Warwick Acoustics APERIO and BRAVURA
Oct 20, 2023 at 10:50 AM Post #526 of 913
It’s worth checking out which firmware the Sonoma is on. I think the latest is v2.0, which does affect the volume attentuation. Right now, most of my listening is done at one notch past half-way. Occasionally, a few steps more, depending on the track, but for most tracks that is plenty loud for me.
it is a brand new device and i have the latest firmware v2.0 on it.

do you listen digital or analog? Dap or pc / laptop?
Oct 20, 2023 at 10:51 AM Post #527 of 913
it is a brand new device and i have the latest firmware v2.0 on it.

do you listen digital or analog? Dap or pc / laptop?

I am listening exclusively digital, through my iPad or iPhone most of the time.

I know that is a complaint I’ve heard before, though, so your experience is not an isolated experience.
Oct 20, 2023 at 11:17 AM Post #528 of 913
I am listening exclusively digital, through my iPad or iPhone most of the time.

I know that is a complaint I’ve heard before, though, so your experience is not an isolated experience.
what did the others do?
Oct 20, 2023 at 11:40 AM Post #529 of 913
It’s worth checking out which firmware the Sonoma is on. I think the latest is v2.0, which does affect the volume attentuation. Right now, most of my listening is done at one notch past half-way. Occasionally, a few steps more, depending on the track, but for most tracks that is plenty loud for me.
The Sonoma firmware can be updated??? do we know if there are any sonic differences?

I bought a used Sonoma system, so highly doubt it's updated, might have to redo my listening if the difference is big enough.
Right?! estats can often times be just analytical and technical, but the coloration of the Bravura WITH the speed really does make them great for most genres. Bass heads will likely want a bit more, but even as someone who enjoys a lot of bass myself (hence the reason for me owning the 64A A12t and the Monarch Mk3), the Bravura still attacks bass notes in a way that those can’t, albeit with less emphasis. That’s a trade-off I’m willing to take.
100% Nothing can match the Bravura's overall resolution + separation at that price & still be good for all genres. LCD-5 might be the next best with more bass, but I think there are better options if averse to EQ or don't want to optimize chain.

I honestly think Bravura is like a HEKSE (EQ'd) with resolution just maxed out (and different vocal placement). On the other hand, Susvara has refinements in realism and tone, but needs expensive chains to get bass texture and resolution to match Bravura.

Part 1 of my shootout:

I have owned all of these headphones concurrently:
: stock cable
Atrium: ZMF OFC cable
Utopia: Black dragon cable
Bravura: Full electrostatic system with Sonoma m1 energizer/DAC, connected to DAP with coax
HEKSE: stock cable with EQ (Poweramp EQ) If you are younger, far too bright without EQ; I can't listen to it without EQ. My EQ adds a tiny bit of bass and tames the highs.
LCD-5: ZMF OFC cable with EQ (Poweramp EQ), when the result is different I also compare the kilobuck cable viking weave ansuz (no EQ). I prefer no EQ + kilobuck cable! Without cable, I prefer my EQ, which adds a bit of bass, and adds to the 2 dips in upper mids/highs. if you don't want to customize your chain or try EQ, don't get LCD-5 IMO.

My ~$3k chain
: apple music on dx320 (using internal ROHM DAC to lineout on modded amp12exn-s module) -> iFi 4.4 to xlr cable -> iFi Pro iCan Signature (solid state). Approximating DAC price to other desktop DACs I know it compares to.
My DAP: apple music on dx320 with modded amp12exn-s (with opamp upgrades). Quite powerful class A amplifier, Similar to a ~$1.5 desktop chain.
Susvara ~$24k chain: extended listened to: Tidal -> unknown streamer -> Chord Dave -> AVM A 6.2 ($10k speaker amp) (unknown connecting cables, but easily kilobuck+)

I am not doing a ranking here, since I think words are more nuanced. for reference: amazing > great > good > ok > bad. Keep in mind these terms are relative to the headphones I am comparing. Also good/great means between good and great. If I don't specify chain, then that rating applies to all chains from DAP to my $3k chain.
money no object winner highlight
$3k chain winner highlight
DAP winner highlight

