Westone UM2
Jan 23, 2005 at 10:38 AM Post #16 of 17
yeah. the E5's are good, if my paychecks had lined up better i actually would have gotten drssyoon's E5's last month, but they don't give me the same feeling that the ER-4P's do. i can't wait to get xin's 75 ohm adaptor to really wring the last bit of sound out of them. well, i'm off to bed, it being nearly 6am where i am.
Jan 23, 2005 at 10:48 AM Post #17 of 17
I loved my UM2's when I had them. They were a great improvement over the er4ps. I also purchased them after hearing about how they might be better than the e5c's for my purposes. Finally, I just didn't find that much time to realy listen to music on my portable system, so I decided 300 dollars for a portable earphone wasnt worth it for me so I sold it and used it to fund for my new camera.

I didn't have any problems with the foamies, they never came off to easily and they were really comfortable compared to all the others i've tried.

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