Having used the bluetooth cable for the past 4+ months (since its release) on my W60, I can say I like the bluetooth cable a lot. The sound quality is very similar to using the MFI cable. The only downside I have noticed is that 3-5 times per week (I use them daily on my commute to/from work) I notice the sound breaks out for 1/2-1 sec. Not a huge deal, but slightly annoying.
Also, the battery probably last 4-5+ hours (not actively tested it, but I tend to like to charge things before they run out of battery). I would also prefer if there is an announcement of the battery % or some type of indicator so you have an idea. But only some of the Bluetooth Earbuds have those (I think Jays F5 does).
I also have several other pairs of Bluetooth headphones I use/tried (I tried Jays F5 Freedom - don't like the fit of the headphone, returned it) and Beats Wireless 2 (the old version). I prefer using the Westone Bluetooth for daily commute and light jogs. For races or when it rains I prefer using the Beats since it appears a bit more durable and I don't care as much on damaging it since it's cheaper.
Overall, I am happy I can use a high-end headphone wireless. The downside for this things are:
1) price (it's expensive, you can buy a decent Bluetooth headset)
2) size is slightly bulky (with the 2 sides hanging down) - but I don't have issues using it for running
3) Battery - wish it's longer
4) Occasional skip