All edits to my original post are underlined!
resolution/separation (excluding bass):
Susvara - amazing+ with a ~$24k chain (dave+speaker amp), great/amazing with ~$3k chain, great on my DAP (incredibly, but rest of susvara suffers)
Bravura - amazing+
LCD-5 (probably a contender for top place will update after trying Chord Dave) - amazing+? with ~$?? chain, amazing with my ~$3k chain, good/great straight from DAP
Utopia - great with my ~$3k chain, good/great on my DAP
Atrium - always good
HEKSE - always great

instrument naturalness, most are ranges since it depends on the instrument:
Susvara - great/amazing on $24k chain (mid range shines), good/amazing on my $3k chain (lack bass impact), and ok on DAP due to sounding weird and lacking bass
Bravura - good/great: bass forward instruments won't have impact, realistic but never fully immersive
LCD-5 - good/amazing usually, but great/amazing with my viking weave ansuz cable. Especially drums and other bassy instruments
Utopia - bad/amazing metallic: amazing for some instruments, just ok for most instruments
Atrium - good/amazing, due to long decay it varies a lot for each instrument
HEKSE - good/great has impact and realistic but never fully immersive. EQ can't help instrument naturalness, as a matter of fact the loss of resolution makes it worse IMO

vocal texture + tone:
Susvara - great/amazing
Bravura - good realistic but never fully immersive
LCD-5 - good, but great with viking weave ansuz cable. (needs EQ or good chain for good vocal tone IMO, otherwise it's just OK tone)
Utopia - great/amazing
Atrium - great/amazing + lush vocals (may be positive or negative for each song/preference)
HEKSE - great needs EQ for good vocal tone IMO, otherwise it's just OK tone

vocal placement:
Susvara - usually in the background with instruments, but sometimes brought closer
Bravura - brought up front and close
LCD-5 - in the background with instruments
Utopia - in the background with instruments
Atrium - brought up front and close
HEKSE - in the background with instruments

stage size: EDIT: I will add stage shape soon!
Susvara - great
Bravura - good/amazing variable on track (heavy bassy tracks are closer)
LCD-5 - good, but good/great with viking weave ansuz
Utopia - good updated!
Atrium - good/great
HEKSE - amazing

energy level:
Susvara - chill/effortless: like mac & cheese, smooth and rich, can't stop eating
Bravura - in the middle: like pepperoni pizza, strong flavor but lowkey
LCD-5 - very energetic: like wagyu, amazing but how long can you endure the fattiness
Utopia - a bit energetic: like bacon, nothing crazy but noticeable
Atrium - mostly chill: like grits, mostly smooth but with punch at times
HEKSE - mostly chill: like mac & cheese w/ bacon, flavor pops more, but not as effortless as base mac & cheese

REMINDER: I am comparing LCD-5 (without kilobuck cable) and HEKSE with EQ! My implementation of EQ makes both positive and negative differences!

Susvara - on $24k chain: great/amazing. on $3k chain: great. DAP: ok
Bravura - good/great (might just feel that way due how stage is very left/right)
LCD-5 - on $3k chain: great/amazing, but incredibly amazing with viking weave ansuz cable. On DAP: good/great
Utopia - on $3k chain: great. DAP: good
Atrium - always ok/good
HEKSE - always good/great

bass texture/resolution:
Susvara - on $24k chain: great/amazing. on $3k chain: good. on DAP: bad
Bravura - great/amazing
LCD-5 - on $3k chain: amazing On DAP: great
Utopia - on $3k chain: great. DAP: good/great
Atrium - always ok/great: decay is great, resolution is not
HEKSE - always great

bass impact:
Susvara - on $24k chain: great. on $3k chain: ok/good. on DAP: bad
Bravura - ok (great for an estat!) but, depending on volume, very high bass impacts seem to "shock" the headset, which very slightly "muddies" those milliseconds
LCD-5 - on $3k chain: amazing. on DAP: good/great. Can suffer without EQ or right chain.
Utopia - on $3k chain: great/amazing. DAP: great Punchy!
Atrium - always great
HEKSE - always great

Susvara - on $24k chain: $30k. on $3k chain: $9k. on DAP equivalent desktop: $7.5k
Bravura - full system $6k
LCD-5 - on $3k chain with viking weave ansuz: $8.5k. on $3k chain: $7.5k. On DAP equivalent desktop: $6k
Utopia - on $3k chain: $7k. On DAP equivalent desktop: $5.5k
Atrium - on $3k chain: $5.5k. On DAP equivalent desktop: $4k
HEKSE - on $3k chain: $5k. On DAP equivalent desktop: $3.5k

-I think EQ'd HEKSE is very underrated a bang for buck option (remember not comparing stock HEKSE). I also think Bravura is an amazing all-rounder which is unbeatable for the price!
-I have tried my best to be music genre agnostic in this comparison!

In my part 2 of this review, I will compare all of these headphones in the following genres of music:
vocal heavy pop
"trashy" pop
progressive rock
choral and a capella
any other genres?
have some updates (underlined), mostly for HEKSE and Utopia
Oct 20, 2023 at 11:41 AM Post #530 of 913
Oct 20, 2023 at 11:55 AM Post #531 of 913
digital coax, using dx320 DAP
i did the same for 2 years with an Astell Kern device and sometimes with an imac and Audirvana software but with buying a Auralic Aries G1 and go in the usb port the sound changes dramatically(much better bass and separation and a deeper soundstage). I think best way is a usb connection with a great streamer.
Last edited:
Oct 20, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #532 of 913
i did. the same for 2 years but with buying a Auralic Aries G1 and go in the usb port the sound changes dramatically(much better). I think best way is a usb connection with a great streamer.
I wish I could, sadly apple music doesn't have lossless compatibility with streamers. (apple music only one with all songs I listen to) Perhaps iphone -> usb would be better?

