of Warcraft

Now, its not in the same capacity as newer games that were designed to run on multi-core systems, but a lot of games support multi-core now, even quite a few older ones via patching. Intel and AMD were working on software that would allow games that didn't utilize multi-core to take advantage of the extra processing power. I don't believe they ever actually released them though, as there just wasn't enough need to (most games that it would've made a difference were patched).

Sorry - but that 2006 article reflects Blizz's initial attempt to implement dual core support which resulted in mass system hangs, frame rate issues, etc.

To my knowledge, there have been no confirmed reports or legitimate press releases stating that WoW supports/benefits from multiple cores - only that they have worked out some of the bugs so players with mulitple cores won't be crippled by them.

See: WoW Forums -> WoW Compatible with Dual Core?

As of February 08 - a Blizz rep "Drysc" stated that he "believes" that the WoW sound system benefits from multi-core, but he also acknowledges that there may be a continuing bug, capping fps for older multi-core chips.

Until the benefit of multi-cores for WoW is confirmed by something other than a single post, full of qualifiers, by a forum mod in a complaint thread, I wouldn't bank on seeing your frames jump on that basis.
Jun 16, 2008 at 7:26 AM Post #26 of 31
Any bugs with multi-core and WoW are likely minimal as there are a lot of people (plenty that I know of personally) playing it with no problem on dual core CPUs. Once you reach a solid baseline in WoW its difficult to improve performance because you're basically exceeding the ability of the game to sync with the server, and as such you're not likely to see better performance (and you'll still see slowdown, but not because your computer is slowing down). This is pretty low with WoW, and you'd have to be using a pretty old system for a sound card to make any noticeable improvement in performance. Pretty much every dual core CPU is high in single core performance and so it'd be more than capable of handling WoW (and so any gains from it using a second core would go unnoticed). In the case of Vista, the OS/Graphics system actually manages multiple cores on its own (although a game being designed with utilizing multiple cores in mind does a more efficient/better job of it). And, AMD did release the software that helps WinXP automatically manage processing.

It is a fact that multi-core CPU systems will be smoother overall (barring any bugs, which are rare and often quickly patched), and will certainly be better at improving smoothness of gameplay than an audio card (with the exception being EAX, and that is more or less because the software for running it is designed to utilize a sound chip).
Jun 16, 2008 at 8:56 AM Post #27 of 31
Without using it u have no rite to make judgements first of all.

I tried the XMOD with Counterstrike & let me tell u the Enemy's positioning is damn accurate with EAX enabled.

The Gunshots sound so realistic as if its all real.

And I get full 100 FPS even with XMOD which is USB.
So all the comments that claim X-Fi will reduce FPS is false.

Seriously...if a soundcard taxes your CPU then u really need to get yourself a new comp.

Most comps these days can Run Virus scan & manage games (of course exception is Crysis and other high end games)

Regarding the Sound quality of X-Fi i have already posted on other forum.
Jun 16, 2008 at 9:04 AM Post #28 of 31
I swear, why do you guys keep feeding the ignorant troll?

Now watch, Nocturnal310 is going to call me a troll for posting in his sacred thread of self-knowledge.
Jun 16, 2008 at 9:20 AM Post #29 of 31
So tell us where i am wrong than usual show of Supremus criticism
Jun 16, 2008 at 9:52 AM Post #30 of 31
lol I love how you edited your comment there

M'kay, here comes the battle of the egos. First of all, still remember your "tweak" in the Computer Audio forum of how to make sound better? Yes, amp the sound and make it loud! Bitrate, who cares, this loud sound is greeeat! By the way, this is also the thread where you get majorly "owned" by Duggeh and a few other Head-Fi members.


That thread alone wipes out so many other threads I could also quote (if you want though, I'll do so tomorrow), but most recently is your Xmod stunt. You ask questions about it, expect people to KNOW everything about it when clearly it is not a product that is aimed for high-end audio purposes, and then you report back, elevating it high standards, saying hwo good it is, and what it can do, being all technical when it's obvious you're spewing specs, but you aren't talking experience. "What?!" you're probably saying right now. "I have experience with the Xmod and you don't! 'Without using it u have no rite to make judgements first of all.'" I don't care about that Xmod now, the point is that you're being blinded by your rush into what you assume is high-end audio, when in the end what you are pursuing are gimmicks and cheap solutions to problems that cannot be solved that way.


See your post in that thread, #9. Here, I'll even show the whole thing:


Well i Bought it today....

What i can say is that the Low-bit-rate Mp3 songs are sound much much better than my crappy onboard soundcard.

For 320Kbps there is mild enhancement and with CMDSS-3D...the Soundstage is coming out well.

Although there are many better DACs out there but X-Fi XMOD is good for Mp3 songs

due to its low price u dont mind having it ..

but you wont notice big improvement on non-mp3 songs or if u have Amps.

Some quick observations:
1. The Lowest frequencies which are usually very sublte & dull appear richer & louder.

2. The Bass on Trance tracks is balanced out when connected via Speakers.

3. CMSS-3D is NOT recommended for Headphones IMO...more for speakers.

4. Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall (alternate version)
The gunshots appear at 4 spots instead of 2 when CMSS-3d is enabled... which means the Soundstage is slightly increased.

  1. Well, of course the Xmod will sound better than your onboard sound; it's bypassing your onboard sound completely and into its own chip
  2. "Although there are many better DACs out there but X-Fi XMOD is good for Mp3 song" What other DACs have you tried? And let me quote you again, what you said to darkswordsman17: "Without using it u have no rite to make judgements first of all." Making a science experiement with only a control and no other viable test options to compare it to, that's swell.
  3. "...but you wont notice big improvement on non-mp3 songs or if u have Amps." Of course not, the amps can go louder than it!
  4. "1. The Lowest frequencies which are usually very sublte & dull appear richer & louder." Because it's a cheap consumer item; of course it will focus on the bass and make it louder. Plenty of bloom and bloat down there too, I would imagine.
  5. "Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall (alternate version)
    The gunshots appear at 4 spots instead of 2 when CMSS-3d is enabled... which means the Soundstage is slightly increased." Oh dear God...do you even know what CMSS-3D and all that other gimmicky soundstage stuff actually does?

Yet again, you are focusing on gimmicks and ways to alter the sound, rather than make the music itself your first thought. Am I telling you what to think now? No, I am pointing out how in all the posts I've ever seen you post, all you do is ask or preach about cheap/quick solutions that can solve anything and everything (remember your recent topic asking about if there were such things as "perfect headphones"?), and you're doing it regardless of doing research yourself, and falling way short of actually understanding what you're provoking onto yourself and the other members. Members who are becoming frustrated by your behavior and attitude of ignoring all the tried-and-true information right here in front of you, and instead assuming you are always in the right no matter what.

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