Websites with Zen Micro altoids case instructions?
Apr 3, 2005 at 4:31 AM Post #91 of 255
Another cool mod is to cut out a square for the screen and a slightly larger square out of a cd case. A little powerful glue and you have a viewing screen! Not particularly pointful, unless you happen to forget what song you're listening to, but your friends will be impressed.
Apr 3, 2005 at 4:33 AM Post #92 of 255
Oh, and DoNotBugMe:

I cannot believe you used a picture of the Green Goblin from that aweful movie. Even if you liked the movie, you must realize that he was one of the stupidest looking villains ever. Why didn't you avoid confusion and just stick in a picture of a power ranger?
Apr 3, 2005 at 10:00 PM Post #95 of 255
UltimateHammer. Use the edit button on your first post to make additions to your previous thoughts. Thanks.
Apr 9, 2005 at 6:05 PM Post #97 of 255
I know this is an Altoid tin thread... but i've managed to make a a crudely fitting case for my shuffle out of some gum tin from Starbucks.
First i cut a hole in the top using a craft knife (which i regretted instantly because of it's inaccuracy)
I then lined the inside with several layers of white felt until i could just get the shuffle in.
Et Voila! I just slide it in the top and it's held securely enough in there to make sure it wont fall out.

Pictures below.

Apr 9, 2005 at 7:26 PM Post #99 of 255
So it doesnt get crushed in my school bag + i was bored
Apr 9, 2005 at 9:01 PM Post #100 of 255
foam and padding can be bought at craft stores, hobby stores or both?? Where in the store would stuff like this be located?

and does tin snips work for cutting the altoid tin or should you not even mess w/trying to make one if you don't have a drill??

Apr 10, 2005 at 12:08 AM Post #101 of 255
I used tin snips. they cut through the case like butter. They arent that acurate so measure and mark where you want to cut before you go hacking away at the tin.
Apr 10, 2005 at 1:04 AM Post #102 of 255

Originally Posted by Cyclone
I used tin snips. they cut through the case like butter. They arent that acurate so measure and mark where you want to cut before you go hacking away at the tin.

how are the playing cards working out for you so far?
Apr 10, 2005 at 1:11 AM Post #103 of 255

Originally Posted by EBisky
how are the playing cards working out for you so far?

perfect, the erasers really make it secure so that the micro isnt sliding around all the time. It takes a bit of shaving and check and fit, but once you get it fit your set.

PS. Electrical tape is your best friend when making a zen micro case, it's the exact width of the tin's depth so you can put some black tape on the inside so the edges dont get scuffed up either. Not to mention you can just cover the case in black tape to give it that extra black nerdy feel.
Apr 10, 2005 at 6:12 PM Post #104 of 255

Originally Posted by Cyclone
perfect, the erasers really make it secure so that the micro isnt sliding around all the time. It takes a bit of shaving and check and fit, but once you get it fit your set.

PS. Electrical tape is your best friend when making a zen micro case, it's the exact width of the tin's depth so you can put some black tape on the inside so the edges dont get scuffed up either. Not to mention you can just cover the case in black tape to give it that extra black nerdy feel.

lol, guess I'll pick up some electrical tape while I am at the hardware store...I'll have to go elsewhere for a pack of cards..
Apr 10, 2005 at 7:02 PM Post #105 of 255
My altoids case has done more damadge to my player, than when i dropped it once, with scratches even with paper on the top the metal is weak and dents.

buy an actual case if you want protection from the creative site.

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