watch in theater or wait for DVD?
Dec 20, 2003 at 4:18 AM Post #31 of 45

Originally posted by grinch
not to derail the thread, but does anybody else disagree with the taboo of going to a movie theatre by oneself?

Being the 'Billy No Mates' that I am I nearly always go by myself. I prefer it that way.

Occasionally my old man will go with me. We're off to see LOTR RotK on Sunday but I went yesterday on my own anyway.

Going on my own means that I get see what I want, when I want without anybody else complaining about my choice of movie. Plus, if I make plans to go see a movie with other people it usually ends up with unexpected events happening and the movie finishing before I get chance to see it.

So.... for me i'll go by myself whenever I want
Dec 20, 2003 at 7:29 AM Post #32 of 45
Advantage to going to a theatre: Screen size. This is the primary one for me. Projecting a dream image the size of a barn in an unfamiliar place lets me fall into the world the filmmaker is creating much more easily than at home. On video, the room has all sorts of things and associations with the real world, and it makes it more difficult to get into the headspace a movie world requires.

Disadvantage to going to a theatre: Other people. A woman staggered in to the theatre I was watching Seabiscuit at the other day halfway through the movie, and for the next 40 minutes proceeded to take popcorn out of her bag nearly as loudly as if she was doing her recycling. I have no problem telling people I can hear their conversations and asking them to hold them until after the movie, but there are myriad human caused distractions, and it is not possible to make humans (who are really just fidgety animals with big frontal lobes) stop doing what humans do all the time.

By the way, I thought Seabiscuit sucked before ole munchy walked in.
Dec 21, 2003 at 5:37 AM Post #34 of 45

Originally posted by mbriant
95% home theatre because of comfort (seating, sound, privacy, pause, etc.) I actually prefer the drive-in threatre to a regular theatre for the same reasons.

WOW, your drive-in has a pause function? Who gets the remote control? Is it randomly given at let's say the 100th customer to buy tickets?

Dec 21, 2003 at 6:14 AM Post #35 of 45
whoa. drive in theaters still exist?
Dec 24, 2003 at 6:08 AM Post #37 of 45
Definitely wait for the DVD. Then I get to see it on my computer monitor (so clean and clear it almost looks like CG) and listen on my headphones (WAY better than your average theater sound system).
Dec 24, 2003 at 8:16 AM Post #38 of 45

Originally posted by wallijonn
Just make sure that you do not go to see LOTR and drink the whole soda.

I had one in line, and 2 during the movie. Needless to say, I didnt stay to watch the credits.
Dec 24, 2003 at 9:00 AM Post #39 of 45
The theater is the way to go IMO. Right now it's only $2.00 per adult on base here but when we get back to the world I think it's good to see the early discount shows what with the high cost of tickets. DVDs are great for the ones you miss, the sleepers, ones you want to see again, and the oldies. Have not gone to the movies alone very often lately, but I did see Zatoichi alone one afternoon. Tomorow all movies are free and Kill Bill Vol. I is playing.

Dec 25, 2003 at 6:22 AM Post #40 of 45

Originally posted by mclaren20
I had one in line, and 2 during the movie. Needless to say, I didnt stay to watch the credits.

One large soda and after 45 minutes there would be no bends in my body; I'd be sitting as flat as an ironing board. Man, you must have a real big bladder. You must be a camel to be able to not walk out before the 3 hours are up.

I also make sure that I have had a full meal before going to the theatre. The last thing I want is salty popcorn.
Dec 25, 2003 at 6:43 PM Post #41 of 45
i wait for dvd, i wanted to watch lotr in threatre, but ofcourse, my family dont know how to have fun, and i dont have anyone to go with, cant afford it, and also cant afford to loose my hearing. i refuse to go to theatre or music show without an isolating headphone. also i rather not watch movie along with like 30 others people.

the coolest part about buying the movie is you can own it and turn down the volume. but yeah the screen size suck, a projector for my cmop would be so cool.

oh and you can make illegal vcd copy and give it to your friends.
Dec 28, 2003 at 5:35 AM Post #42 of 45

Originally posted by usc goose
i love going to the movies. and i tried going to see a movie by myself once. didn't really like it. come to think of it i don't really like watching movies by myself at home either. i guess i just like having people around in general.

You are never alone on the Internet.
Dec 28, 2003 at 5:38 AM Post #43 of 45
To recreate the movie experience, I need to get a recording of people taking cell phone calls, screaming infants (why do people take small children to R-rated movies), and of course, some 30 minutes of loud, rather tedious advertisements to watch before one can see the main feature.
Dec 28, 2003 at 9:46 PM Post #45 of 45
man do i hate movies in the theater !

around here they are way too loud by far , the comfort is non existant , and there are so many ill mannered knuckleheads ( the adults) that it is not what i consider an enjoyable night out for the rickster

But when my children were young i was obligated to take the little monsters to every single popular movie on the opening weekend , fighting the crowds-actually hoards of kids-and dealing with the madness at the food counter

Not to take them would be a social disaster at school where monday morning conversation would turn to the "latest" movie and yours could not participate because "mommy and daddy' didn't want to deal with the inconvenience

Thank gawd the little rascals are old enough to go it alone


95% home theatre because of comfort (seating, sound, privacy, pause, etc.) I actually prefer the drive-in threatre to a regular theatre for the same reasons.

our drive ins are a thing of the past ,gone.

many good times at the drivein in my youth

of course i never seen the actual movie

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