watch in theater or wait for DVD?
Dec 18, 2003 at 8:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45


Videographus Supremus:Makes audio cables using super-advanced materials, like "some clear tape" and "some not so clear tape."
Sep 4, 2002
I'm wondering how do you guys watch your movies. Frankly, my stereo sounds better and my screen is large enough (about 65"), I like my own food, and can press pause to go to bathroom. I don't really mind waiting for the DVD to come out.
Dec 18, 2003 at 8:34 AM Post #2 of 45
Home viewing all the way for me. I went to my first movie in about a year ("Mystic River") and my seat was too near to the screen, the screen projection was in uneven focus and the whole movie too damn loud. Consequently, I didn't like the movie or the experience much. I'd say 95% I'd rather watch a movie at home. The exception is the LOTR trilogy which I enjoyed on the big screen, but if I had a 65" (!) TV, I probably would have been just as happy at home!
Dec 18, 2003 at 10:08 AM Post #4 of 45
So ummm I watch DVDs at home......


but its really only because I'm too cheap to stomach $10 movie tickets. Besides, in a dorm, everyone has 10+ DVDs creating an amazingly large free lending system. Most convient.
Dec 18, 2003 at 12:25 PM Post #5 of 45
Even though I'm going to see LOTR this weekend, I prefer to watch at home.
I get a better picture & sound, I can pause it if I need to, I can lay down and get comfortable.

And I don't have to put up with the other jerks in the theater!

I went to see Star Wars Episode one when it came out.
This idiot behind me was yacking the whole time, bumping and kicking the seat, and chomping popcorn.

The last straw came when he said to his girlfriend "How could that kid be Darth Vader? He's just a kid."

At that point I had to turn around and explain the concept of a "Prequel" to the moron, and thank him for ruining the movie for us.

Yeah, I wait for the DVD's.
Dec 18, 2003 at 3:30 PM Post #6 of 45
Ermmm... Both for me.

Persoanlly I have a decent-ish HT system. 28" Widescreen, Pioneer DVD, Acoustic Energy Aego P5 surround system. Nothing really flash but I like it

I just love watching movies on that but there's something alluring about the cinema. It's an experience.

The think that I like about being at the cinema is that there is nobody around yelling for me to turn it down, no phones ringing constantly and people popping in and out to talk to me.
Dec 18, 2003 at 3:43 PM Post #7 of 45
I like our local theater. They have turned down the sound and if you pick off times you can get great seats. It is also nice to get away for an afternoon or evening. My wife and I normally visit the local small shops after a movie or stop for a bite to eat before we go home.
Dec 18, 2003 at 4:11 PM Post #8 of 45
I go to the theaters to watch the movies because I can't wait that long for a good movie to be released on dvd. After watching the movie in the theaters and if I feel that it was an outstanding movie, then I'll go out and purchase a copy when it comes out on dvd. The waiting period for a movie to be released on dvd is something I can't wait that long for.
Dec 18, 2003 at 4:40 PM Post #10 of 45
I have two kids 5 and under...need I say more?
Dec 18, 2003 at 4:46 PM Post #11 of 45

Originally posted by elrod-tom
I have two kids 5 and under...need I say more?

All the more reason to go to a theater. Get a baby sitter and go out for a quiet evening. Dinner glass of wine and a movie. Trust me it will be appreciated.

I remember when my kids were that age. We lived on a Navy base and had access to the base theater. Movies were 25¢ as was popcorn. The movies were not always new issue but close. My wife loved it to be able to get away from the noise and kids for a few hours.
Dec 18, 2003 at 5:50 PM Post #12 of 45
We only go to the theater with friends for sepcial releases like the LotR movies. For the price of two tickets and somepopcorn we can buy the movie on DVD when it it released and enjoy it many times over.

We are going to see LotR: RotK within a week or three down here, and I will buy the Platinum Extended Edition when it is released next year.
Dec 18, 2003 at 6:04 PM Post #13 of 45

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
We are going to see LotR: RotK within a week or three down here, and I will buy the Platinum Extended Edition when it is released next year.

Dec 18, 2003 at 8:09 PM Post #14 of 45

Originally posted by elrod-tom
I have two kids 5 and under...need I say more?

that never seems to stop people around here. everytime i go to a pixar flick, i end up wanting to kill off the suv-driving jersey yuppie parents along with their 3.5 screaming, whining kids. i commend you for sacrificing your own enjoyment for the good of the theatre's though.

i'm too impatient to wait for video, although lately the movies have been churned out to dvd rather quickly. i'm a big fan of midnight showings, but i also stay home and watch dvds till dawn on the weekends sometimes. it just depends on what i'm in the mood for. for instance, i saw kill bill three times in the theatre and when i get the dvd, i will watch it everyday.

not to derail the thread, but does anybody else disagree with the taboo of going to a movie theatre by oneself? i go often by myself and always enjoy it. i don't see the big deal really. i have no problem with sitting at home and watching a dvd by myself, so why can't i sit in a movie theatre and enjoy a movie by myself? it's a movie anyway. i go for the film, not for the social event surrounding it (though i also enjoy going with groups of friends).

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