Westone 3's and the Sibilance/Tips Issue
Jan 14, 2009 at 8:54 PM Post #16 of 72

Originally Posted by moseboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For $400, the question as to whether or not that pair of earphones will hurt someone's ears when they listen to them shouldn't even exist.

Exactly. Not to put words in your mouth, only to clarify: I think Moseboy is referring to the 'phones with their SOUND, not with their FIT. Again, I think it's really important that the two are separated. It's entirely possible that some people are not going to get a good fit with the tips provided with any given IEM. As someone posted above, I think all that manufacturers can reasonably be asked to do is provide a nice assortment of tips that will be comfortable for the vast majority of people.

If it's the perfect fit someone is after and they can't find it within that reasonable assortment provided with their phones, there are options. They can try tips from another manufacturer, or more drastically, have custom molded tips made.

But again, we're not talking about FIT here, we're talking about sound. I get that they are somewhat related. But if they are TOO related, it might just be indicative of a bigger problem.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:00 PM Post #17 of 72

But again, we're not talking about FIT here, we're talking about sound.

People who got sibilance problem, like myself, talking about not getting the correct sound with best fitted tips! Short tips! Who does want to use those horrendous, uncomfortable and long triple flanges, when a very comfy short tip gives them a wonderful seal and fit?
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:05 PM Post #18 of 72
And we tell this not to blame great Westone. We want some solution for sibilance. If Westone does not provide it, we try to find one ourselves as they have magical sound without sibilance. After paying 400$ we have to find solutions for ourselves. Well I am not complaining and trying to get a custom sleeve as I like it. But I do not know majority of people, who have the problem will accept it, being the minority of Westone users.
But I give full credit to Westone for designing this wonderful IEM and take my hat off. Just because it sounds good. Not because I swear by WESTONE name.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:10 PM Post #19 of 72

Originally Posted by spleisher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exactly. Not to put words in your mouth, only to clarify: I think Moseboy is referring to the 'phones with their SOUND, not with their FIT.

Oh yeah, thanks. I was referring to their sound: whether or not they will hurt your ears because of sibilance.

Editing that post now....
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:35 PM Post #20 of 72
IF, you are referring to the Westone Sound, then isn't it simply the Westone sound Sig? If that's the case theres really no discussion to be had.... its just the sound signature that Westone wishes to have their name associated with. Like Shure and their own sound sig.

So if thats really the issue, then yeah no prob I agree... no real
problem or questions except one.

Do you like the Westone Sound Sig?
-Accepting the sibilance as part of it.

You can't really say, I LOOOVVEEE the sound, but I hate the sibilance, when who knows, the sibilance may have been a tradeoff for a better mid and low end. Take it all as it is. Do you like it or do you not? If you don't then send it back/sell it w/e.

I thought the problem based on the initial post is that:

"Here's my point: For the sake of argument, let's assume that it is true that a lot of people are hearing sibilance in the Westone 3's, and that it is also true that it can be mostly resolved with experimenting with tips."

-from my understanding, the tip issue lead to the sibilance issue (I wasn't aware sibilance was part of the sound sig even AFTER fiddling with tips) So my arguments were based on this. OBV if you meant something else then my arguments are baseless and worthless.

***But if you meant to say that you are questioning the SOUND of the W3's*** Then I don't think that this discussion should ever take place because the Sibilance is a PART of the W3 sound signature, and at the end of the day, you just have to take it as it is unless there's some magical way to alter the sound sig (in which case its nolonger the W3 sound sig).

I hope that's clear. If not let me know
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:40 PM Post #21 of 72
I may be wrong, but do you realize only one person in this thread actually owns the W3? That's other than me, of course, and I ain't commenting. Mostly just the usual Bobsy Twins. LOL.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:42 PM Post #22 of 72

Originally Posted by pdupiano /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you like the Westone Sound Sig?
-Accepting the sibilance as part of it.

See, but of the Westone 3 reviews that I've read, the extremely positive ones make a point of saying that there is no sibilance and no harsh highs. Thus, I personally am not sure this is the case.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:42 PM Post #23 of 72

Originally Posted by Spad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I may be wrong, but do you realize only one person in this thread actually owns the W3? That's other than me, of course, and I ain't commenting. Mostly just the usual Bobsy Twins. LOL.

Very true. I also dont have to get kicked in the nuts to know that it hurts.. I can see it in the face of my best friend after cheating on his gf.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:44 PM Post #24 of 72

Originally Posted by moseboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
See, but of the Westone 3 reviews that I've read, the extremely positive ones make a point of saying that there is no sibilance and no harsh highs. Thus, I personally am not sure this is the case.

Well, I'll get to audition a pair soon, I'll post my findings, but it would be meaningless because my impressions are just that -mine. But I do love the se530 sound sig and I can compare it to that.
Jan 14, 2009 at 9:52 PM Post #25 of 72

Originally Posted by pdupiano /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, I'll get to audition a pair soon, I'll post my findings, but it would be meaningless because my impressions are just that -mine. But I do love the se530 sound sig and I can compare it to that.

I love my SE530's sound signature too, but to me it's pretty far from ideal (for my ears. Hopefully I will like my next earphones even more: They should be here soon...). From what I've heard, coming from the SE530, you'll probably like the lows of the Westone 3 more, the mids a little less (apparently the Westone 3 has more recessed mids) and the highs more than the SE530.

You can also vote which one you like better here, and I'm actually kind of shocked where the polls stand as of right now:

Jan 14, 2009 at 10:08 PM Post #26 of 72
^ why is the poll shocking?? its obvious the westone will walk it. ask the same question this time next year and it will be much closer. the problem is alot of people have gotten rid of the shures to get the westone's so they are going to vote westone either way because they have commited to them, like i said however when the westone hype has calmed it will be closer i suspect.
Jan 14, 2009 at 10:13 PM Post #27 of 72

Originally Posted by jinx20001 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^ why is the poll shocking?? its obvious the westone will walk it. ask the same question this time next year and it will be much closer. the problem is alot of people have gotten rid of the shures to get the westone's so they are going to vote westone either way because they have commited to them, like i said however when the westone hype has calmed it will be closer i suspect.

I agree.. I wonder how many prefer W3's because they think its an SE530 without the cable issue.
Jan 14, 2009 at 10:21 PM Post #28 of 72

Originally Posted by jinx20001 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the problem is alot of people have gotten rid of the shures to get the westone's so they are going to vote westone either way because they have commited to them . . . .

So now you're impugning the integrity of anyone who switched from Shure to Westone and actually liked their W3?
Jan 14, 2009 at 10:35 PM Post #29 of 72

Originally Posted by Spad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So now you're impugning the integrity of anyone who switched from Shure to Westone and actually liked their W3?

not exactly no, but you must agree that being a proud new owner of the most hyped set of earphones in years sways your decision a little
Jan 14, 2009 at 10:49 PM Post #30 of 72

Originally Posted by jinx20001 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^ why is the poll shocking??

Woah woah woah, no, I was shocked that the SE530 has as many votes as it does. I expected the Westone 3 to tank it with how popular it is right now.

EDIT: And the Westone 3 pretty much was tanking the SE530... up until this week. I wonder what happened....

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