VZR Model One
Sep 2, 2023 at 9:19 PM Post #408 of 451
Yeah, I’m considering a new cable, too. Anyone have suggestions? My OG cable has some wear and tear.

This is a response that I got from VZR in January regarding the same inquiry:

First, I'd like to thank you for your purchase. We appreciate your business.
At this time, with the proprietary design (due to the dual mic wiring), we're not aware of any replacement cables that allow for just the boom mic to operate.

We're investigating other cable designs and can let you know if we are able to offer what you are looking for.

Let us know if you have any other questions. We're here to help when we can.

Thank you,

Michel Henein
VZR, Inc.
Sep 3, 2023 at 9:52 AM Post #409 of 451
Anyone get some Crosstalk when using the extension cable that came with the VZR Model One? When using it on the PS5 my friends can hear themselves when I'm using it, but when I take off they can't hear themselves anymore.
Hi there, Mike from VZR here. Feel free to email me at michel.henein@vzrinc.com and I’ll help you out with this issue. Thanks!
Sep 3, 2023 at 9:54 AM Post #410 of 451
Sep 5, 2023 at 9:53 AM Post #411 of 451
I currently game on Xbox using AKG K702s connected to an Astro Mixamp, and use a Vmoda mic for chat. With Dolby Access being available in the Xbox Series X/S, the Mixamp seems less needed than in the past. I’m hoping to simplify my setup by using a VZR connected to the controller.

The K702s have tremendous imaging/soundstage for positioning in FPS gaming. Connecting them to the controller is ok but a bit underpowered. Everything I’ve read indicates the VZRs can be powered via the controller just fine. Am I wrong in assuming this?

Also, anyone happen to have any experience comparing the VZRs with AKG K702 (or similar open-back headphones)? I expect they sound pretty different, but curious in particular about how the positioning aspects compare.
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Sep 8, 2023 at 4:30 AM Post #412 of 451
I currently game on Xbox using AKG K702s connected to an Astro Mixamp, and use a Vmoda mic for chat. With Dolby Access being available in the Xbox Series X/S, the Mixamp seems less needed than in the past. I’m hoping to simplify my setup by using a VZR connected to the controller.

The K702s have tremendous imaging/soundstage for positioning in FPS gaming. Connecting them to the controller is ok but a bit underpowered. Everything I’ve read indicates the VZRs can be powered via the controller just fine. Am I wrong in assuming this?

Also, anyone happen to have any experience comparing the VZRs with AKG K702 (or similar open-back headphones)? I expect they sound pretty different, but curious in particular about how the positioning aspects compare.
The soundstage is competitive with an open back, but it’s very different at the same time because it’s more like a sphere than two planes
Sep 8, 2023 at 5:35 AM Post #413 of 451
So apparently I got a little carried away with the topping and hurt my jaw by wearing these basically all day, giving myself a case of TMJ 😂

It was a few weeks ago, when I had shiny new toy syndrome. It’s brutal at times but feels like it’s turning the corner.

What happened was is I basically were the cans all day, one weekend, including while eating dinner. I remember questioning my decision to keep them on while I ate, because I was feeling some discomfort I probably should’ve listened to that.

I’m pretty sure that there’s nothing to worry about in the future, as long as I don’t eat with them on again. It’s certainly not my first day with a super extended session with these, and won’t be my last, but I’m not gonna try eating with them on again.
Sep 8, 2023 at 1:46 PM Post #414 of 451
I ordered these a couple days ago and received them yesterday. I gave them a first pass last night playing Halo Infinite on my Xbox (Series S) connected to my controller. I use the Dolby Atmos app/driver on Xbox for surround sound virtualization and EQ.

First impression is very positive. Compared to my longtime AKG K702 + Astro Mixamp combo, the VZR Model One are much easier to drive. I had no issues with volume or clipping with these powered by the controller. (I was at around the midpoint on the Xbox's volume slider.) I didn't feel like I was listening to headphones optimized for 'hearing footsteps', but positioning was very natural. As one who loves the K702 sound I'm no bass head, but I really enjoyed the added atmosphere that the VZRs brought. Not at all muddy to me, but I can appreciate that those with experience in high-end setups would think otherwise. I may adjust the EQ in the low end as others have done, but for now I'm really enjoying the 'stock' Dolby Atmos gaming preset. Also I did not listen to music on the VZRs so can't comment there; for me these are for gaming first and foremost.
The soundstage is competitive with an open back, but it’s very different at the same time because it’s more like a sphere than two planes
Well said, I agree. Where these stepped up a notch for me vs the K702s are in the vertical positioning cues. Left/right and front/back are really good on both. I have not generally been able to discern much in the up/down with my K702s. The VZRs had a noticeable improvement there for me.

Build quality is top-notch, and I found the VZRs very comfortable. Clamping seems just right (baby bear) and the weight was not a factor. These have a self-adjusting headband that works well. Like the K702, which to me are amazingly comfortable, I didn't find myself fiddling with how the VZRs fit once I put them on.
Oct 2, 2023 at 12:45 AM Post #416 of 451
Listened to these twice at CanJam over the weekend and was shocked how inexpensive they were. The 2nd time was actually after my HE-1 session, which is like $60k. They had them on a Cavali tube amp, no idea of the model, and my test tracks were pretty bass heavy. First impressions were very positive and I forgot they were closed headphones. Very curious to spend more time with them and hear them on the Feliks Envy. Not a gamer at all.
Oct 7, 2023 at 6:07 PM Post #417 of 451
I talked with the guys from VZR at CanJam and told them that I loved the product but the bass was too strong and bleeding into the mids. They told me that they were already addressing the issue and handed me a revised Model One to try. I listened to the old model and then switched to the revised and was very impressed. It had a new cable, pads, and I think he said a driver tweak as well. They seemed to think the original cable is part of the problem. They offered to upgrade my early model (bought Sept '22) cable and microphone, but I decided to wait until the new pads are available.

Also I sent DMS their way. I'm hoping we can expect a review soon.
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Oct 7, 2023 at 11:13 PM Post #418 of 451
That would be an interesting watch, we need more audiophile reviews on these. I’m pretty interested in checking out these updates so I’ll have to get the ball rolling on it.
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