I wonder if I'm on the the new firmware actually, my volume is usually between 12 to 2 o'clock.
Oct 20, 2023 at 12:02 PM Post #533 of 913
digital coax, using dx320 DAP
i do only have the wm1zm2 or tablett with uapp

i did the same for 2 years with an Astell Kern device and sometimes with an imac and Audirvana software but with buying a Auralic Aries G1 and go in the usb port the sound changes dramatically(much better bass and separation and a deeper soundstage). I think best way is a usb connection with a great streamer.
so when using tbalet / pc / wm1zm2 via usb cable... i need to life with the fact that 100% max sounds like 35% with any other dap?!
Oct 20, 2023 at 12:08 PM Post #534 of 913
All of the metal comments are making me excited to try my Bravura this upcoming week.
Oct 20, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #535 of 913
i do only have the wm1zm2 or tablett with uapp

so when using tbalet / pc / wm1zm2 via usb cable... i need to life with the fact that 100% max sounds like 35% with any other dap?!
I don’t know what’s wrong in your Hi-Fi chain but I had once the same problem when listening to Spotify and iMac via audirvana it was very silent. but after I changed the chain and upgraded to a good streamer and Qobuz it was loud enough for me(1-2 o’clock). 35 percent of other chains is way to silent and I guess there’s something wrong.
Oct 20, 2023 at 3:16 PM Post #536 of 913
All of the metal comments are making me excited to try my Bravura this upcoming week.
Bravura’s are very good for metal. They are amazing with progressive rock and glorious when listening to chamber classic music and jazz. they are just great alllrounders. listening to legion of the damned at the moment and they are so fast it’s just fun.
Oct 20, 2023 at 3:24 PM Post #537 of 913
All of the metal comments are making me excited to try my Bravura this upcoming week.
With the Aperio I have listened to 6:00 by Dream Theater and it was fantastic. It punched hard and very detailed at the same time. Another metal track that I listened was Stormcrow by Benediction and it was AMAZING it punched very hard, the double kicked drum had great body and thump, overall the whole energy of the song was incredible.

But so far my first wow moment with Aperio was when listening to Alter Bridge's Words Darker Than Their Wings Live with Parallax Orchestra, just at the end when Myles Kennedy hits those high notes, the 3D positioning is out of this world. He's right there in front of me a few meters away singing his heart out while the band and orchestra are behind him. It got me emotional not gonna lie.
Oct 20, 2023 at 3:28 PM Post #538 of 913
With the Aperio I have listened to 6:00 by Dream Theater and it was fantastic. It punched hard and very detailed at the same time. Another metal track that I listened was Stormcrow by Benediction and it was AMAZING it punched very hard, the double kicked drum had great body and thump, overall the whole energy of the song was incredible.

But so far my first wow moment with Aperio was when listening to Alter Bridge's Words Darker Than Their Wings Live with Parallax Orchestra, just at the end when Myles Kennedy hits those high notes, the 3D positioning is out of this world. He's right there in front of me a few meters away singing his heart out while the band and orchestra are behind him. It got me emotional not gonna lie.
How do you like the 1266 on wa33 compared with aperio?
Oct 20, 2023 at 4:27 PM Post #539 of 913
With the Aperio I have listened to 6:00 by Dream Theater and it was fantastic. It punched hard and very detailed at the same time. Another metal track that I listened was Stormcrow by Benediction and it was AMAZING it punched very hard, the double kicked drum had great body and thump, overall the whole energy of the song was incredible.

But so far my first wow moment with Aperio was when listening to Alter Bridge's Words Darker Than Their Wings Live with Parallax Orchestra, just at the end when Myles Kennedy hits those high notes, the 3D positioning is out of this world. He's right there in front of me a few meters away singing his heart out while the band and orchestra are behind him. It got me emotional not gonna lie.
6:00 clock sounds on bravura amazing too the whole awake album has the best DT production in my opinion.
Oct 20, 2023 at 7:13 PM Post #540 of 913
It seems like metal is the theme right now! I also just listened to some of the Avenged Sevenfold self-titled album from 2007. Fast, hard hitting, and lots and lots going on. As continues to be the case, the Bravura is effortless, with a good amount of impact. I am going through so much music it‘s ridiculous. Changing things up, I think I am going to be listening to the Hamilton broadway music soundtrack next.

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