Westone UM PRO Series Thread
Oct 24, 2014 at 8:59 PM Post #796 of 3,037
UM3X soundstage is poor for casual listening.  The drums and bass dominate front and center with everything around it.  But again, it's suppose to be that way as a stage monitor.  If people still like it that way for casual listening that is great.  I did for a long time.
Oct 24, 2014 at 9:17 PM Post #797 of 3,037
Kick drums and bass are usually mixed in the centre because in the old days, vinyls cannot handle it if the bass is not in the centre, they will skip so it was the norm to mix commercial music that way. Added the fact that low bass is non directional, it makes sense to have it in the middle. UM3x is just merely presenting what the mix is supposed to sound like, that's why they are excellent reference IEM IMO.

UM3X soundstage is poor for casual listening.  The drums and bass dominate front and center with everything around it.  But again, it's suppose to be that way as a stage monitor.  If people still like it that way for casual listening that is great.  I did for a long time.
Oct 24, 2014 at 10:54 PM Post #798 of 3,037
Kick drums and bass are usually mixed in the centre because in the old days, vinyls cannot handle it if the bass is not in the centre, they will skip so it was the norm to mix commercial music that way. Added the fact that low bass is non directional, it makes sense to have it in the middle. UM3x is just merely presenting what the mix is supposed to sound like, that's why they are excellent reference IEM IMO.

I couldn't agree with you more. 
Oct 24, 2014 at 11:20 PM Post #799 of 3,037
   I agree.  They are much smoother.  There is something about the upper midrange of all Shure IEM's than sounds "hornish"  or a little tough on the ears.
Someone else mentioned they never heard any IEM do instrument separation like UM3X.  I agree it is awesome but is that what you really want?  What I mean is that the UM3X's instrument separation really compartmentalizes the music and sort of boxes things in their own specific area.  Again, this is suppose to be this way because of it being a musicians monitor but still may not be natural.  You would never realize or hear this until you went to the next level.  I think the W-series still does instrument separation well but it's more natural and less boxy.

I am never sure if UM pro 30 would be the next thing to go for this reason. I have listened to UM2 for several years and wonder if UM pro 30 would sound too unnatural for me. Maybe i will find myself chance to listen to W30 instead.
Oct 25, 2014 at 8:00 AM Post #800 of 3,037
I am never sure if UM pro 30 would be the next thing to go for this reason. I have listened to UM2 for several years and wonder if UM pro 30 would sound too unnatural for me. Maybe i will find myself chance to listen to W30 instead.

The um pro 30 are definitely not unnatural. You should just demo a pair and be the judge. 
With pro 30 (um3x), you either love it or hate it. 
Oct 25, 2014 at 8:33 AM Post #801 of 3,037
   I agree.  They are much smoother.  There is something about the upper midrange of all Shure IEM's than sounds "hornish"  or a little tough on the ears.
Someone else mentioned they never heard any IEM do instrument separation like UM3X.  I agree it is awesome but is that what you really want?  What I mean is that the UM3X's instrument separation really compartmentalizes the music and sort of boxes things in their own specific area.  Again, this is suppose to be this way because of it being a musicians monitor but still may not be natural.  You would never realize or hear this until you went to the next level.  I think the W-series still does instrument separation well but it's more natural and less boxy.

Well that the reason why I enjoy them so much. I don't understand how you could consider the superior separation and the ability to compartmentalize each instrument as a negative aspect. 
It's more like a technical achievement!
Today I just sold off all my gear except my um3x. 
Oct 25, 2014 at 8:40 PM Post #802 of 3,037
  I agree.  They are much smoother.  There is something about the upper midrange of all Shure IEM's than sounds "hornish"  or a little tough on the ears.
Someone else mentioned they never heard any IEM do instrument separation like UM3X.  I agree it is awesome but is that what you really want?  What I mean is that the UM3X's instrument separation really compartmentalizes the music and sort of boxes things in their own specific area.  Again, this is suppose to be this way because of it being a musicians monitor but still may not be natural.  You would never realize or hear this until you went to the next level.  I think the W-series still does instrument separation well but it's more natural and less boxy.

Well that the reason why I enjoy them so much. I don't understand how you could consider the superior separation and the ability to compartmentalize each instrument as a negative aspect. 
It's more like a technical achievement!
Today I just sold off all my gear except my um3x. 

To me the instruments separation is one of the most important aspect of an IEM. I listen for the most metal (fast sub-genres like death) and rock. Especially for metal the ability to isolate and discriminate the different instruments is important to really enjoy the music which is somethimes really crowded of sounds.
Oct 25, 2014 at 10:48 PM Post #803 of 3,037
  The um pro 30 are definitely not unnatural. You should just demo a pair and be the judge. 
With pro 30 (um3x), you either love it or hate it. 

in addition to UM2, i also have a pair of GR-07 and Westone 2. I feel that I have bought too many pairs of IEM and refrain from buying a new pair unless I sell a pair of them. 
Oct 26, 2014 at 6:11 PM Post #804 of 3,037
Again it's really hard to describe.  Maybe someone can help me out.  I know we are splitting hairs here but really distinct instrument separation versus great distance between hearing different parts of the music ensemble and a natural panning from left to right front to back.
I believe there is a difference but maybe I am just blowing smoke or hearing things.  Anyone feel free to validate what I am saying or tell me I am talking about the same thing.
Oct 26, 2014 at 11:45 PM Post #805 of 3,037
With commercial music, most vocals and individual instruments were recorded close miked in mono in a studio and panned between the left and right channels. Sometimes, mostly with drum kits, a pair of overhead mikes are used to record the overall sound, then reverbs are added in to create the stereo space. Some engineers do it better, some less well but the 'soundstage' is mostly artificial. And to bind the mix together, 'glue', usually involves compressors and noise gates, is used to make it sound tight as a whole than individual instruments being banged in together loosely. Along with the loudness war, CDs are being mixed louder and louder until there are hardly any sonic dynamics left, and there goes the soundstage too, yes, you get the stereo allocation no problem, but not the sonic space unfortunately.

A good example would be Kings of Leon's Only By the Night, which was so heavily compressed and limited there were no dynamic range and hardly any sonic details at all, IMO, one of the worst contemporary CDs sonically, that didn't stop it being the best selling album in 2008. But to the record companies, it doesn't matter how it sounds, it's more important how it sells.

Lots of ppl claimed vinyl records sound better, they are not technically, but maybe the mixes are, as it's physically impossible to master a vinyl record too loud. And with a lot of analogue media, sometimes the distortions and phasing can make the music soundstage sound wider than it actually is, same with valve amps.

Again it's really hard to describe.  Maybe someone can help me out.  I know we are splitting hairs here but really distinct instrument separation versus great distance between hearing different parts of the music ensemble and a natural panning from left to right front to back.

I believe there is a difference but maybe I am just blowing smoke or hearing things.  Anyone feel free to validate what I am saying or tell me I am talking about the same thing.
Oct 27, 2014 at 8:55 AM Post #806 of 3,037
I just got the UM Pro 50's and unfortunately, I'm disappointed so far. I have Westone 4R and was looking for something different, but still an overall upgrade. The problem I am seeming to have is...the left driver seems to be lower in volume and lacking detail. I thought it was the wiring or my connection to my Fiio X3, but crossing the channels results in the same thing. It's really weird when the right side sounds detailed and the left side sounds like crummy stock earphones.
I am hoping this issue somehow fixes itself. I have only been listening to it for about 10 minutes now, but I really don't want to deal with the hassle of shipping back. I am on an exchange program in South Korea so shipping will be a little slower, and I will have to deal with customs declaration.
Oct 27, 2014 at 9:08 AM Post #807 of 3,037
Try moving the mmcx connector on the ear monitor itself, to improve the contact...
I sometimes have this as well and turning it left and right a bit helps to improve the contact between the monitor and the cable. Contact cleaner or Pro Gold may help as well...
Oct 27, 2014 at 9:15 AM Post #808 of 3,037
Try moving the mmcx connector on the ear monitor itself, to improve the contact...
I sometimes have this as well and turning it left and right a bit helps to improve the contact between the monitor and the cable. Contact cleaner or Pro Gold may help as well...

It doesn't appear to be helping. Like I said, I tried switching the channels so I removed and re-connected both the left and right pieces. I have not had an issue with the right side yet. It's a shame because judging by the right side's sound, I'm liking it more than the 4R. If only I could get the left side to cooperate...
Oct 27, 2014 at 9:19 AM Post #809 of 3,037
Try burning it over the night, but it's not looking good so far, I smell a lemon.
Oct 27, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #810 of 3,037
It doesn't appear to be helping. Like I said, I tried switching the channels so I removed and re-connected both the left and right pieces. I have not had an issue with the right side yet. It's a shame because judging by the right side's sound, I'm liking it more than the 4R. If only I could get the left side to cooperate...

I would also check for any obstructions in the affected driver.... earwax isn't uncommon... if clear from any obstructions then I suspect a faulty unit.... 

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